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96.29% Devils journey / Chapter 26: last relic, where Dust came from, and talking with a terrorist!

Chapter 26: last relic, where Dust came from, and talking with a terrorist!

they were thanking whatever god was above that the flight ended, the awkward atmosphere in the bullhead was just too much! Blake and Yang were sitting on the opposite sides of the bullhead, trying to avoid each other as much a they could.

Lucifer: see ya at Haven school, imma go and look around!

declared the devil as he walked away into the city leaving the teens...well almost all of them...

Ren: where is Nora!?

they all looked around but they didnt see her, not until Jaune, the blonde looser- err, i mean knight. spotted her head sticking out of Lucifer shoulder bag with a wide grin covering her face, seeing that he spotted her, she raised her hand and did a "shush" motion with her finger, by placing it to her lips. after that she very slowly lowered herself completely entering Lucifer shoulder bag...

Jaune: maybe she already went to the Haven academy?

he said as he tried to cover for Nora, and it worked! Ren who knew best how destructive she can be, sprinted to Haven academy not wanting to pay for any damages she can, and will do if he is not there to calm her. the rest of his team run after him and as for team RWBY...they just awkwardly split up, Yang being the first wanting to go into the city and walk into the nearest bar, Blake going in a random direction trying to find a calm place to read and both Ruby and Weiss just awkwardly walked to Haven academy together, both of them still not sure on how to feel with Lucifer and Blake "relationship"...

meanwhile, when this was happening Lucifer was already walking trough the city and trying to locate the nearest shop where they sell dust. at first he was a little interested when he heard about it, but that curiosity just got bigger and bigger as time went on and he started to learn more about it.

the name "dust" was actually invented by Ozpin in one of his reincarnations, and he explained to Lucifer why he chose that name. Once the Gods of this world destroyed the first human race, they all turned to dust...(A/N: so basically Thanos style) since the first wave of humanity had magic in them, it was not ordinary dust...IT WAS MAGIC DUST! one that covered the entire planet, well after all we are talking about the whole of humanity...and that dust was absorbed into the earth and after a LONG time changing into Dust basically humans are using dead humans as ammo in this world...

(A/N: this is not cannon, its a theory believe is true on the origin of Dust)

Dust is a simple crystal-like material that holds the power of elements inside it, with the most impressive being "Gravity" and "Light" elements in his opinion. the Gravity dust could be seen in action all around the world as there were natural floating islands thanks to it, although not as big as Atlas but it was to be expected...Lucifer didnt even want to think how much of that dust would be needed to make and entire kingdom float...

anyway, the one having the light element it in was curious, once used with right technology, you can use this to create structures made out of "Hard Light" it was mostly used as a shield, or to throw projectiles made of hard light at the enemy but Lucifer saw a certain possibility with that Dust...

after walking a little he finally noticed one as he saw what he assumed was a huntsmen walking away, while carrying a dust vial, he casually walked inside and saw something that truly weird him side of the store was entirely dedicated for ammo, guns, knife's, and other weapons. The second half of of the store was the most normal thing one could expect when walking into on, some snacks, bread, canned food, vegetables, fruits, etc.

this place was a weird combination of a gun shop and a local food store, and it was seriously making Lucifer uncomfortable...he wanted to burn this place to the ground, thats how badly it looked! well anyway he greeted the man behind the counter and went to grab some snacks. To buy dust you need a huntsman ID, or an huntsman school ID...he didnt have any of those...

he grabbed a can of soda and bag of chips, and took it to the counter.

Lucifer: these please.

he said and then pointed his finger at something behind the cashier.

Lucifer: oh, and also one of these...

as the man turned around to see at what Lucifer was pointing at, Lucifer grabbed him by the hair and threw him outside of the counter just beneath his feet, with one kick to the head the cashier was knocked out cold! Lucifer then walked to the "Huntsmen" only part of the shop and took samples of every different kind of Dust he could find. once he put them into his shoulder bag and entered the door behind the counter to erase all the video that the cameras had captured, he took the can of soda and Chips and exited the store.

he wanted Dust and couldnt buy it legaly so he had to steel it, true he could get one from the black market, but he first needs to learn where the "underworld" part of the city is, and to be fair, it would cost way to much then the legally bought Dust anyway so it would be simply not worth it. Knocking out the cashier and stealing the Dust is easier...

okay, since now he had Dust...time to go get the thing he really is here for...BOOKS!!!

he inhaled a large amount of air and said

Lucifer: i can smell them!

kicking the ground he took away sprinting in the direction of the smell...the smell of beautiful, amazing books...HE NEED THEM!!!

when he finally arrived the door of the bookstore was literally kicked away from its frame much to to the shop owner anger, but his mood quickly changed when Lucifer literally threw all his Lien at him.

well anyway, our hero Satan put a copy of every book that he bought into his shoulder bag and as he walked off the store he saw something interesting...a faunus guy kicking some human guy, so he could save another faunus guy, that was being bullied by that human that faunus guy, that is kicking the human guy, is starting to get pretty intense with that human guy he is kicking...

(A/N: yes that was intentional.)

But i guess it was normal considering that the faunus guy, that is kicking the human guy, wears a white fang clothes.

Lucifer: aim for the ribcage, it will kill him faster if one of his ribs are piercing his lungs or heart!

he yelled at the white fang guy who in return gave him a confused look, completely baffled that someone would say something like that is this scenario

White Fang guy: who are you human?

Lucifer: my name is Lucifer, also i can see that you skipped on leg day, that is way to many kicks for him to be alive

he looked at the bloodied man who was weakly yelling for help, but everyone except Lucifer had already left screaming about "white fang attacking" or something like this...why was this guy even walking thought the streets in his white fang clothes? that's literally the same thing as screaming "IM A TERRORIST! I WILL KILL YOU!"

Lucifer: why are you in your cult clothes?

he asked seriously wanting to know why he chose these clothes to walk around in public, but the Terrorist took this offensively

White fang guy: the White fang is not a cult!

hearing him Lucifer raised his eyebrow

Lucifer: dont you ALL have the same exact uniform?

White fang guy: yes, but-!

Lucifer: and ALL of you are motivated by the fact that Humans are pure evil, meaning that they are basically devils?

White fang guy: they are!

Lucifer: and also have super secret meetings in late in the night

White fang guy: w-well

Lucifer: and i also heard about some human sacrifice rituals, y'know the good stuff, like burning them at the stake or the classical piercing them trough the heart with a sacrificial dagger, right after a healthy dose of rape.

White Fang guy: oh, my Oum we are a cult...

he said making his face like he just learned he was adopted, hearing the sound of sirens brought the white fang soldier to reality and he started to run into an alley


he yelled at him, after hearing Lucifer the white fang soldier turned around and yelled back


OOoooohh...okay that makes sense, but also sounds incredibly disgusting...

having done everything he wanted to do, Lucifer walked to Haven academy with the intention to get the last relic and get this job done.


okay i know im 1 day 4 hours late, but i didnt have any strength to write yesterday because i didnt sleep at all

also this chap has 500 words less then i promised but thats because i had to delete that part of the story, Why? becouse it sucked more then all the bad chapters of every story that i wrote so far (so basically every chapter of every story) and not wanting to make this novel a bigger piece of crap then it already is, i simply deleted that part

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