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85.18% Devils journey / Chapter 23: casual dating? yeah, sure why not.

Chapter 23: casual dating? yeah, sure why not.

okay before I'm going to start this chap i want to say something that will probably make at least one of you my dear readers drop this, but i would like to ask of you to at least hear me out ok?

i have been thinking what will happen in the DxD universe and i got a plan...Issei will die...

but not permanently...

he will die multiple times, he will be Literally burned in hell, get his muscles teared apart, his bones broken and of course he will die more then once

i do this not because i hate his character (that doesn't mean i like him either) but because that what Lucifer would do, when training someone! he is the lord of hell

i showed the "soft" side of him and i think i will try to show that he is still someone worthy of the tittle of "the devil" in the many worlds that will come after RWBY

anyway what im trying to say...he will train Issei and give him mental trauma and a LOT of it, but he will not let him stay dead. Issei will be his student and thats final

if your hate for this character is so large that you think that letting him live in a fan fiction is enough to drop it then all i can say is "it was nice having you, thank you for reading this and goodbye"

i am saying this because i dont want comments that say "get rid of him", "kick him out of the story" or something similar when the DxD comes, so im giving you a warning.

okay lets start the chap!!


the Queen of Grimm and Cinder were left gobsmacked...if what the boy has said is true then they were standing in front of "the king of hell"!

Cinder was actually doubting that what he said was true but kept quiet because she knew that this boy...devil has the power to kill her, he already showed that he is capable of it when he win against her, Emerald and Hazel...

speaking of Hazel, the large beast of a man rushed into the room while swinging the door open, his breath was distorted and the entire left side of his face was either red or purple...that was one mighty slap that Lucifer gave him

Hazel: My Queen! there is a intru-

the man stopped as he saw the "intruder" sitting there enjoying his Tea while Salem was on the other side of the table and looking at him with a deadpan stare

he looked at Lucifer and then at Salem who was still looking at him with the same face as before and finally he looked at Cinder who was shaking her head left and right with a panicked look on her face

without saying another word he slowly closed the door making it creak. when the door was closed Salem finally spoke with the most flat voice she could

Salem: im surrounded by idiots...

Lucifer: if you think thats bad, then you dont know how working with Azazel is like...

hearing him say that, Salem looked at Lucifer with a curious look while he shuddered as he remembered the things his "brother" did when he got bored

by far the most weird thing he ever did was that incident with a a s*x doll, a cow, and a bunch of grilled matter how long he thought about it he still didnt understand how it was possible to make the cow do that...

the rest of the day was spend with Lucifer telling Salem about how working in hell is like and how much of an annoyance is Azazel. when he left to go back to Atlas both Salem and Cinder were left with the most biggest headache that they ever felt in their lives

Salem: ughh, i think i will go to sleep...tell the rest that they are not to attack and in any way offend Lucifer the next time he show up

Cinder: yes mistress

Salem: that reminds me. why did you attack him? sure you may not know him but that doesnt mean that you should immediately attack him.

Cinder: im sorry mistress, but the way he entered make it seem like he was an enemy

Salem: and how did he enter?


ah~, what a peaceful day it is! the grimm are growling, the sky is dark, and the air smells like sh*t! a normal peaceful day in the land of darkness! what can possibly ruin this?...well an exploding front door is one thing for starters...

hearing an explosion the residents that were in the hearing distance immediately went to check what happened and what they saw, was a teenage boy with three set of wings and horns sticking out of his head

Lucifer: hello there~ is Salem home?

---end of flashback---

it barely took half an hour to get back to atlas. he landed on the roof of the academy and changed into his "human form", his armor replaced by jeans, a hoodie and sunglasses. he then casually walked to his room...or at least he tried to as he walked to his room but someone stopped him

Lady: and may i know what you are doing here?

asked a lady in a military clothing, probably one of the teachers here, this is a military/huntsman school after all...

Lucifer: walking?

Lady: Students are not allowed to wander thought the school halls after 21:00

Lucifer: good thing im not a student

he said as he now looked at the Lady and started to..."appreciate" her "looks", his eyes wandering further and further from her face and more onto her body which was not noticed by the lady as Lucifer was wearing sunglasses even though it was dark

Lady: ah, you must be one of those "visitors" from Beacon. Even if you are not a student, you must fallow the school rules if you are staying here.

she said with a strict voice, one that didnt left any rooms for arguments

Lucifer: well, im a little bored and not particularly tired, so i went for a little walk

Lady: that is not a good reason to break the school rules!

Lucifer: well, im sure that if you come to my dorm with me i will not be able to exit until morning~

those curves, those legs, that slim figure! more over that Military Suit really made a good job making her more sexy then she normally is, she looked better then the entire team RWBY combined! Lucifer at this point has been consumed by the Sin of Lust

Lady: h-how, shameless! you better hurry to your dorm before i inform the headmaster about thi-

Lucifer: but to be honest, doing it on the bed is so boring...

he said as he took a step toward the Lady and she took a step back

Lady: young man! i advise you to stop this befo-

Lucifer: i saw a classroom on the way here...

at this point Lucifer has pinned her to the wall, he then moved his head and whispered to her ear

Lucifer: how about we do it there~

his voice made her body shudder with pleasure, she could feel his breath on her skin thats how close he was

Lady: Thats it! you are in trouble young man!

---5 minutes later---


---one sex scene later---

Lucifer: shame that she passed out after 4 hours...

he said to himself as he was once again walking to his dorm. it was 01:00 right now, or at least thats what Lucifer internal clock was telling him

when he got to his dorm he wanted to get a book and read in peace but apparently a certain black haired cat girl had other plans.

Blake was laying on his bad with a book on her hand apparently reading to pass the time when she was waiting for him. when she saw him, she closed the book and did something to her kimono making it fall and showing that she was not wearing anything underneath

Lucifer: round 2 i guess?

Blake: i will make you submit

Lucifer: dream on, kitty

---one hot steamy sex scene later---

(a/n: no lemon, Suffer)

the night was as wild the last time they had sex if not even wilder to be honest. once again both of them were completely exhausted barely able to move

Blake: one day you will submit

she said as she had a hard time breathing

Lucifer: never!

he replied while also breathing heavily, he still didnt understand how can a mortal bring a superior existence like himself to such a state and to be honest he doubted that he ever will

Blake: Lucifer...

Lucifer: hmm?

Blake: what are we?

he felt confused by her question, wasnt it obvious?

Lucifer: friends with benefits, f*ck buddies or whatever else you want to call it

she fell silent after that, seemingly thinking about what Lucifer just said...

meanwhile Lucifer was thinking who would win the battle between a bunch of piranhas and a shark, you know, guy stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Blake: hey.

Lucifer: yeah?

Blake: are you into casual dating?

Lucifer: yeah sure, why not?

if its a Relationship without obligations then he can do it, what he doesnt want is to have a proper relationship, like boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife, so he doesnt have any problem with casual dating

Blake: cool, we are doing that then

Lucifer: ok...wanna go to the shower first?

Blake: gladly

as she went into the shower Lucifer decided to wash himself with magic and went into the cafeteria to eat something

while this was happening Yang decided to visit Lucifer and entered into his dorm.

Yang: LUCI~ how are- oh he is not here. maybe he went to the cafeteria?

Blake: thanks for the night Lucifer i will go now-

she said as she exited the shower wearing her casual cloths. when she saw Yang her entire body froze...she watched in horror as Yang hair started burning and her eyes turned red. the safest way to exit the room was the door but Yang was blocking that only leaves...




Yang: you b*tch...

hearing her voice, chills run down Blake spine and without a slight hesitation she yeet herself out of the dorm window. she didnt care if she broke her legs...broken legs from a fall are way better then broken everything from yang punches....

well all that aside, when Lucifer was done eating he felt his scroll vibrating and saw that Flaccidwood has send him a message saying to go into his office and that its about the Arc reactor

he shrugged and started to went into the Headmaster Office

Lucifer: you called me?

without saying anything the headmaster grabbed something under his desk and placed in on top. it was the relic of creation a golden staff with the same light blue crystal material on top that acts as a blade on the relic of destruction

Ironwood: the arc reactor creates an acceptable amount of energy. a deal is a deal...

Lucifer: how did you take out the relic? i thought that it was locked and only the maiden can open the vault

Ironwood: she is in the hospital, she is rather old and we are keeping her alive, when its needed we open the vault with her, she of course is on a wheelchair when that happens

he nodded his head at the explanation and then took the relic but before he could hide it into his shoulder bag Ironwood grabbed his arm

Ironwood: if you do anything that would harm Atlas or the rest of Remnant then-

Lucifer: you shoot me, yeah, yeah, sure. can i go now? i still have one more relic to colect

and with that said Lucifer shook the General hand of him and put the relic into his shoulder bag much to the General confusion as how something so small can fit something so big...

(a/n: i am trying my best to not make a loli hentai joke....)

when he exit the headmaster office, he took out his scroll and send a message to team RWBY and JNPR that they are leaving in an hour.

Lucifer: one more and the job is done...

[you have mail!]

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