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66.66% Devils journey / Chapter 18: Damn mongrel

Chapter 18: Damn mongrel

Im sorry that i didn't post a new chap yesterday, i had something important to do.

But there is good news! I took a break from my main fanfic and I will get more time for this one! This of course does not mean that I will post a new chap every day but there will be more than one a week.

also, next chap in a couple of hours


Both team RWBY and JNPR were walking trough the tropical-like forest of the island, led by none other than Lucifer himself.

Weiss: weird...

Blake: yup...

Ruby: huh?

Jaune: what are you two talking about??

When both of the teams saw their team leaders confused all of them had a different reaction. Weiss just facepalmed while letting out a grunt, Blake looked at Ruby and let out a sigh, and Yang walked up to her Half-sister (Ruby) and lightly bonked her on the head.

Ruby: hey! What did i do?

As for Jaune and his team...

Ren looked at Jaune with a blank stare, Nora made a face that was saying "bruh. Really?", and Pyrrha let out a quiet sigh but there was also a gentle smile on her face

Jaune: what?

He asked when he saw his team looking at him like that

Ren: Jaune, where are we?

The face that Jaune had was showing confusion, he didn't know why Ren had asked him that question but answered anyway

Jaune: on an island

Weiss: exactly you Dunce! we are in the wild! The nearest trace of civilization is miles away! This place should be crawling with grimm!


Nora: Luci made a butter field!

Lucifer: bounded field...

Nora: yes, butter field! y'know magic and stuff! didn't you hear him when he was explaining it?

No he didn't, he was to busy getting flustered by seeing Yang do poses while in her bikini, and judging by Yang confused face she was to busy doing posses and trying to seduced Lucifer and also didn't hear him explaining about the barrier he made...or, so they thought...

in reality, he didn't made any kind of barrier...the grimm were the creatures of darkness, and he was the king of evil and darkness. Trought the entire night he was letting out little bits of his Prana outside his body, letting the grimm know that he was there and that they should keep their distance...

and so they did, they are still doing it now! Lucifer didn't want to deal with any grimm, so he was still scaring them off

And to be honest, he also dint want to deal with the explanation of why did the grimm not attack him...

Even without him releasing his prana they could feel that Lucifer was a creature of Darkness himself and would just ignore wait...he was the king, so they would bow just like Salem did...yeah, trying to explain why grimm ignore you would be easier than explaining why they bow to you...

Lucifer: its probably because of the relic

all the teens turned their heads toward Lucifer who now a "thinking pose".

Lucifer: it is not know why, but the relics are capable of attracting the attention of the grimm

it was half-truth.

it was true that the relic can attract the grimm but that was not the reason why they were not showing up. as it was said before, the real reason for the grimm absence was because of Lucifer, but they didnt need to know that...

when they heard him all of them made an "oh." expression and let the knowledge sink in.

Weiss: wait...

said the ice queen

Weiss: doesnt that mean that if we take the relic we will be chased by grimm for the rest of the journey?

she asked, everyone except Lucifer horrified at the thought.

without saying anything Lucifer walked up to Weiss and raised up his shoulder bag

Lucifer: put your hand in it

Weiss: w-why?

she let out a stutter as she saw Lucifer so close to her (A/N: bruh, he isn't THAT close! Why are ya blushing?) unknown to them and the rest of the group, Blake shoots an annoyed glare at Weiss.

Lucifer: just do it

quickly recomposing herself, Weiss did as Lucifer said and put her hand into the opened shoulder bag, only to her surprise not feel anything, no matter how far she reached all she felt was air! but...the weirdest thing was...

Weiss: how?

no matter how much she looked at it, she couldnt comprehend what she is seeing...her entire arm has gone right into the shoulder bag that Lucifer was holding, nobody could understand what they are seeing, it just doesnt make any sense...

Lucifer: its a special shoulder-bag. its infinite i can hide everything there, and in fact i already have a relic there

he said as he got the ice queen arm out, and put his hand in it himself, after that he took it out and showed that he was holding a golden crown decorated with light blue gems

Lucifer: as long as inside we will be safe

Weiss: put in back you dunce!

she screamed at Lucifer, fearing that the relic will make attract grimm. seeing this Lucifer rolled his eyes and put the relic back into the bag.

Lucifer: dont worry snowflake i got it, and even if, im sure you would be able to handle it

and with that said Weiss blushed again!

Weiss: d-dont call me that!

and she went into tsundere be honest, she liked the nickname it was way better then "ice queen"

as the group resumed their walk Weiss suddenly felt a arm wrapping around her shoulders, when she checked who that is she saw that its none other then her teammate Yang Xiao Long

Yang: hey "Snowflake" how ya doin~?

she said with with a venomous but also somehow sweet voice, her face had a gentle smile and glowing red eyes...wait! red eyes!

Weiss: h-he, you know...good?

she said while looking for help and only to see that EVERYONE was as far from them as possible. oh no, this is bad! she then saw Ruby, when the two girls made eye-contact Weiss whispered

Weiss: help me!

Ruby was to far from her but she knew what Weiss wanted...she looked at Weiss...then at Yang, who still had that smile and red eyes, but this time she was also looking at Ruby...

She once again looked at Weiss and put a hand on her heart while looking away with a tear falling out of her eye

Ruby: ...(dont worry Weiss, i will send a letter to your family)

meanwhile when this was happening, Blake was shaking in absolute fear...if Yang was this angry just because Lucifer had given Weiss a nickname, then she didnt want to know how angry she will be when the blonde brawler will discover what happened last night...

it took them some time but they finally found some kind of "shrine"...Lucifer could feel the magic energy that the relic of destruction was releasing but before they could enter, a ear piercing roar was heard and from the "shrine" exited a grimm...but this one was different, it was...

Lucifer: magic?

the grimm had magic energy in it, the same kind that the relic was releasing.

Lucifer: huh...(interesting. so the grimm are able to absorb the magic from the relics.)

the group behind him readied for battle but the grimm was completely ignoring them and had his eyes on Lucifer, the grimm once again let out a roar but this time it was directed at Lucifer only

Lucifer: dont interfere he is mine

Pyrrha: but-

Lucifer: just do it.

he then let out a sigh and looked at the grimm, he knew what was going on. this thing was challenging him...

Lucifer: you think that having a little magic energy i enough to challenge me?

the grimm and Lucifer were circling each other while looking at the opponent with a stare that could rip your soul out

Lucifer: just who the hell do you think you are Mongrel?

...did he just?...

Lucifer: ...(god dammit Gilgamesh! i should knew that hanging out with you will be bad influence!)

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