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59.25% Devils journey / Chapter 16: a wild night

Chapter 16: a wild night

it was still dark but, one could see the rays of the sun slowly emerging in the distance. the air was cold, and so was the sand, but this didnt matter at all...not for them, so what if it was cold? so what if they were exhausted? right now they were in the middle of a battle and neither of them wanted to admit defeat!

Blake: had enough?

she asked the white haired boy while siting on top of him, and trying to catch her breath, she was tired, but so was the boy that she was sitting on! she had a chance of winning!

Lucifer: i can still go on. (how in the name of hell did she manage to not kill the first guy she slept with?!)

he was a seraphim! the strongest of angels! and this girl managed to almost completely deplete him out of energy! if she was half as..."Agressive" in bed with her ex without him dying, Lucifer would be highly impressed.

Lucifer: if you think that this will be enough, then you are mistaken, kitty.

he said and tried to get up, but Blake just pushed him down on the cold sand again

Blake: oh, really? i guess i will take another ride then.

she said with a challenging look on her face

Lucifer: heh, sorry but you had enough fun!

with one swift motion, Lucifer was now the one of top while Blake was bellow him...

they "battled" for another 2 hours...

---time skip!---

what time is it? he didnt know...maybe 6 AM? they should probably walk back to the camp, before the rest of the group wake up...but whenever they tried to get up, they found themself not able to do it...

so they were just laying there on the cold sand beside each other, barely breathing, sweating and in their birth suits...

Lucifer: i cant go on...

he declared while breathing heavily

when Blake heard him, she wanted to declare her win! but...she couldnt either...

Lucifer: its a draw...

this girl- no, this WOMAN - managed to completely beat him, she managed to make him lay on the ground and gasp for air! and honestly...he would never admit it, but at some point he was a little scared of her...saying that she is kinky is an understatement! SHE IS THE KINK!

Blake: Fine!

she said with a sigh and sat up

Blake: but I'm not done yet! i will win one day!

she said, Determination clear in her voice

Lucifer: why are you so determined in the first place?

---flash back to chapter 6 "ozpin gets drunk"---

Blake: (i will need to teach him some manners)

---end of flash back---

Blake: i made a promise to myself, and im going to keep it.

Lucifer: ....what?

she didn't said anything more and got up...barely...she looked at herself and noticed how dirty she is, sweet, sand and ..."love juice" was literally all over her...and Lucifer didnt look any better himself

she wanted a shower so bad...she looked at the sea...she could actually feel the freezing sea water, by just looking at it...but there was no other option left...

with a sigh she approached the water and entered it, she gritted her teeth at the cold but managed to ignore, wait! the water was getting...warmer?

Lucifer: better?

she heard him asking and turned around to see Lucifer a couple of steps behind her, it wouldnt take a genius to know, that the warm water was his doing.

Blake: thanks

Lucifer: im doing this for myself mostly, but your welcome

her eye twitched a little in annoyance

Lucifer: but you can also consider this as my thanks for letting me do Anal

he said and squeeze her ass, a little "eeep" escaped her mouth as she flinched

she slapped his arm away and shoot a glare at him. Lucifer looked at her with a raised eyebrow

Lucifer: we literally had the most intense, hot sex in our lives a minute ago and your embarrassed with me grabbing your ass?

she opened her mouth, but closed it when she realized that he had a point...why is she embarrassed with something like this when they just had sex not so long ago?

Lucifer: though so

he said while letting out a quiet laugh and starting to wash himself. she just shoot another glare at him, but ultimately let it go and starting to wash herself as well, while also having a little look at Lucifer from time to time

---time skip once again!---

the only one awake was Ren, who was making some breakfast on the grill, when he saw Blake and Lucifer coming back, he looked at them with a raised eyebrow and a barely noticeable smile on his face

Blake didnt know what to say, and just blushed a deep crimson, Lucifer looked at Ren calmly and just put a finger on his lips telling him to be quiet about this.

Ren smirk grew a little, but he nodded his head and made a gesture as he was zipping his mouth shut,

it appears that Ren is a total bro

he offered them some food, and they gladly accepted, Blake eat it fast and didnt dare raising her head as she was too embarrassed to look at the boy in green (ren)

Lucifer: go to sleep, i will wake you up at 10:00

she nodded, it wasnt much but it was better than not sleeping at all

when she finally fell asleep Ren looked at Lucifer and asked the question that was on his mind ever since they returned

Ren: when did you two started dating?

Lucifer: we didnt, it was just for satisfaction, her and mine, and she knows about it

Ren hummed to himself, he didnt know how to feel about this...Blake was one of his friends...true, she didnt talk with him and his team much, but she is a friend nonetheless...well if it was okay with her, then he couldnt really say the end he just shrugged and decided to ignore it

Ren: you used protection right?

Lucifer: yup

they didnt, but Angels and Devils had a really low birth rate, so the chance of her being pregnant are almost none

well...but if she would...NAH! she probably isnt!

Ren: i can only imagine Yang face if she would know

he said with a slight giggle

yeah, she would be shocked and maybe a little depressed, since she tried to use her thot techniques to sleep with Lucifer more times he could count, but it never worked...if she would learn that Blake managed to get boned, at her first attempt Yang Pride would probably take a huge blow

Ren: oh, by the way, can i ask for a favor?

Lucifer: sure, what is it?

Ren: can you teleport and buy frying pan? Nora refuses to eat anything beside pancakes for breakfast...

Lucifer: sure, do you want me to buy the ingredients too?

Ren: i would appreciate it

Lucifer: i will be right back

he said and disappeared

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