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51.85% Devils journey / Chapter 14: Beach episode?...err... Beach chapter?...also, is Lucifer gay? Well yes but also no.

Chapter 14: Beach episode?...err... Beach chapter?...also, is Lucifer gay? Well yes but also no.

after the two teams and Lucifer got on the bullhead, the king of devils didnt waste any time and flew at the location that the male spirit showed him. Honestly...if all the relics will be this hard to get then maybe he will just decide to kill Salem and be done with this

the fly itself didnt take long thanks to Lucifer "upgrade" to the bullhead, it barely took 10 minutes, but with how grumpy he is right now, those 10 minutes were the worst of his whole life...

maybe some of you are thinking "come on! your over reacting!" but try to see it from his perspective! he was forced to travel to his past for what now should be the 100,000,000 time but this time it was not in his head, he was threw in an illusion so realistic that it could be compared to a reality marble!

and just because he relived this memory so many time doesnt mean that he completely accepted it!

and after all that what does he get?! NOTHING!!!

this fell's like...


like doing a bunch of test and being promised a cake at the end, only to get nothing!! the cake was a LIE!!! (A/N: f*ck you Glados)

well anyway...when they arrived at their destination they saw an tropical island...with a big, dense forest...oh joy...

Lucifer: y'know what? im done for today! how about we just rest on the beach?

Ruby: OMG YES! we can play volleyball! or have a swimming race! or search for underwater treasure!

Pyrrha: sounds good, but...we didnt brought swimming costumes....

oh right...

Lucifer: i will go and buy some, do you guys have any money i can use? im a little short...


Store owner: welcome to our book store how may we-

Lucifer: give me everything

---end of flashback---

maybe buying so many books will be unhealthy in the long run....NAH!

after taking some Lien that Weiss provided him, he used a teleportation spell to go back to Vale where he spend half and hour buying all the stuff necessary, Towels, sun cream, a beach ball, swimming costumes, two umbrellas, a grill and some food & drinks,

when he get back he wanted to give back the Lien that he didnt spent but she told him to keep it, she then grabbed the swimming costumes and walked away with the rest of the girls to a more...private place, to change into their costumes

while they were doing that, Ren, Jaune and Lucifer were placing down the towels , the umbrellas and the grill

after all was done they changed into swimming shorts and were now waiting for the girls

it didnt took them long to come back but something was wrong...they looked at Lucifer weirdly and soon Blake asked that they all wanted to ask

Blake: umm...Lucifer how did you knew our... our...o-our...

well at least she tried to ask him, but the words refused to leave her mouth and her face became more and more red by the second

when Yang saw that her teammate was not able to finish the question she decided to ask herself

Yang: how did you know what size to buy?

Lucifer: before i teleported i "calculated" your "size"






Lucifer: i was checking you out and guessed your bust size

when he said that he earned a couple slaps from the now blushing girls...not that he felt anything, the girls on the other hand were grabbing their wrists in pain, as they felt like they slapped a boulder

the two teams and Lucifer spend the rest of the day chilling out and talking to each other. Yang was flirting and teasing the boys every chance she got but the only one who showed any signs of being flustered was Jaune, much to Pyrrha anoyance

Ren simply ignored her but when Nora joined the "fun" he finally gave in and almost passed out when Nora showed him a couple of Poses

Lucifer on the other hand was unmovable! no matter what Yang done the guy wouldn't even flinch!

Yang: okay! i gave up! no matter what i do, i cant get any reaction from you! ...wait...are you...

Lucifer: homosexual? no.

the Blonde brawler and a couple of other girls let out the air in their lungs that they didnt realize were holding

Lucifer: but i am bisexual


Ruby: what does that mean?

Lucifer: it means that i like both genders

Blake: h-have you slept with...y'know...

Lucifer: yea i f*cked guys before (but every one of them was looking rather feminine... Maybe im into Traps?)

the first guy Lucifer ever F*cked with was 15 years old and it happened in the ancient greece where he still had his "hatred for humanity", he was just casually flying around when he noticed some kind of dance? ritual? he didnt know but the people there were so drunk that could barely speak.

when he landed to check what was happening, the people there started kneeling and praying to him. Apparently they mistook him for some sort of god from Greek mythology, and Lucifer took full advantage of it.

he was served food, wine, women and ...boys... being gay in ancient greece was normal so he didnt questioned it and to be honest those boys were kinda cute

to this day Lucifer thought of this memory as "the best Orgy i have ever been in"

Anyway! Going back to the present! The girl once again had a healthy blush on their faces but Jaune and Ren had one too, this time.

Ruby and Weiss passed out, Yang just started to imagine her Crush having and intense make out session with a boy, Blake took out a notebook and started writing something with a massive nosebleed

Jaune let out a few coughs and ignored what Lucifer said, Pyrrha fallowed Jaune example but couldnt stop herself from having "indecent" thought's, Ren was surprised by Lucifer speaking about those things like it was nothing and Nora had a naughty smile on her face

Nora: naughty boy

Lucifer: baby you know it~.

the group started to talk about something else, as this kind of topic was embarrassing for all of them to speak about, Lucifer didnt understood why, they were still children after all...

when the night came Lucifer lit up the grill and started to make some food while the group waited and talked to each other as balls of light were flying around them, it was a simple spell that the only purpose was illumination the surroundings, nothing speciall but he doubted that the Humans from his original world would be able to cast it

Weiss: this is amazing...

she said as she tried to touch one of the flying light balls

Pyrrha: it is certainly interesting

Ren: ...Lucifer, may i ask you something?

without looking at the boy and keeping his eyes on the grill Lucifer let out a "mhm" knowing exactly what the boy was about to ask him

Ren: how come Magic is not known of? we saw only a little of what you can do, create water, fire, light, and teleport, but those abilities would be really useful for huntsman when on a mission

and here it is...fortunately Lucifer prepared for this and already had an explanation

Lucifer: to cast magic you need either a magic core or magic circuits

he declared and finally looked up at the group who was listening to him carefully, wanting to know more about magic

Lucifer: magic circuits are pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body. They reside within the soul, and what is found on the body is just a physical expression of them that stretches itself throughout the body in a fashion similar to the nervous system.

when he ended his explanation he showed his own magic circuits and the group saw glowing Blue lines all around his body

(A/N: i didnt bother to check if Lucifer has a magic core or magic circuits, but since he is a deity of some sort i would guess that he has a Magic core, BUT i ignored my theory because magic circuits just look cooler xD...hey I'm the author i can do whatever i want!)

Lucifer: A magic Core is something race that has a magic core are dragons...humans dont have it

(A/N: at least from his original world...but correct me if i am wrong im not an expert)

Lucifer: but it is possible to "Put" one in the human body, i knew a certain King who had a magic core thanks to a certain Mage...(ah yes...i wonder how the "king of pranks" is doing? he must be bored out of his mind in Avalon...)

when he ended his explanation Ruby raised her hand

Lucifer: no Ruby i will not put a magic core into you, besides i dont have any.

she then put her arm back down

Lucifer: anyway! to answer your question, Magic in not well known because its VERY rare for magic circuits to appear, i'm probably the only one in the world right now

this was a lie, the truth is that this world Humans dont have magic circuits that all...but you already knew that didnt you? (asking the reader)

the group let all the information sink in and didnt even bother to question the fact that, Lucifer just told them that Dragons were apparently real

Lucifer: foods ready.

he declared and the teens got up to get some food


second chapter in a couple of hours

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