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40.74% Devils journey / Chapter 11: fight for heaven begins!

Chapter 11: fight for heaven begins!

he was standing there, in his seraph form...all three pair of wings still somewhat white although the one that are supposed to be dark, are becoming slightly gray. still having a halo above his head and not horns sticking out of his head...

dead bodies of his brother and sisters were laying on the ground as he was holding the weapons he struck them with...

a silent chuckle escaped Lucifer lips as he hardened his grip one the blades of the abyss and started to walk in the direction of a large golden gate in the distance.

". . . . . . . . i-t-s . . . . . . . . y-o-u-r . . . . . . . . f-a-u-l-t . . . . . . . . "

Lucifer: how did you know? was it the bloodied blades i am holding? or the dead bodies under my feat?

". . . . . . . . ?-! . . . . . . . . "

the voice from earlier let out a surprised hum as it tried to understand how Lucifer managed to reply to him in this way.

the presence of the voice was supposed to be ignored by other's, like it was non existent. every question asked by the voice will be answered but the person he was speaking to should believe that they are speaking to themself.

just like earlier when the voice asked Lucifer what was his motives to take the relic of destruction, when that was happening Lucifer believed that he was talking with himself...but now?...he seemed more aware then earlier

Lucifer was getting closer and closer to the golden gate and when he was just 5 or so meters away a voice could be heard

???: please...turn back and walk away brother, i dont want to do this.

the voice belonged to none other then Gabriel...his sister was standing on the top of the golden gate as she looked at him with sadness, pity, and pain...but not anger or hatred...she never truly got angry at anyone, not matter who they were or what they have done...

Lucifer: such a fool you try to resolve this matter peacefully even tough you know its impossible. (...i admired that about you...)

Gabriel: of course! how can i give up on you! please we can still fix this! you remember how we used to fly, high in the sky and watch the forest with all its inhabitant's living in it peacefully? do you remember how you said to me that you will bless all that father has created with your light?? why happened?! why did you suddenly wish to destroy everything that you wanted to protect??!

Lucifer: (i got jealous) i simply dont think that such pathetic creatures deserve to live, and even if they do all they should be doing is to do our binding.

Gabriel: what happened to you brother?

she asked as her eyes slowly began to fill with tears of sadness

Lucifer: (i become arrogant) nothing...i just found my true self! (or so i believed)

Gabriel: *sob* i will *sob* not let you trough this gate!

she said trough her sobs as she readied a bunch of spell and aimed at her brother. when he saw that Gabriel had the intention of attacking him, Lucifer tighten the grip on his blades and got into a stance.

Gabriel launched her spells at Lucifer but he reacted quickly and dodged the attack, and jumped at his sister. he was faster then she could react and the fact that she was crying did not help her as the tears were making her sight blur.

he swung one of his blades, she didnt have any way of dodging so all she could do was to just wait there for her end as the blade was inches away from taking her life

Lucifer however knew that this would not work...he spend years upon years of re-living this memory the first time he was thrown into that black void...the only difference from that time is, that this time he was re-living it physically

the sound of steal hitting one another could be heard as Lucifer saw Michael blocking his strike with a long two handed sword

(A/N: btw all the weapons that the four arc-angels are using are completely made up by me! Gabriel doesnt use any weapon because i imagine her more of a mage then fighter)

the sword looked as plain as a sword can be, the only feature that would make it stand out would be a bunch of runes that spell out Michael name...yup...the dude sign up his own weapon...

while Gabriel used this opportunity and jumped away to gain some distance, Michael raised his sword and unleashed a hundred of slashes toward Lucifer. most of them were directed into vital areas...Michael was just like Gabriel when he looked at Lucifer. in his eyes there wasnt even a slight look of anger, disgust or hatred. only sadness...

but Michael didnt tried to stop him...hell he didnt even bother to say anything to him! he just gritted his teeth and did what he must do to protect his father and siblings, even if it pained him he would not hesitate to take Lucifer life if it meant the safety of everyone else

Michael: Gabriel! go get Uriel and Raphael!

Gabriel: b-but!

Michael: just go! please...i dont want you to see this.

she hesitated for a moment but ultimately flew away leaving Michael and Lucifer alone

Gabriel: (coward...i'm such a coward!)

there was a brief silence as both Lucifer and Michael jumped back and gained some distance from each other

Michael: give up. our army will soon come and the whole force of heaven will fall upon you.

Lucifer: (yea i know...but i think he forgot something...) *chuckle* i know

Michael: then give up! even you cant take on an entire army!

Lucifer: how stupid do you think i am? (did he truly believed that i would start a war alone? *sigh* brother you can be such an idiot sometimes...)

Michael was confused by Lucifer words but didnt think much about it, and flew at Lucifer once again unleashing countless slashes and stabs, all of which Lucifer blocked or dodged.

the weird thing was that he was not attacking back, all he did was blocking and dodging not even bothering to attack Michael.

as both seraph's were engaged in combat, one that tried his best to kill the other and the second trying his best to not get hit by the second, suddenly a bright light came from behind Lucifer which make him kick Michael in the guts sending him flying away and then he moved away from where he was standing.

a loud crash could be heard, it sounded like a boulder fell from the sky and hit the ground.

when Lucifer looked at the place he was standing before he saw none other then Uriel himself dusting himself off while walking out of the giant crater he had created.

above him Raphael could be seen as he held a golden spear in his hands while he flew in the air, soon Michael joined and stood by Uriel side, his sword in his hands and ready to attack.

Uriel: give up! our army will soon com and-

Lucifer: ah yes your army...*chucke* no brothers! they will not come! (as i said they truly believed that i will start a war alone??) after all, how can they fight me? when they are busy fighting themself!!

Lucifer raised his hand and shoot a magic spell into the sky. the magic spell started glowing brightly and soon burned out

starting a war by himself would be foolish...thats why he first convinced those who were willing to listen that they should join him and conquer the heaven with him...he knew his way with words and it didnt took him long to gather an army...

this was the plan all, while he will fight Michael, Raphael and Uriel his army that this whole time was undercover in Heaven will fight and start conquering heaven until he can come and help...but first he needed to kill those three


Lucifer: ...*smirk* i started my revolution.


Azazel: geez calm down bro *yawn* your going to burst a vein if you keep going like this y'know...

said Azzazel as he sudently apeared above all the seraphs

Raphael: Azazel! its good to see you brother! now help us killing Luci-

Azazel: now let me stop'ya you right there.

said Azazel as he descended to the ground and walked to Lucifer side and taking out two large daggers. he then looked at the three seraphs with a slight smirk on his face as he saw that all of them had a look of betrayal in their eye's

Azzazel: you see, i think y'all a little confused on which side i'm fighting for...

Raphael: no...not you too...

Michael: how could you Azazel...

while both Raphael and Michael both were looking with sadness at Azazel, Uriel had a different reaction...


Azzazel: ...Lucifer side had cookies.

Uriel just let out a scream and launched himself at the two traitors as both Raphael and Michael slowly after

seeing the three seraph charging at them Lucifer and Azazel didnt waste time as they both took a battle stance and readied themself for a battle.

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