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25.92% Devils journey / Chapter 7: visitors

Chapter 7: visitors

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'how about a summoning circle?'

[data not found!]

'a ceremony? anything??'

[data not found!]


it was frustrating! nothing? nothing at all! he just wanted to contact two idiots but he didnt had any way of doing it even his system didnt know how!

Lucifer: *sigh* maybe ozpin will know...

it was worth a shot so he took out his scroll (phone) and called the headmaster. after a second or two he heard a voice but...

Ozpin: HE- *burp* HEWOO!! WWHOS DISSS???

Lucifer: its me...

Ozpin: LU-*bleargh* ugh...sorry. LUCIFEW! MWAH MEN! HEY! HEY! listen! do yooou know that Male sea horwses are- *knocks something over*


Ozpin: broke!

Qrow: dont worry it was an empty one!

Ozpin: oh...i...ehhh *vomit's*

Lucifer: bye.

and like that he disconnected and ended the call. he will ask Ozpin later because it appears that right now he is not in any shape to hold a normal what will he do for now? he could take out a new book and start's reading again...YES EXELLENT PLAN!

but before he could even reach into his shoulder bag...

*knock knock*

what? visitors? who could be visiting? he didnt know anyone here...well either way he got up and opened the door only to find 6 girls and 2 guys standing in front of his door

2 of the girls he already encountered. the blonde one that tried to flirt with him a couple of days ago and the cat girl that he talked with yesterday...

he also recognized one guy. it was the same blonde boy that he asked for directions when he got here...Jaune i think? if not for the fact that this was a different world he would think that the blonde guy was french just because of the name

Lucifer: hello?

Jaune: oh! hey its you! nice to see you again man!

Lucifer: you too. what is the point of your visit?

Jaune: well you see, Blake told their team that a new guy was in the school and they wanted to welcome you. it just so happened that we somehow joined them

meanwhile when Lucifer and Juane were having a chat and Jaune started to introduce his teammates Yang took her teammates and quietly dragged them away...when they were a couple of steps away she saw that all their faces were crimson red...but honestly her was face was red too probably

Yang: *whisper* hey guys!

she said putting them out of their hypnotized like state

Ruby/Blake/Weiss: huh?

Yang: oh good you come back...

Yang: so Blake...

Blake; y-yes?

Yang: holly sh*t you didnt tell me that the new student was the hot guy we saw a couple of days ago!

Blake: i-i didnt know! we meet yesterday and it was already night! i didnt saw his face completely!

(A/N: but dont faunus have night vision??...oh wait he was also wearing sunglasses and a hoodie...wait...WHO THE F*CK WEARS SUNGLASSES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT??)

Weiss: Mmm~ that beautiful face~

Yang: Weiss snap out of it!

Weiss: Hehehe~ *drool*

Blake: we lost her...

Ruby: guys...

both Yang and Blake turned to Ruby their team leader and Yang half sister and saw that she had a deep blush on her face

Ruby: i fell weird... *blushes even harder*

Yang; ...

Blake: ...we all do...we all do Ruby...

Yang: thats not true! look Pyrrha and Nora are doing just fine!

she pointed at the two girls of team JNPR who didnt have even a slight blush on their faces and were talking normally to Lucifer like it wasnt a big deal at all

Blake: WHA- how are they doing this?

Yang: maybe they are not interested in him? if yes then it means i have less competition!

it made sense Nora is interested in her childhood friend and teammate Ren and Pyrrha is interested in Jaune so maybe they are in love with their crushes so much that Lucifer didnt have any affect on them?

Juane: hey Guys! what are you doing there?

Yang: oh nothing! we just needed to talk about something real quick!

Ren: Lucifer invited us to his dorm are you coming?

RWBY: *place the YES! YES! YES! YES! jojo meme here*

when they all got inside they saw that this room was different then theirs...for first the four beds were placed together in corner to make one LARGE bed while on the other corner there was a desk with some sort of large book and notes laying literally everywhere on the desk, beside the desk there was a weird...table? it was round and had some sort of Glyph engraved on it...not only that but it was also glowing red.

Nora: ooohhh~ how did you make it glow! can you make a glowing thing for me!

Ren: Nora calm down please...

Pyrrha: if you dont mind me asking. what is this table?

Lucifer: an enchantment table.

he needed to make one, so he could enchant his shoulder bag, so he bought the materials from his system and made it

Ruby: enchantment?

she knew what it mean, but she wanted to be sure, so she looked at Lucifer with a questioning gaze...if what she is thinking is right then...

Lucifer: putting a special effect on an object.

Ruby: ...*deep breath* canyouenchantmyweaponpleaseiwouldbeverygreatfuliwilldoanythingevengiveyoumycookiespleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Yang: okay there sis *grabs Ruby* calm down...

Weiss: how does your enchantments work? is it your semblance?

Luifer: no i use magic.




Juane: heh. you sure know how to make a joke.

Lucifer: im not joking...

Blake: but magic doesnt exi-

Lucifer: *creates a fireball in his hand*

Blake: that can be your semblance.

He didn't say anything and put out the fireball while snapping his fingers. After he snapped his fingers both team RWBY and JNPR started to fly? NO WAIT they were falling! They were falling into the ceiling because Lucifer reversed the gravity around them!

all of them fell on the ceiling with a large THUD but before they could react they were teleported in the air somewhere in the middle of nowhere but what scared them was that they were falling directly in the center of an active volcano! But yet again before they can even react they were again in Lucifer room that was filled with fish made of ice peacefully swimming in the air...

Lucifer: is this enough proof?

They could not say a single word... their mouths just refused to move as they stared at the boy in front of them with wide eyes that were ready to pop out of their head at any moment

...magic was real...

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