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18.51% Devils journey / Chapter 5: a talk with a cat

Chapter 5: a talk with a cat

ahh...this became more complicated...actually wait it didnt.

his mission was still to kill Salem its just that he chose another way of dealing with her.

'i wonder if i will be punished for this...'

[for what Host?]

'not doing my mission'

[data not found]

what does that mean? was he going to be the first guy that will not do his mission? or that there is no punishment for not doing you mission and you just move into the next world but without the reward? well i guess we will see right?

Lucifer was still in his "original" form and he was currently flying at an impossible speed toward Vale. even if someone would be looking at his direction they would only see something for a split of a second, so he was not worried with people noticing him.

when he was rather close to the city he landed in the forest and changed back into his "human" form. his wings & horns disappeared his skin become less pale and his clothes changed back to the ones that he was in before the transformation into his "original" form

he walked the rest of the way and didnt bother with the grimm as he noticed that all of them were...bowing to him...again? just like with Salem...

'system do you know why they are bowing?'

[You are THE devil king himself and they can sense that, it basically means that they are showing respect their king]

so that's whats it all about huh? interesting...does that mean that "demons" or "devils" from another worlds will be able to tell that he is the devil king? if yes then it will bring some Pros and Cons in the future

for example the Demons and Devils of that world will not fight. But that also means that it will be hard to explain why they are not attacking him to humans or other race's without telling him his identity

Guard: halt! name, *yawn* reason for the visit etc.

well this is curious. there are two people in the entrance to the city and judging by their clothes they should be huntsmen...and they dont look really thrilled doing this job

Lucifer: the name is Lucifer and i'm a student at Beacon. i was send on a solo mission by Ozpin

Guard: why are you not coming back in a bullhead then?

Lucifer: we crashed when some grimm attacked it only me survived.

when saying this he also constantly changed the emotions on his face and in his voice to sound more convincing, and to top it all of he even managed to get a single tear to fall from his eye as he was "remembering" the tragic event.

Guard: geez...hope you okay. well you can go in *pat Lucifer shoulder* hang in there kid.

'heh, im not called "the father of all lies" for nothing!'

Lucifer thought to himself before smiling at the guard and walking into the city of Vale with a slow walking speed and very depressed body language... when the guard could no longer see him Lucifer started walking faster and his face showed a playful smirk that made a couple girl faint as they saw it.

(A/N: because this Lucifer is a sexy basically every Lucifer from every Movie or Tv serial...)

his body language no longer showing depression but confidence. he put his hoodie over his head, took the sunglasses out from his Shoulder bag and put them on, after that he decided to visit a book store before he comes back to Ozpin. after all he needs something to reed right? and he still got those Lien that Ozpin gave to him sooo~...yup time to buy some book's!

and he did! he bought almost half of the store making the owner raise an eyebrow when he saw that Lucifer didnt have anything to carry such an amount of books on him.

and when he saw him packing them all up into a small shoulder bag the owner jaw slowly opened wider and wider until it basically touched the floor

when he was done Lucifer payed the man and exited the store while saying "thanks you" ...all the owner could do was to nod his head still being to shock to react.

after he was done, he started to head back to Beacon. this time he didnt use a bullhead and just went into an empty alley before changing into his "original" form and he flew to the school grounds. he landed near a fountain and then turned back to his "normal" form. however he failed to see a young girl wearing black clothes with black hair and cat ears who was standing behind him and looking at him with a very shocked expression. Lucifer himself noticed her only after he turned around



Lucifer: ...hi...

Blake: (O_O)

Lucifer: ...

Blake: how did you-

Lucifer: secret...

Blake: what are you doing here?

Lucifer: i could ask you the same. arent students supposed to be in their dorms at now?

it was already night so it was kinda obvious that she was not suppose to be here. when the girl in black heard his question she suddenly tensed up and looked down a little sad

Blake: i had a fight with my teammate and i said something that i shouldnt have...

Lucifer: so she is angry with you because you said something bad to her and now your afraid of what she will say?

Blake: what? no! it was me! i said something about me that i shouldnt say...

Lucifer: something bad?

Blake: yes.

Lucifer: Like "BAD" bad?

Blake: Yes, and why do you care so much?

Lucifer: *shrugs* i dont. i just think the situation is interesting and who knows it may be entertaing

The black haired lady didnt like what he said as she soon showed him an angry expression while sending him an dangerous glare

Blake: You think this is funny?

Lucifer: i dont know yet since i dont know the details, but it might be

this only made the girl even more angry as her face basically went red from anger. she was no longer sad all the sadness that she felt was swallowed by the anger she felt toward this boy in front of her. how can he think off someones misfortune as funny!?

Blake: well let's see! i'm a ex-member of the White fang and my teammate thinks all of us are psychopaths and should be killed without mercy! is this funny!?

Lucifer: oh and let me guess you probably think that what you were doing was right?

the tone of his voice was monotone but his face showed a mock expression...he could already tell what was happening here and he got bored rather quickly after realizing this.

Blake: Of course! exept killing people of course that started happening only when Adam took control of some of us but except that we didnt to anything wrong!

Lucifer: about stealing dust? last time i checked theft is a crime isnt it?

she took a deep breath in and then let it out. she tried to calm herself but no matter how much she tried she was still angry at the boy in front of her.

Blake: so what? we stole 1 shipping crate out of a 100. its not that much! and besides we needed that dust!

she was no longer screaming...her voice was raised but she was not screaming...she still glared at the boy and waited for him to say something but...

he laughed?? it started as a small chuckle but it soon erupted into a full blown laugh that made him wheeze for air after a couple of moments...if she was not angry at the start of the conversation she is definitely angry now

Lucifer: *trying to calm himself* ahaha! y-you cant- hahaha! be serious right? HAHAHAHA *breath in* Uff *breath out* you are still a child after all...

Blake: and what does that mean?!

she was already fuming with anger and her hand was ready to slap the Sh*t out of him at any moment now.

Lucifer: "Only 1 shipping crate"? so what if it was only one? what if that ONE crate was for a village somewhere out there? if they needed that dust for protection and they didnt get it than that means that you probably indirectly killed a whole village!

she was...shocked...she never thought of that possibility...actually she never even thought of that possibility...

Lucifer: even if the deed is small it may cause a large problem. but you never thought that far ahead didnt you?

Blake: ...

Lucifer: well thank you for the conversation Kitty you actually managed to humor me.

he said with a small chuckle and started to walk away...but before he could go far enough he stopped and looked at the Black haired girl again

Lucifer: go and talk with your teammate about this again but calmly this time. and if she does not change her opinion or doesnt accept you then she is not worth it

after telling her that he walked to the headmaster office with a smile on his face

' can they be so stupid and so clever at the same time?'

[data not found]

'wanst speaking to you but ok...'

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