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7.4% Devils journey / Chapter 2: first mission

Chapter 2: first mission endless white room...What is this sh*t!!! he didnt sign that contract to travel from one endless void to another!

but just as he was about to rage..


Lucifer: huh?

[i am your personal System and before you start your work as a Multiverse traveler i will explain in detail how your job will look and how you will get paid!]

wait he is going to be paid for this? geting paid was not mentioned in the contract... huh... maybe this job will not be so bad after all...

[your job is simple! you will be transported to another world and do the task given to you, after that you are free to stay in that world for as much as you want or until a mission in another world requires someone of your skill.]

okay seems good so far. what about the pay? are they going to pay him in money of the world he is in? what will happen to the money that he does not spend when he travels to another world? will it disappear? will it change into the currency of the world he will visit next?

[you will be paid in "credits" that you can exchange for real money or buy items from the worlds you visited! when you will buy an item from our "shop" it will not take the item from the world but create a exact copy of the item so you dont need to worry about stealing something! you can also get paid with "credits" when you perform a heroic action!]

he was not really worried stealing to be honest, but he felt a little weird with getting paid for "heroic actions"...him the king of hell being a hero? if it would be the him from before the void he may had actually laugh at that thought

[sience you are a new employee you will get a starter of 1000 credits!]

[BUT WAIT! theres more! aparently you have been given a gift from someone! lucky you! quick open it!!!]

(click here to open!)

a gift? who could have send him a gift? was it Bob? that's the only option that he could think off no one knew about this except him...well whoever this mysterious person is its not important.

he decided to open his "gift" and touched the button that was levitating in front of him

[congratulations! you have gained a holy element!]

[there is also a message that came along withe the gift! here let me show you!]

["i hope you will be able to find yourself." signed by ~God.]

he said nothing and just stared at the message in front of him...his father...he send him a gift? a holy element...something he disregarded long ago...he could feel the calming effect of the holy energy going trough his body, it was a feeling that he forgotten long ago, it brought back memories and with memories came regret

he regretted doing what he did, he started to regret in that black void and now that he saw that his father bothered to send him a gift the regret grew even more and before he knew his eyes started watering and his cheeks were wet again...

he quickly wipe them of and calmed himself he will think about what he has done later for now he just wanted to forget about all that for some time

[do you have any other questions? or are you ready to start your mission?]

Lucifer: yes.

he didnt have any questions so it was not necessary to stay here any longer, he confirmed that he wanted to start his first mission and readied himself for whatever was about to come


but nothing happened...

...oh no wait! it happened!

he was standing in that white void but when he blinked he found himself in a city wearing human clothes and did they know he liked wearing sunglasses?!

well after the initial shock he looked around and saw that the city looked...normal...yep nothing weird here!

he walked to the nearest surface that can be used like a mirror which happen to be a store window and saw that his appearance also changed! he still had a pale skin but it was nothing compared to his almost white skin that he had before! and also...he didnt have his horns...well thats a good thing they would probably bring attention

and just when he was about to ask himself where is he, he heard a voice in his head, it was a emotionless female voice its sounded almost robotic

[name of the world: RWBY] (A/N: yes i am a fan and i dont care about your opinion!)

[objective: kill Salem and end this stupid war between her and Ozma, who is currently known as Ozpin]

who in the hell is Ozpin? and who is Salem? ehh... well i guess that means he need to do a little information gathering

and so he he did! he first exchanged some of his "credits" for this world money that was apparently called "lien" and found himself a cheek motel after that he listened...he would listen to every talk he could. of course he would keep his distance when eavesdropping to not look suspicious. he would normally walk trough the city and listen to people talking it was a simple way and it also got him a couple of credits as he one day stopped some gangsters from raping a girl with what looked like bear ears on her head. aparently her people are called "Faunus" name but he didnt pay much attention to it

he learned a lot from these couple of day's and he even found someone who could help him with his mission! or at least he knew where to find him...Ozpin the man mentioned by the lady in his head was apparently a headmaster in beacon which was a school of "Huntsmens" who are some sort of warriors that fight with the creatures called "grimm" creatures made of pure darkness.

he made a mental note to have a look at these so called "grimm" they peaked his curiosity

he also learned about the "white fang" who was apparently some sort of organization in the name of Faunus rights that changed into a terrorist group but he didnt care about them, they had nothing to do with his work so he will not bother with them

he exchanged whatever was left of his "credits" for "lien" and bought a ride to beacon and meet Headmaster Ozpin...maybe he will help him and answer some of his question

he enjoyed the ride it was calming, so he leaned back and relax-

Pilot: so are you a new student?

or maybe not!

Lucifer: no i just need to meet the headmaster

Pilot: professor Ozpin? why?

Lucifer: its a private case...

Pilot: well i guess it's not my business...okay we are already landing you can get ready

the Pilot landed and Lucifer exited without saying a word. he saw students walking so he guessed there were still classes going on.

Lucifer: sorry can i borrow a bit of your time?

he said to a Blonde boy wearing the school uniform. he didnt looked like much but hey...who was he to judge? he looked like a teenager himself and could destroy mountains! he was the embodiment of the saying "dont judge the book by its cover"

???: eh? yea sure! what can i help you with?

Lucifer: i am searching for the headmaster office

Jaune: oh you want to see Ozpin? come with me my next class is on the way so i will guide you. oh! and by the way my name is Jaune!

he nodded his head and fallowed after the Blonde boy who walked him all the way to the tower and told him to go to the last floor. he thanked the boy and entered the elevator in the tower, he then selected the last floor where the headmaster office was supposed to be

*awkward elevator music*



Lucifer: *blink*




the elevator door opened and Lucifer saw a man dressed in Black & Green with silver hair drinking what looked to be coffe in a nice white mug...the mug was enchanted. Lucifer could feel the magic in it. he quickly deciphered the meaning of the enchantment and realized that this mug is endless and the coffe in it will never end...honestly thats not a bad enchantment he may use one himself

Ozpin: so you have can you tell me why you wanted to see me?

Lucifer: you knew i was coming?

Ozpin: it was pure luck *slurp* i have cameras in the school and saw you walking off the Bullhead (imagine a small airplane) after that i heard trough the microphone build in the camera that you asked how to get to my office, So! now that i explained how i knew you were coming here can you answer my question?

there was something weird about this man...but he could not put his finger on it the air around Ozpin was calm and his eyes showed wisdom that was far deeper than any human he ever saw. its like the headmaster has lived multiple lifetimes...

"maybe a reincarnation?"

he thought to himself. it was not such a hard thing to believe and besides he saw and heard weirder more hard to believe things

Lucifer: i have came to talk about someone

Ozpin: oh? and who may that be?

Lucifer: someone who goes by the name Salem

Ozpin didnt said anything and just chocked on his coffe spilling a lot on himself in the process

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