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3.7% Devils journey / Chapter 1: the start of the Devils journey
Devils journey Devils journey original

Devils journey

Author: blablador

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: the start of the Devils journey

okay just before we start i just want to say that i will release chapters to this novel at weekends...yup that's all


how long has he been here? how did he even get here? should he not be transported into the throne of heroes after his "death"? why is he in this endless void? this questions were bugging him for years, he no longer knew how much time he has spend here

the only thing that he remembered is that he was defeated at the 10th holy grail war and when he woke up he was here drifting in the darkness

the first couple of years he spent in rage as he tried to get out of this place, but no matter what he did it was all for nothing...after some time he finally give up and decided to wait, and so he did, he waited...and waited...waited...and then waited some more.

while he was waiting for whatever that was about to come, if something WILL ever come! the only thing he could do is to spend time in his own mind...a very dark place to be

at first he only re-lived some memories of his "life" in his head like, his first time tricking that idiotic woman "Eve" and watching with amusement as her Husband "Adam" decided to share her punishment by taking a bite out of the same apple that she tasted. IDIOT! to be blinded by "love" so much is completely disgusting!


but as time passed and he relived his memories again...and again...and again...he started to feel doubt...was it really such a disgusting thing? now that he think's about's kind of beutifull


he could still live in heaven on earth but he throw that away! why? for that woman! it was stupid! it was idiotic! it was...beautiful...he sacrificed his life in comfort and luxury because he knew that it will never be enough to make him happy again....his happiness would leave with her

with this realization he started to look yet again at the rest of his memories, he wanted to see, he wanted to understand...

humans....he still remembered the time when the first two was created...he hated them! he despised them! well...thats what he thought...did he really? to be honest he was kinda impressed with them! their determination to push further and further, to do what he would think should be impossible for them! he still remembered the day he learned they had landed on the moon..

yeah that day was the day when he had his first mindf*ck

that day was also the day where he would sometime sneak out to the human world and started to learn about this weak race that he "hated" so much

he was lost for words...he never would have thought that they would achieve this much! he started to look around and taking notes in his head, he wanted to learn

he even found a hobby! he absolutely loved "Fantasy" books and novels! he would even sometimes lock himself in a random room and start reading as many books as he could and he enjoyed it!

MC: I didnt hate humans...I was just jealous of them...

(A/N: you all probably know who is the MC but let's just pretend you dont until he himself admits it)

he was jealous of their potential...he was jealous of their creativity and no matter how much he will reject it and say it's not true he was also jealous of how much his "father" cared about them

he knew that...deep down he knew this, but his pride wouldnt allow him to admit it. What has happened to him? What happened to that cheerful seraphim who wanted to bless everything in creation with his light? Simple! he tasted power...he got greedy and wanted more, he lost his way and wandered off the road to pursue power



why go after it?

did it help him?

it made him stronger....but did it help him?

no! it did not! it corrupted him! thanks to his own greed and taste of power he pushed everything away! his brothers, his sisters...his father...he was corrupted by power!


or maybe he was not?

"Absolute power doesn't corrupt, but rather, reveals character..." a famous quote from "Robert Caro". was this what he was? a tyrant? was this his true nature? he didnt know...he didnt want to know!

his cheeks started to feel wet...he was...crying? he never cried in his entire life this was something new for him.

???: it seems you have finally started to search for yourself

a deep and powerful voice said so him

he jumped up and took a battle stance, he looked around but he didnt saw anything but this didnt mean he was safe he never let his guard down

???: calm down

Mc: where are you?! show yourself!

???: ah right i forgot to make myself a form...give me a minute

in front of him a weird kind of matter started to gather it was black with occasional white spots here and there and after some time it has gained a humanoid shape

Bob: i dont have a name but for the sake of making things easier call me "Bob"

if not for the serious situation he may have actually laughed a little. "Bob"??? out of all the name you could choose he chose that!?

but all jokes aside...he was still in his fighting position he didnt have his noble phantasm's with him he didnt know why but they refused to come out, however it didnt matter he was also good with hand to hand combat he had the confidence that he could beat this guy named "Bob"

Bob: you father ask me to send you here

his stance was got lighter and his eyes widened when he heard that, his body started to shake for a second but he got it under control after a moment

normally after someone would told him this before he would kill the guy without thinking about it but now...after all those years in this place and with all his doubts after his long "meditation"...he waited...he wanted to hear what Bob had to say

Bob: to be honest i was skeptical about this but you father has this natural charm so it was hard to say no.

Mc: what...what did my father want?

Bob: oh, he wanted for me to give you a job




what the f*ck?

Bob: you see the universe from where you came from is only one of many and i am some sort of deity like Gaia but on a MUCH bigger scale

this was...shocking news for of many? does this means that there are more universes out there? how did his father meet this guy?

Bob: to make things quick and simple. you father managed to get so powerful that he somehow managed to cross to another world where i needed to take him back to his own and then explain to him why he should not do that again, from that point onward we became good friend and one day he told me about you and asked me if i may help you with your "problems" well buying you from Alaya was not that hard to be honest i got many treasures that she would love to have so when i bought you, i placed you here after your death and waited until you rethink your life choices and became somewhat controllable to start the job

he bought him from Alaya? he waited until he could be "controllable"? his father crossed another world? wait! wait! slower! what the f*ck even if this was the "quick and simple" version of this story it's still completely mindbowling

Mc: why would my father want me to work for you?

Bob: quote "it's easier to find yourself on the road than staying in one place" and quote

Mc: so he wanted me to travel?

Bob: and while traveling also think about your place in the word and about yourself

Mc: ...i'm already you possession right? you bought me from Alaya so i could either say yes or stay in this void for another millions of years

Bob: trillions to be specific

trilions? was this really how much time he spend here? you know what? f*ck pride! he will not spend his time here any minute longer! he had enough!

Mc: i accept

Bob: great! *claps hands and a portal opens* step here when you are ready!...oh! and also *takes out documents and pencil* sign here

he took the documents and read them carefully, he wanted to know if there is some trick. from what was written there the job was simple, get into the world solve a problem that Bob needs you to solve and get out or spend more time there if you want

when he was done reading he took the pencil and signed the documents with his name...


the documents busted into some form of energy when he was done and Bob was nowhere to be found. Lucifer looked into the portal and took a deep breath

who was he? was he "Lucifer Morningstar the son of God"? or was he "Lucifer the father of all evil"? maybe...just maybe he will discover that answer soon...he took another deep breath and made a step forward


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