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18.68% A Psychic's Scarlet Dream / Chapter 33: Chapter 17: Lie And Truth (Part 2)

Chapter 33: Chapter 17: Lie And Truth (Part 2)

Girl: "Will Kais … be okay?"

Sona: "No idea."

The two people walking on the forest floor keep a certain distance and don't talk much. Sona has given up on guilt tripping the girl. She realized that because she is an artificial human, there's a limit on how much she can blame herself and how anxious she can get. That limit is below what her breaking point would be so there's no point in trying to bully her.

Sona: "I am more worried about what that bastard might be doing anyway."

So she has shifted her thoughts to figuring out the dragon's next move. Predicting people's thoughts is not an area she specializes in and she is not a psychic with the ability to read them either. And so, predicting the thoughts of someone whose emotions are mostly hidden from their face is all the more difficult.

Sona: "Damn! And what's up with that psychic he was talking about? Barry, was it? If there's such a psychic that can defeat this dragon, where the hell is he?"

Girl: "Um …"

Sona: "What?"

Sona looks at the girl with irritation written all over her face.

Girl: "W-well, can we … really be sure that … the man who is a psychic and a ghost both … will attack the d-dragon?"

Sona: "No, we can't. And that's what's annoying me so much. It feels like the dragon is just fooling me about this. Is there really any danger that we needed to get away from there?"

Girl: "W-well,"

While Sona is irritated, the girl fidgets her fingers as if wanting to say something.

Sona: "Tch!"

She sighs and looks at the girl, apparently less irritated than before.

Sona: "Say it. I won't attack you or anything."

Girl: "I … well … the thing is E-Ethan mentioned something like this … happening as well."

Surprise rises on Sona's face. Ethan Kales is someone she has never met but he sounds like an intriguing personality, to say the least.

Sona: "This Ethan, how many times did he come here?"

Girl: "O-only once."

Sona: "And he told you all these things in only that one time?"

The girl nods. The more Sona hears about him, the more intriguing he becomes. Just who is this Ethan Kales?

Sona: "He said this island's time is over, right?"

Girl: "To be exact, not yet but will be over soon."

Sona nods while thinking. She has completely forgotten about the irritation she was feeling a little while back. Something that can make her ignore her irritation would be … a chance for victory against the dragon.

Sona: "Yes, it could work."

If she is able to get this Ethan Kales on her side and use his resources to her advantage, she might be able to take out the dragon. She knows full-well that he is not powerful enough to do anything, but what would it matter even if he was when the dragon can just not be killed? The thing that matters is … the ability to find loopholes in his defense. And Sona gets the feeling that this man can do so.

Girl: "A-are you okay?"

The girl has a worried expression her face while looking at Sona, much to Sona's surprise. She sighs seeing this.

Sona: "I do pity you, you know. If you weren't bound to this island by that dragon, you may have become a really good person."

Girl: "D-does that m-mean I am a b-bad person?"

Sona: "Of course you are."

Sona looks at the girl as if she has asked the most foolish question in the world.

Sona: "You are associated with him and provide help to him by gathering information from various parts of the island so he doesn't need to; of course that makes you a bad person."

Simply put, if you help the dragon, you are a bad person – is what Sona tells the girl.

Sona: "You are the absolute worst person in the world right after that dragon."

She looks at the girl with same blood-shot eyes as before and the girl shrinks back in fear and alarm.

Girl: "But I-I …"

Sona: "Don't make excuses. That will only make you even more of a bad person. Though I guess you can do whatever you want seeing how you can only be the second worst no matter what."

She declares so as if it is a matter of fact. The thing is – for her – it really is a matter of fact.

Girl: "Uh … um …"

Looking like she wants to say something, the girl fidgets her fingers, but suddenly,

Girl: "AGHH!!!"

She starts disappearing and re-appearing while crying out in pain. This reaction is something that has only happened to her once before.

Sona: "What's going on?"

Sona asks seeing the situation suddenly developing in a way completely out of her understanding.

Girl: "AGH!!! He … he might … be here."

The girl immediately thinks the same thing that happened last time might be happening again and so she says so.

Sona: "Who exactly?"

Girl: "E-E-Ethan …"

This happened to the girl only once before – that was when Ethan first came to the island. This might be the second time. The girl comes with this understanding immediately.

Sona: "I-is that so? Then we need to get there."

Girl: "B-but …"

Sona: "No point in trying to stop me."

Sona starts running towards the beach just as she says so. The girl falls to the ground. Having been left alone in the forest, she says the words she must have spoken earlier because now nobody is there to hear them.

Girl: "He … is not … alone. Really, really … dangerous … people are there with him."


Kais: "The story of Barry and you meeting."

Dragon: "Yes, I believe it is very essential you hear that story. Only then will you truly understand the situation here."

But just as the dragon says that, he suddenly cries out in pain holding his left eye.

Kais: "Now what?"

Dragon: "Something's … happened to her?"

The dragon answers me holding his eyes and gritting his teeth.

Kais: "To the girl?"

Dragon: "Yes."

I had no idea he would suffer if something happens to the girl.

Kais: "Did Sona attack her again?"

I doubt there'd be much point in it but it is not like I know everything about her and how her mind works.

Dragon: "It's not an attack."

Kais: "Huh? Then what is it?"

I thought for sure it would be an attack. But if it not, then what the hell is it?

Dragon: "No idea, but I get a different kind of signal whenever someone attacks her or injures her. This type of thing … it has only happened once before."

That makes sense, if he were to feel pain every single time; he probably wouldn't give the girl a job where she may get hurt so many times. But he says this has happened once before, right?

Kais: "And … what was the reason for this that one time?"

He seems to be calming down little-by-little overtime.

Dragon: "No idea."

Kais: "What?"

Dragon: "The pain subsided very easily and I later saw her squirming around unharmed so I thought nothing major would have happened."

He closes his eyes still gritting his teeth. But it looks like the reason for that is annoyance rather the pain, which supposedly has subsided. To confirm that suspicion, he brings his hand down from his face.

Dragon: "But now that I think about it, it may have been the time when Ethan Kales came here."

Kais: "Huh!"

But … that doesn't make any sense, because if he is here again, wouldn't that be too soon.

Kais: "It's not two days yet, is it?"

Dragon: "What are you talking about?"

I am pretty sure there hasn't even been a day since the time I went in. So why is he here already?

Kais: "Hey, how much time has passed since I went in the tomb?"

Dragon: "I don't know, about 5-6 hours."

Yeah, that's it. That's the right amount of time that should have passed. For a moment I thought time would work differently in that dimension I got transported into but it looks like that isn't the case.

Dragon: "What are you thinking?"

Kais: "He said … it will take him two days to get here."

Was he trying to make me lower my guard by saying that? If so, he damn well succeeded. But, I really doubt that. For some reason, I just don't think that was one of his lies.

Dragon: "Who exactly are you talking about?"

No, there's no proof. I have to consider the possibility that he was lying after all. In which case,

Kais: "Listen, I met Ethan in that tomb."

Dragon: "What, you met Ethan … not …?"

Kais: "Not?"

That's a peculiar thing to say. Did he expect me to meet someone else?

Dragon: "You didn't … meet Ozyllus?"

Is that what you wanted to happen when you send me in there – meeting Ozyllus?

Kais: "… I didn't."

Damn it all! I really can't trust a single person here, can I?

Dragon: "I see. Anyway, we can discuss that later. First, I need to check what exactly is going on? For some reason, I am feeling more powerful auras coming from the beach."

I have been feeling that too. And I really doubt any of them belong to Ethan.

Dragon: "It may be … that not only Ethan, but some other peculiar figures are here as well."

The dragon says so and turns towards the forest. He is half trying-to-hide-something and half concerned-about-what's-going-on-at-the-beach.

Dragon: "Well?"

And he's not a bad actor per se if he can think enough to know he should force me to come by my choice rather than him telling me to go.

Kais: "Well, why don't you lead the way? I am not very familiar with the forest, so I'll follow."

To be honest, if I use my abilities, I would be able to navigate my way back to the beach easily, and I am pretty sure he knows that as well. But if he tries to refuse my approach, he would have to explain why he doesn't want me to follow him. What I think is the real reason is that he doesn't want me keeping an eye on him because he knows I am suspicious of him, but regardless he'll have to accept.

Dragon: "Fine, you can follow me, if you can keep up that is."

That last statement is probably thrown in as an act to divert my attention to it, so I'd ignore it.

Kais: "Anyway, get going already."

The case with the dragon aside, I too am rather curious about what is going on at the beach. And there is also the fact that Sona may come across that scene sometime and she might try to take advantage of it by trying to get those people with strong auras on her side in order to defeat the dragon.

Kais: "Damn! This may become really dangerous really soon."

Are you actually already here, Ethan? If you are, did you come here knowing this would happen? Or did you come here wanting this to happen?


Zyanide100 Zyanide100

I'd be needing to split chapters 2-13 into parts like I'm doing now so you might see a sudden increase in the number of chapters in near future. No need to be alarmed though, no content will be changed so there's no need to revisit the chapters unless you want to.

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