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Chapter 13

It was a month since Issei died. Once month since Issei gave his life for the children of the underworld. It was a month and a half since Issei became a servant of Rias Gremory... it was two months since Issei became a devil entirely... It's been a month...

The underworld was running normally. The statue of Issei was still there. The statue itself was Issei wearing his spider costume, with the mask off. It was in his hands, holding it as he stood tall... valiant... brave. On his right shoulder was the Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula, Satan. There was a plaque at his foot that read, "Issei Hyoudou. The bravest man who risked his life to save the children of the Underworld. He is an inspiration to all future generations... an inspiration to be bigger then ourselves, and to give for others. We miss you."

It was a glorious statue, made of stone and carved perfectly. Every muscle, every curve, everything was perfect. There was a pentagram on the plaque as well, with the words, "Issei Hyoudou. Maou." on it. It stated that Issei is recognized as Maou across the underworld. There were many flowers around the statue. All of them either planted by others, or left to honor his sacrifice even farther. People come from across the Underworld... to honor his sacrifice.

Back in the human world, it was night. 3 in the morning to be exact. There were explosions in the distance, but it wasn't important. What was important was this. Isseis home, is now used by all of the servants of Rias... including Rias herself. They are staying in his home now... because it was how they mourned. They left his room alone... intact the way it was. Everything stayed the same... but they used his home... to mourn their loss. They missed me greatly. Rias loved him. Asia loved him. Kiba liked him a lot... and respected him greatly. Akeno and Koneko... both really liked Issei... a lot. The servants all liked Issei... and missed him greatly, wishing they could have taken his place... because Issei deserved better then what he got. That is how they all felt.

So the explosions... Ok so they were important. What was going on? Well, these explosions were a bright light show of Red, Green and yellow. There was also sounds of metal crashing against each other. So what was going on? These explosions were happening with Kuoh Academy.

Rias shot another red block of her power at the flying figure, but it just took the blast, not even caring.

"Hahaha is this it? Pathetic. You disgrace your brother Rias Gremory. None of your servants can defeat me. Not you, Not the thunder user, not the Holy-Demonic sword user, not that... girl down there with the white hair. Not your healer. Neither of the excorcists. You guys are all too weak... even together, you can't even beat me. Hahahaha. This is way too easy. Almost as easy as killing that bastard who had to go save all those children."

Everyone glared at him angrily, even Xenovia, at the mention of Issei.

"Ah, did I strike a nerve? Perhaps I should tell you? Should I? I think I should." The figure said.

"Kokabiel... what the hell did you have to do with it?!" Rias demanded of him.

"Well, the plan was to kill you, the Maou and basically all those devils. I was hoping for Sirzechs to appear, but no, my plan was stopped by that damn Meteorite. Me and that exorcist, who just ran after he was getting beaten by the holy-demonic sword user, planted a nuclear bomb within the plant. We knew you were heading to the nuclear plant. The humans were just an aftermath kind of thing. Sigh, but no the meteorite struck and hit the plant, putting it into a meltdown state."

Rias and everyone had their eyes wide open as they began to tear up again. Their anger was also heightening up to another level.

"But I suppose I at least got the humans and that damn servant of yours. What was his name... Issei right? Well, thanks to your servants stupid decision, you lost the only chance you had at defeating me. Ah well, his stupidity cost you your lives... you only have him to blame." Kokabiel said with a smirk.

Everyone was even more ticked off now, and began to fire their strongest blasts, attempting to KILL Kokabiel. However, Kokabiel just blocked it with his light spears then tossed one down at them, blowing it up and sending them down to their knees.

"Did I strike a nerve? Aww, is Rias Gremory upset at losing her beloved servant? Oh I heard about how he saved you from that Phenex guy. I heard all about that. Kind of sad, you had to get a servant to save you from a marriage. What a pathetic master you were. It would have been better if you were the one to replace him. I mean at least then I might have lost. Hahaha." Kokabiel said with a laugh. "Are you guys done? Is that all you got?" Kokabiel asked with amusement. He loved toying with these guys. However, a noise got his attention. It was a noise of something turning on.

"What is this?!" A deep voice said. It was done in the way of a wrestling announcer. "Rias Gremory and her peerage goes down! I don't think they can finish the battle! Can anyone save them?! Can anyone finish this battle?! Is it over for the Gremory's?!" Said the voice, over the schools PA system.

"The fuck?" Kokabiel said. Even the Gremory's were confused. Their faces all were contorted in pain and confusion.

"What is this?! Rias Gremory is reaching for the ropes! Could it be?! Is this the new contender?!"

Kokabiel shot a spear at the speaker, but there a large stereo system was pushed to the roof. Then a figure appeared on the roof, unknown to everyone.

"Oh my god! It couldn't be! No! IT IS! It really is!" Said the announcer, until everything got quiet. Nothing happened. Kokabiel started looking around, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then, boom... it was light a footstep, but it was more of someone banging on a table. A few seconds later, another boom. The figure on the roof was just banging on the roof.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Kokabiel asked.

"12 feet wide... four feet tall. It is a creature only told in legends. It is a monster of serious magnitude... Its lethal... its deadly... ITS SATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Said the announcer. It was quiet, but then several loud screams from a couple girls. It sounded like Sona. Coming from across the Gremory group. Appeared a very large figure, walking forward. It then came into the light. It was Hairy... It was massive... It had 8 red eyes.

Kokabiel turned around and he flew back a foot. "What the hell is that thing?!" Kokabiel yelled out, throwing a spear at it. The figure used its front leg and bashed it away. The Gremory's were all on their feet, Irina and Xenovia included. It was a massive spider! "A spider?! How is it that big?! What the fuck is going on?!" Kokabiel asked. It was then the spider turned around. "HAH! It knew it would run away. HAHAHAH! Stupid creatures."

It was then, the spider placed its two back legs onto its abdomen and rubbed. The hairs on its abdomen shot out like rockets, hitting Kokabiel three times. It hit him like knives, sticking into his body.

"AAAAAAH!" Kokabiel became to scream out in pain as he fell from the sky, hitting the ground hard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He kept on screaming as the pain coursed through his body. The spider began to approach. It then a few feet away, getting into a threatening position, its foot long fangs extended. Kokabiel began to stand up, but his vision was blurry. The pain was subsided, but he felt woozy and dizzy. He stood up and turned, to face the spider. "What... what is this?" It was then it struck. The spider was fast, like lightning, striking down, pinning Kokabiel to the ground. Kokabiel screamed out and began to struggle, but the spider was stronger by far.

It was then a black suited figure jumped down from the roof tops, yelling into the mic in his hand. "What is this?! Kokabiel is pinned! It looks like its over for him!" The figure then got onto his hands and knees began to do the pounding into the ground. "ONE! TWO! THREE! DING DING DING! Satan is the winner!" Kokabiel was no longer struggling and his hand was only twitching. Kokabiel, was dead. "Satan has won the match! He has claimed the title, ultimate wrestler!" The figure said, trying to lift up one of the spiders legs, only for the spider to kick Issei in the chest with it, sending him flying into the wall near the Gremorys. He then hit the fence only to roll right in front of Rias and the others. "Ow... well jeez then." The figure said, standing up. He then turned to Rias and them who were standing their, as if they had seen a ghost. The figure's black suit began peel back, revealing his face. It was Issei! The Gremorys were still frozen. "Hello? Its like you guys just seen a ghost. Jeez, I make a big entrance like this and I don't get a welcome back?" Issei said, his suit now no longer over his body. It disappeared into the back of his right foot.

"ISSEI!" Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia and Irina all tackled him together, sending him to the ground with a oomph. They began to hug him tightly, their tears pouring out all over him. Xenovia and Kiba stood over, their tears falling too. They were all crying heavily, while hugging him. Akeno held him from behind, while everyone else just hugged him from the front. They were sobbing, hugging him with all their might.

They all let go, looking at him with shock. Rias then grabbed him and kissed him on the lips, which froze Issei up as his eyes went wide. She released him after a good ten seconds. "Issei!" Rias exclaimed. "I-is it really you?"

"Seriously? I do that giant entrance and you still don't think it is me? Seriously, does anyone like ever pay attention to me?" Issei said with sigh.

It was then Akeno smiled. "It's really him... It really is." Akeno said, hugging him again.

"Issei... how... are you here?"

"OH! Well you see... A mommy spider and a daddy spider fell very much in love."

"ISSEI!" Rias yelled out, puffing her cheeks out, but she was smiling widely, seeing it was really her Issei.

"Fine fine... The meteorite that struck the plant, was carrying an alien substance. It is like a parasite I suppose. Well, the radiation kind of... fused us together. It and I are one. It is me and I am it. So yea... It saved me. So I think it was a week after, I woke up and I escaped... with that thing." Issei said, pointing to the giant spider.

"Is that really Satan?" Irina asked, shocked.

"Yea... I don't even know how he is still alive, I am glad he is. He is my best friend." Satan was done feasting upon Kokabiel, who was now just a bag of skin and bones.

"Is the parasite dangerous?"

"No. It isn't really a parasite I guess... I don't know how to explain it better then a parasite."

"I see..." Rias said, only for her to grab onto Issei again. Everyone hugged him tightly, including Kiba and Xenovia.

Issei was being swallowed up by the gaggle of hugs, so he put his hand up in the air as he sunk, putting up a thumbs up as he disappeared into the hugs.

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