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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

A week has passed since the Nuclear Power Plant exploded. The Power Plant had a melt down, and a nuclear warhead went up as well, generating MASSIVE radiation, but luckily the barrier was in place so it was a localized radiation incident. No attempts were made to go through the rubble due to radiation and the constant burning fire, which had much fuel. It was an intense heat as well.

A week has passed and a party was held in the underworld. It was more of a memorial for Issei, then it was a party. Sirzechs was there holding his son in his arms, as he stood upon the stage with Rias and her peerage behind him, with Serafall there. The other two Maous were there. A giant statue of Issei was nearby, uncovered. Rias's mother and father were there as well, and so was Grayfia.

"Hello everyone. I know why you are all here today, so I shall skip the introductions. Issei... was a brave man. He sacrificed his life a week ago in America, rescuing two children from the Nuclear Power Plant. No children died from the incident, but we lost a brave man. A teenager. He was only 15, though he would be turning 16 next week... He was just a child himself wasn't he? I suppose it doesn't matter. He is no longer a child in any of our eyes... Issei Hyoudou was a man. He was willing to save lives, even if it meant he would die. Now, my newphew Millicas would like to say something..."

Millicas grabbed the mic from Sirzechs as he was held up. "Hello... I am only here today... because Issei saved my life. I was stuck on a pipe, but Issei pulled me free... minutes before the explosion. I was sure I was doomed... but... he came. He came for me. He went in there, through the fire, the explosions and the falling debris, just to save me. So he did... then he ran back inside... to save another child who went to use the bathroom... just minutes before all the Chaos. If it wasn't for Issei... I would not be alive... and I wouldn't be able to live my life... I just wish... I could thank him face to face... but now... ill never get the chance. Thank You, Issei Hyoudou." Millicas said, finished with his speech. It was heartwarming.

Rias was now the next one to speak, weakly walking to the podium. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks stained with tears. No one cared how she looked... she lost someone important to her... She took the mic from Millicas and gave him a smile smile. "Thank you Millicas." She said. Millicas just rubbed her back, giving her support. Sirzechs did the same. Rias looked out to the crowd, then she broke out in tears again after seeing the statue.

"I'm sorry everyone... I... I am so horrible looking for a princess aren't I?" She tried to say with a smile, but she couldn't. "I lost someone important to me... A man who was strong... and tough... he was willing to give his life... for others. He was willing to do things for others even if he got nothing out of it. Issei had a smile you know... It would... brighten up the room wherever he went. He was always smiling... always laughing." Rias said with a smile now, remembering Issei. "He always had a joke ready you know? He was always willing to crack one... just to lighten the mood... They were always corny, but he wouldn't care. He just would crack one and we would just laugh. Yea, his jokes got annoying sometimes... but it was how Issei was. Oh Issei... I miss you." Rias said, breaking out into a sob. Sirzechs came over and gave her a hug, taking the mic from her. She was led over to her peerage, who were also crying. Kiba finally came back... and he was there... tears in his eyes. Akeno and Koneko hugged Rias, all three of them crying together. Asia was in the corner, her tears staining her dress.

Sirzechs looked out to the crowd. "In honor... of Isseis sacrifice to the Underworld... and to the devil race... for his sacrifice to the children... for giving up his life, just to help others... The other Maou's and I give to him... the title of Maou and this statue, to commemorate his sacrifice. May Issei inspire us all... to be better people. Thank you Issei... for your sacrifice." Sirzechs said, placing the mic down. Everyone bowed their heads, and said Thank you Issei.

Riser and Ravel walked up onto the stage, walking to Rias.

"Rias... I'm sorry for your loss." Riser said. He looked very sympathetic to Rias. Rias looked up.

"Thank you Riser... but why are you here? You must have hated him."

"No... I cannot hate him... not anymore... Sure I did not like him for taking you away... but he was a better man then me. He was strong... brave... courageous. He gave up his life for children... not many would do that. I don't think I would have done it in his situation." Riser said, his eyes looking down. Ravel was behind him, her eyes red and puffy. She was crying as well.

"Thank you Riser... Oh I just miss him so much." Rias said, rubbing her eyes.

Riser gave Rias a hug. "I know... I know..." Riser said, not even trying to cop a feel. He was being very nice and sympathetic, missing Issei as well. He was a good rival for Riser.

Rias looked at Ravel... "Why are you crying so much?" Rias asked. She sniffled and Riser stopped hugging her.

Ravel looked away and didn't speak.

"She won't say it... but she had a crush on him. Seeing what he did against me and hearing his great deeds, Ravel grew a major crush on him." Riser said with a smile. Ravel hit him in his side, but it was so weak because her tears were falling.

Rias hugged Ravel who just started crying again. Rias began to cry as well, and all the girls began to hug each other, their tears falling... in sorrow of losing Issei Hyoudou...

In the large desert of Nevada... It was hot. The sun was striking down on the earth with all of its rage... The animals above ground were frying in the sun. It was a hot summer day. In the ruins of the nuclear plant, there was a large fire. However, there some some rumbling as well and shaking of the ruins of the building. It was then, a hand shot out... a hand covered in a black material. A few yards away... Eight large red eyes appearing out of the rubble...

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