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Chapter 11

It was the next day, a Friday. Issei was in school sitting in his homeroom while the teacher was busy teaching. However, the P.A System turned on and a male spoke up.

[Today is the day we celebrate excellence. For all those students who have a 90% or above in all their classes, we are giving you a free day... You will be able to go home or go on a field trip to America! We have prepared a special trip to a Nuclear Power Plant out in the desert of Nevada! This is a once in a lifetime trip! This nuclear power plant is brand new and they want to show it off to students around the world. It is using new technology and it would provide power to the entire west coast of America, with just one plant! So, if you are interested in the trip, please, come down to the Gym. We will be providing lunch for everyone. This trip will be for the entire weekend, so check in with your parents as well.] The announcement ended, and Issei got up from his seat. Koneko did as well and they walked out, waving good bye to the teacher.

About five minutes later, Issei and Koneko arrived at the Gym, meeting up with Rias and Akeno. Rias smiled and waved.

"So you guys are also interested in this trip?" Rias asked.

"... Nothing better to do." Koneko said.

"Of course. I am also going to bring Satan along. I think he should see this. I have always wondered what the inside of a Nuclear Power Plant looks like." Issei said before leaving the gym and running home.

About twenty minutes later, Issei came back to the gym, sitting down with Rias. The only people attending the Gym was Rias and her peerage, and the Student Council president, Sona Shitori.

"Ah, Rias. Is that your new servant?"

Issei turned his head.

"Yes Sona. This here is Issei Hyoudou."

"Oh, so that is the guy who beat Riser for you? I have to say, you have quite a strong one."

"Yes, I am quite proud too."

Issei blushed. "So Sona is a devil as well?"

"Yes Issei. Her real name is Sona Sitri." Rias said.

"Well, it is nice to meet you Sona." Issei said. It was then, Sona saw Satan climbing up Isseis back.

"S-spider! EEEEEK!" Sona said, attempting to swat at it with a newspaper.

"HEY! HEY! This here is Satan! Don't try to hit him!" Issei said, backing away.

"W-what? You named it?! THATS DISGUSTING!" Sona said.

Issei rolled his eyes. "To you maybe, but I think he is adorable."

"Ick, I hate spiders. Creepy as hell! It better not be coming with us."

"Of course he is. He should get to see a nuclear power plant too."

"Keep it away from me then!" Sona said, hiding behind the vice president, Tsubaki.

Issei and Rias chuckled a bit, trying to not blow out in full laughter.

It was then, it was time to go.

"Alright, it is time for us to get going." Rias said. "Sona, shall I do the honors?"

"Yes... please." She said, still terrified.

Rias prepared a large teleportation circle, prepping to jump. A red flash happened and poof, they all poofed.

When they next appeared, they were in a small building. They all left the building and what they saw was amazing. Japan does not have these, but it was a massive desert. It was hot, the sun was boiling, and you could just hear the vultures in the sky. It was Nevada. ((I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. It fucking SUUUUUUUCKS))

They came out and met up with a group if little children, from kindergarten to Third Grade. They were with a bunch of teachers as well. One of the teachers turned and smiled.

"Sona!" She said with a very cheery voice. It was a beautiful woman.

"W-what are you doing here?!" Sona demanded. "Aren't you supposed to be doing Maou business in the underworld?!"

"This is my business So-tan. What's wrong? Do you not like your big sister?! Why are you so mean?!" The woman began to tear up.

"Who is this beautiful woman?" Issei asked.

"This here is Serafall Leviathan, Sona's older sister and one of the Four Maou's."

"Power and Beauty. She must be popular." Issei said with a smile.

"She is very popular amongst the males in the Underworld. Probably the most popular." Rias said like it was just a thing.

"Aunty Rias!" Came out a male voice. It broke through the line of the children, and that is when a boy with crimson red hair like Rias came running and jumping right into her eyes.

"Oh my, you are getting to be a big boy aren't you Millicas? It is great to see you. So you are here for this trip too?"

"Yes! Ms. Leviathan was nice enough to take me!"

Serafall smiled. "Yes! I wanted to see this too, so I asked Sirzechs if I can go! He said yes if I protect his son!"

Issei walked over to Rias and Millicas. "So this here is your nephew huh?" Issei asked.

"Yes, this is my nephew. Millicas, this here is my new servant, Issei."

"Is this the guy who was in the spider costume?" Millicas asked.

"Ah yes, that was me. I made that costume you know."

"Wow! It is really neat!" Millicas said with stars in his eyes.

Issei smiled. Serafall then walked forward. "Ok everyone! Lets go to the power plant ok! Lets have fun!"

With that, all the little children cheered and said yes!

Issei laughed. "The Maou is quite eccentric."

Rias smiled. "Yes, she is quite a character, but she is very powerful you know."

"Ah, well that is good to know. We have a powerful Devil with us."

Rias just smiled.

About five minutes later, they were all entering the Power Plant, being led by one of the workers.

"As you can see, we here take safety very seriously." The man said. All along the walls, were many upon many shelves, containing Radiation gear. There was also very well lit signs, markings and other things that lead to the exits. "You here will be very safe as you tour our brand new plant."

An explosion in space above the earth. An asteroid was approaching the earth, its green glow a sight. Within the plant, was a man with evil eyes and an evil face. He had pointy ears as well. There was also a boy with blonde hair, Freed Sellzan. They were planting a large device in the middle of this room.

"Are you sure that they are going to be here?" Freed asked.

"Yes. My spy has told me they are already here inside. So lets hurry up and let this sucker go." The man said, typing in a code into the device. It read 25 minutes. Once the clock began to tick, they quickly left in a flash of white light.

"So, this plant began construction in 2008, with the plan of providing power to the west coast. This plant would replace several of the nuclear power plants in the area, allowing the others to be used for the military or whatever. They would be decommissioned. It was also cheaper to just have one running of course." The guide said. "This here is our chief engineer. He will tell you all about how nuclear power works."

The Chief Engineer began to talk, walking with the tour guide and the students.

The large asteroid exploded within the earths atmosphere, turning into a small meteorite, the size of a football, and in the shape of one as well. It was glowing green as well. It began to rocket towards land.

"So, any questions?" The Tour Guide asked.

"Yes. Where is the bathroom?" Asked a kindergartener.

The guide smiled and a young lady grabbed his hand. "This way."

The two left, heading to the bathroom. They were now in the middle of the plant, looking upon the massive turbine.

"This here is the turbine that provides most of the power. The other turbines help, but this one is our pride in joy."

The Meteorite was plummeting right towards the Nuclear Power Plant.

"So, any questi-" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. The power plant shook. An alarm went off and several more explosions began to happen. "GET OUT OF HERE. NOW!" The Tour guide said, until a large sharp pipe was sent into his head, sending him to the ground.

The students began to scream and cry as Sona and Rias began to evacuate. Issei helped shoo everyone along, but several explosions began to seperate everyone. Falling pipes, turbines exploding and alarms going off. It was Chaos. All around, the workers were dying. Pipes skewering, fire burning them with intense heat, or falling debris. The Nuclear Power Plant was doomed.

From the meteorite, a black gooey substance began to ooze out and began to crawl out.

Rias and Sona finally got outside, with Serafall and Issei in the back, helping them along. Sona, Rias, Akeno, Serafall, Tsubaki and several others began to form a giant barrier over the nuclear power plant, attempting to control it. From the outside was a bright green light coming from the top. There was also fires and explosions happening all over, and screams.

"Where is Millicas?!" Rias exclaimed.

"Where is the little boy who went to the bathroom?!" Serafall yelled out.

Issei quickly ran into the Power Plant.

"ISSEI! What are you doing? Get back here!" Issei looked behind as he ran.

"Keep the barrier! We need you guys to keep the radiation from leaking! I will save them!" Issei yelled out, disappearing.

Issei was inside, avoiding the falling pipes and debris. The alarms were blaring and the fire extinguishers on the ceiling were going off, covering the ground in a thin layer of a misty material.

"Millicas! Where are you?" Issei called out. He heard a groan as he passed over several bodies, running to the sound now. It was Millicas. He was impaled on a pipe, going through his thigh, blood pouring out. Issei looked at him and knelt down. "Its going to be ok. I got you." Issei said, helping Millicas out of the pipe, which Millicas began to cry from the pain. "Its ok. I know it hurts, but you are going to be ok." Issei said with a smile, placing him on his shoulder and carrying him. Issei ran over to Rias and Serafall, handing Millicas over. "Get some medics here now Rias! Get help from the underworld!" Issei said, running back in.

"Issei! Come back!"

"There is still the other child! I will be ok!" Issei said, giving her a smile.

Serafall looked at Rias. "Your servant is very brave."

"Yes. He will be ok. I know it." Rias said, trying to remain calm as she help up the barrier.

Deep below, all around the device, was fire and explosions. Fall debris and whatnot. The clock had one minute remaining. 59. 58. 57. It was ticking down.

Issei was sent into a wall by an explosion, but he got right back up, hurrying to the bathrooms. When he arrived their, the young woman was unconscious, while the child was trapped under the stall. He quickly lifted the heavy stall up, noticing the boys legs were broken. Like snapped clean in half. The boy was crying. "Its ok shh. Its ok. I got you. I got you." Issei said, picking him up and putting him over his shoulder. He then went to grab the woman, but then he noticed she was dead. He made his way to the exit, but he felt his spider sense wig out. His eyes went wide. The black substance on the crowd crawled into his right shoe.

5. 4. 3.

"Good bye everyone..." Issei said, throwing the child out of the power plant. Just as the child escaped through the barrier, a white light appeared... and the power plant went up in a mushroom cloud.

"ISSEI!" Rias screamed out.

"Keep the barrier up Rias! Please!" Serafall asked, struggling as the resulting explosion began to shake the barrier and was sending everyone to their knees with its massive power. The roar of the explosion was kept down, not being as loud as it was supposed to, thanks to the barrier.

Akeno was crying now, and Koneko was as well. Asia was on her knees, healing the injured but the tears would not stop. She was sobbing. Issei... was still in the plant as the explosion occurred.

Issei... was a hero... he saved two children... at the cost of his life.

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