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Chapter 10

It was the morning when Issei woke up. The birds were chirping, the ducks were quacking, and the cows were a-mooin. It was another beautiful day, and the sun was shining right down at Issei, his mask giving him most of the protection from the sun… but it was warm. It warmed Issei with its… solar rays.

Issei sat up, scratched his butt, then got up from the couch, stretching and popping his bones. He took off his mask and ran his hand through his hair, sighing. His tummy rumbled loudly, telling Issei that it was hungry and needed sustenance. Issei headed out of the ORC club house, now heading towards home. He was leaping using the houses or running on the telephone wires, making sure he was kept out of view. He had his mask on again, just in case, but he had to make sure.

He entered his home and quickly undressed naked, as he wore NOTHING under the suit, then tossed his suit into the washing machine, starting it up. He headed up the stairs to his room, and entered, looking at Satan just chilling under the large log. Issei smiled and placed an adult, Japanese Accentor, which is a bird that lives in Japan and Russia, in a cage into the tank of Satan. He then quickly unhooked the cage to the bird and closed the tank, letting the bird out. The bird flew around for a while before landing near the entrance to the log… and just like lightning… Satan struck… The bird was pinned down beneath Satans superior strength and the massive fangs.

"Sorry for not feeding you for a couple days Satan. I know you like to be fed a lot. Such a big boy." Issei said with a smile. He then left the room and went to take a shower.

Fifteen minutes and a few moans later, Issei finished his shower and went back to his bedroom. He put on a change of clothes, wearing a T-shirt that had a Goliath Bird-Eating Spider with the words, Hairy… Scary… and Makes you scream Bloody Mary. He also wore some simple red shorts, as the summer was getting closer and closer. He then left after putting on his socks and shoes, wanting to walk around the town for a while. It was a Friday, but Issei was skipping school, AGAIN. Issei made sure to do the homework of course, and he would make up for the tests, but he always got a 100%. The only problem was P.E but he could easily pass with an 95, during the major testings.

Issei was just walking around the major district of the town where all the shopping was mainly done, and where most of the restaurants were.

"Issei, is that you?" A female voice said. Issei stopped and turned, looking at two females who wore robes of white, looking like something from church. One had chestnut hair in twin ponytails on the sides of her head. The other had blue hair with slight green in the middle. Issei's spider sense began to wig out, the danger present from the two swords and the Rosary's on their neck.

Issei began to walk forward towards them, his body was not large at all, but he was complete muscle. He had extreme strength. He stood right in front of them. "Perhaps it is… Perhaps its isn't." Issei said with a grin.

"Are you or aren't you?" The girl with the chestnut hair said, getting slightly impatient.

"I don't know. Am I, Irina?"

The girl with chestnut hair stammered a bit, not sure how to respond. It was then Issei picked her up and hugged her tight.

"It's great to see you Irina!"

Irina groaned a bit and patted his head. "Yes… it's great to see you too Issei." Irina struggled to say. Issei let her down and he gave her a big smile. "So, what are you doing back in town?"

"I have some business with my church here. What are you doing?"

"Ah. Skipping school and wandering around town." Issei said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Irina. Do you really need associate yourself with his kind?" The other girl said.

Issei immediately looked at the other girl and glared, already telling that they knew what he was now.

"Xenovia. He is my childhood friend. Not all devils are bad people." Irina said. Issei was still glaring, narrowing his eyes.

"Hmph. We didn't come here to socialize."

"We have time. Calm down."


Issei ran his hand through his hair.

"So, it seems you guys knew huh?"

"Of course! We are high end exorcists you know."

"Are you? Hmm."

"What did you mean by that?" Xenovia asked with a glare. Issei grinned at her.

"You can take it what you like. I think I'll keep my meaning a secret."

Xenovia growled and began to unwrap what she was carrying on her back.

"Xenovia! Stop it! Not here!"

"Why not? Just because he is your childhood friend, doesn't mean he should be spared. He is a devil and we are part of the church. Is it not our duty to cleanse the wicked?"

"The wicked? Really now?" Issei said with amusement in his voice.

"Xenovia! Stop trying to pick fights!"

"He is a devil Irina!"

"She is right Irina. I am a devil… it is her duty to slay me…" Issei said, going right up to Xenovia and standing right up against her. "Shall we begin or are you going to grow up?"

"Issei! Stop encouraging her! She could easily kill you now!"

"I don't like her attitude. She is way too itchy for a fight and to slay devils. She reminds me of the Freed prick."

"Freed? Freed Sellzan?" Irina asked. Xenovia backed down, hearing the name.

"Yea. I fought him a while back. Before I could kill him, he ran. Why?"

"Can we talk in private? Please?" Irina asked.

"Uh… sure." Issei said, walking back to his home, with Irina and Xenovia in tow. When he got up to the house, Rias and her peerage were waiting at the entrance to his house.

"Issei! Why weren't you in school?!" Rias demanded. She was looking a bit angry.

"I skipped." Issei said nonchalantly.

"You need to stop that and go to school."

"Is that so Rias? Tell me, what are your grades?" Issei asked.

Rias began to stammer. "I… It doesn't matter what my grades are! They are certainly better then yours!"

"I would like you to beat my 100% in all my classes except P.E. Even in that one, I have a 95%."

Rias puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. "Yes… well you are my servant! My servants go to school! My servants will not be seen as delinquents."

"And you care about what other people see your friends as? Who cares what other people think of you or another? If they think badly of you and don't like you for it, they weren't worth it in the first place."

Rias put her finger in his face and opened her mouth, but no argument could be made. She then looked behind Issei.

"Issei… who are those people? You do know they are church goer's yes?"

"Ah, where are my manners. This here is my friend Irina… She used to be my childhood friend many years ago before she moved. The other one is Irina's… friend I guess, Xenovia. They wanted to speak with me in private."

Irina smiled. "Yes, but we also wanted to speak with the person in charge of the territory, Rias Gremory."

Rias narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Issei, can we use your house please?"

"Sure. I will go play with Satan for a while and let you guys talk. Follow me." Issei said, unlocking his house and allowing everyone to enter. Irina and Xenovia looked at each other with a raised eyebrow. Issei showed everyone the stairs and then his room, allowing them to enter behind him. He quickly went over to the tank and noticed that the bird was completely just skin and bones. Nothing was left of the organs or whatever. It was all mush.

"Is that a Goliath Bird-Eater?!" Irina said out loud. She rushed over to the tank.

"Ah yes. This here is Satan. I just fed him a small bird." Issei said, placing both hands side by side into the tank, allowing Satan to walk on them. Issei then quickly moved and placed him on the bed. The bed was bare because Issei was also washing his sheets and stuff. "You can allow him to walk on your hands if you want. I need to hurry and change out my laundry." Issei said, leaving. He quickly ran down the stairs and put his suit and mask, his sheets and pillowcases and his blanket into the dryer and then went back upstairs. When he arrived, Xenovia was sitting on a couch, while Irina was busy playing with Satan.

Rias spoke up now. "What is you wanted to speak to us about?"

With that, Irina pulled away, allowing Satan to go wherever, and went to Xenovia before sitting down next to her.

"Ah yes, recently the…" And with that, Irina and Xenovia began to talk with Rias about the excaliburs, the thieves and the Fallen Angel who was starting trouble. Kiba was pretty ticked off, which Issei noticed, but Issei was now reading a book. He had no interest in this.

The talk ended about thirty minutes later. Rias was asked not to intervene, which she said she wouldn't, but Kiba was also pretty ticked off. The two of them got up and went for door, but stopped as they spotted someone. Asia.

"Are you the "Witch", Asia Argento?" Xenovia asked out of the blue. With this, Issei put down his book, not liking the fact she called Asia a witch.

"Are you the rumored "witch"? The former holy-maiden? Don't you have the power that can heal devils and Fallen Angels as well as others? I heard you were sent somewhere after getting exiled, but I never thought you would become a devil."

"Um… I… I… Um…"

Asia was at a loss for words, not sure how to respond.

"It's okay. I won't tell the higher-ups that we saw you, so rest assured."

"….." Asia was still at a loss for words.

"But to become a devil… the one who was called a "Holy Maiden… You fell… to the lowest place you could possibly go… do you even still believe in God?"

"Xenovia, there is no way that she could believe in God after becoming a devil."

"No… I can sense it… I can smell the belief." Xenovia said it with a sharp gaze. Irina was now looking at Asia with interested eyes. "Is it true? Asia, do you still believe in God after you have turned into a devil?"

"I… just can't put it aside… I believed in it my whole life." Asia said sadly.

Xenovia took her sword out and pointed it at Asia.

"Is that so? Then I shall cut you down this instant, in the name of God. Even if you have sinned, God shall forgive you."

Issei glared and walked over, standing in between Asia and Xenovia.

"Touch Asia again… I dare you." Issei said, threatening her. "If you come close to Asia, I will not forgive you. You called Asia a "Witch", did you not?"

"Yes I did. She is a being fit to be called a "Witch."

"Really now, cause the only witch I see is you." Issei spat out. Xenovia glared and gripped her sword tighter. "Not a single person helped her when she needed help. None of you did a thing. None of your followers did a thing. None of you cared how kind she was. All you cared about was her power. You never actually cared for Asia. None of you tried to become her friend."

"She didn't need friends. What's important is the charity to others. The "Holy-Maidens" are done when they seek friendship and love from others. She could have continued to live with the love from God. Asia Argento did not have the right to be a "holy-maiden" from the beginning." Xenovia said with ease. This pissed Issei off.

"So you guys selfishly made her into a "Holy-Maiden" and abandoned her because she was different from those who seek her? Fuck you, Fuck your God who did nothing, and most importantly, FUCK YOU!" Issei said, seething. "NONE OF YOU KNEW WHAT SHE WENT THROUGH! Asia was killed because of her power and NONE of you, NOR your God, did a thing! You know who did?! Rias did! A DEVIL! A devil has more compassion then your god damn God ever did."

"God loved her. If nothing happened, then it means she didn't believe in him enough, or her belief is fake."

Issei decked her. His fist flew right into her face, hitting her square in the jaw and sending her flying out the room and into the wall nearby.

"You can die." Issei said, pushing Asia to Rias.

"Issei stop!" Irina said. Issei pushed her away.

"No Irina. She has this coming."

Xenovia stood up and growled, holding onto her sword tighter. "Who do you think you are?! Is that a declaration to all of those in the Church? Big words coming out of a single devil. Gremory, I can see you didn't teach him enough."

"Issei sto-" Rias began, but Kiba stood in front of Issei.

"That is good timing. I will be your opponent as well." Kiba said. His eyes were filled with hate and he had a huge intent to kill coming coming out of his body.

"Who do you think you are?" Xenovia asked.

"I am your senior… though it seems I failed" Kiba said. He then summoned many demonic swords from the ground.

Rias sighed, unsure how to handle this situation. Xenovia though, had an idea.

"I would like to test out the strength of your servants, Gremory. Plus, it would be nice to see the strength of my so-called Senior." Xenovia said. With that, Rias transported everyone outside Isseis house, into the backyard. Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Asia were standing on the sidelines while Issei and Kiba were waiting. Xenovia and Irina came out of the house, no longer in the white robes. They were in black battle costumes… which looked like leather.

"Even if it just a match, be careful of the holy swords!" Rias warned.

"That is only if they hit me." Issei said with a grin. Issei began to crack his knuckles, his wrists and then his neck. "Oh this is going to be fun." Issei said. He then looked to Asia and gave her a smile. She smiled back. Issei then turned to Xenovia and Irina.

Kiba began to laugh, maniacally and with a cold expression.

"Are you laughing?" Xenovia asked.

"Of course… What I seeked to destroy is right in front of me… and within my grasp."

Xenovia smirked. "So you are the possessor of sword birth huh? I heard that there was a subject that avoided being disposed of by the Holy Sword Project… Is that you?"

Kiba directed his entire killing intent to her. It was coming off in waves.

"Issei." Irina said, switching her spots with Xenovia since it seemed Xenovia was to attack Kiba. "When I met you, the boy I haven't seen for so long, then find out you were turned into a devil… I was shocked." She said, depressed, a single teardrop on her cheek. "This must be a trial that God has given me! I must be here to save your soul! So, I shall give you judgement with this Excalibur."

Issei began to laugh. "Is that so? Well, I certainly welcome you to try."

"Begin." Akeno said.

With that, Irina and Xenovia attacked. Xenovia and Kiba began to have a battle of the swords as Irina began to slash and thrust her Excalibur attempting to hit Issei with all her might. Issei just moved his body, left and right, backwards or gently walked to the side. Irina just kept trying to hit him.

"Is this really all you got Irina? I thought this was a trial? Wouldn't want to fail your God right?"

Irina began to try even harder, unable to hit Issei with her swings.

"What the hell! How are you so fast?! I have never heard of a devil with such fast reflexes with their body!"

"Its quite simple really. I told you I became a devil without my knowledge. Well, I have a suspicion on how I became a devil."

"How?" Irina asked, still attempting to attack. Issei put his foot out and tripped Irina, sending her to the ground. Issei then grabbed her wrist, twisted it for her to drop the sword, then kicked it away. He then sat on her butt, holding her down as she struggled.

"Well… I have these weird powers right that just bloomed right? Well, I was bit by a spider the day before. I was at this museum going to this spider exhibit right? Well, they had found some new spiders out in New Jersey, in America. Well, this scientist called them Devil Spiders because they had these strange markings of Bat Wings. Well, they also combined all five spiders who had stronger traits than normal spiders into one super spider, they had created. They called the spider, Venom. Well, now I am not 100% sure, but I was bit by a spider when I was leaving. It looked really strange, with bat wings on it. So, I assumed I was bitten by Venom." Issei said. Irina had stopped struggling, and just listened. "So, I got the powers of a Spider. Webs and all."

Irina, Rias and her peerage were listening to this, intrigued about the origination of Isseis powers. Kiba was on the ground now after being hit with the hilt of the holy sword, Excalibur Destruction. Kiba was defeated and so was Irina. Xenovia and Kiba weren't paying attention, due to their duel.

Issei patted Irinas shoulder. "You lost this one Irina…" Issei said, standing up. He then turned to Xenovia. "Your turn." He said, walking towards her cracking his knuckles. "Its about time you paid for the witch comment to Asia… or… you could apologize to Asia right now. Choose your next words carefully."

"I will never apologize for the truth."

"I thought I told you to choose them carefully." Issei asked. He webbing the sword out of Xenovias hands and put it over near Irina. Issei then walked forward and gripped Xenovia by her throat, lifting her into the air as he began to apply pressure, gradually.

"You are nothing to me Xenovia. You are like a cockroach to Satan. You are nothing. I should kill you right now… end your life… but I shall only do this… because of your friendship with Irina." Issei said. He then punched Xenovia in the gut, forcing all the air out and forcing her to cough up a small amount of blood. Issei then dropped her to the ground before walking away. "Leave this house Xenovia. Irina, you can stay, if you apologize to Asia. You were also pushing your luck with me. You were not running your mouth calling her a witch… but you also thought bad thoughts about Asia. So leave or apologize." Issei said, hugging Asia to him who hugged him back.

"I'm sorry Asia. I was rude." Irina said. Xenovia finally stood up and wiped her mouth, anger in her eyes. "Come on Xenovia. You will certainly die if you make another move."

Xenovia and Irina left after grabbing their clothes. "I trust you will do what we asked of you Rias? Thank you." Irina said, with a smile. "It will be nice seeing you again Issei."

Issei waved. "Yes, it was nice seeing you again Irina. Just leave your religious fanatic attitude at the door ok? At least around Asia."

Irina did not respond… and she was gone. Kiba was helped up by Koneko before he left the yard, his eyes full of hatred.

"Wait this instant Kiba! I will not forgive you if you leave me! You are my knight! I will be troubled if you turned into a stray! Wait this instant!" Rias said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I was able to run away… because of my comrades… that is why I must put their regrets into my swords…" Kiba said, shrugging her hand off then disappearing.

"Kiba… why?" Rias asked with a very sad face. Issei walked over to her.

"Let him go. A man needs to find his way in the world… forcing anything upon him… will break him." Issei said with a small sad smile. "Kiba will be fine… ok?"

Rias looked at Issei with a tear in her eye but she nodded. It was then everyone went home… hoping Kiba was going to be ok.

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