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Chapter 4 Renovate the Island ( P1 )

Time slowly passed as he examine the island.

" Let create a base now, Nova show me the blueprints list. "

[ Haiii~~~, showing blueprints:

- Site-19: 45500 IPs

- The Citadel: 35000 IPs

- Fort Knox: 29900 IPs

- Area 52: 31500 IPs

That's all you can create now.]

" I choose Site-19 and can I make some adjustments as well ? "

[ Go on ]

" Thanks, I want to expand the site a little more, probably about 5% more of the site's acreage."

[ Noted, anything else ? ]

" Actually, there are. I want 25% of the site for storing weapons and equipment, 10% of that will be used for vehicles. Another 25% for personnel housing and supplies storage. The rest will be contributed in researching and developing new technologies. "

[ And ? ]

" That's all for now "

A panel manifested before him:

[ Do you confirmed the decision you made ? YES/NO ]

He pressed [ YES ]

[ 64590pts deducted. ]

A dazzling light cover almost of the island appeared. Almost go blind, he covered his eyes with both of his hands and only take a peek after the light has died down. Let out an amazed whistle, he chuckled: That's amazing than I thought, let's examining the site.

As he approached the site's gate, he hears a broadcast made by the site's loudspeakers " Unidentified personnel approaching, state your purpose or faced with immediately termination. Repeat, state your purpose or face with immediately termination. "

" Umm, Nova why the site's loudspeakers is broadcasting liked that ? "

[ Well, because when you summoned the site you don't add your identity in the site's database. ]

" That explained a lot. Produce me a Level 5 Card please and engraved my info like the other cards that the Foundation used and upload the site's database. "

[ Sure thing Will. ]

A card manifested in his palm, the card read:

Name: Will

Class: 5A

Site-19 Director

With the motto: Secure. Contain. Protect on the top of the card.

Checking the card, he asked Nova: " Is this valid, Nova 'cause I think something unexpected can happen.

" [ Yes, it's valid ].

" Thank you ! "

[ No problem, Will ]

Slowly walked to the site's main gate, once again he heard" Unidentified personnel state your purpose or be immediately terminated. " as several green and red dots can be seen covered almost of his body. Calmly, he announced: " Site-19 Director Will, Class 5A "

Site-19's loudspeakers: " Processing. . . . Welcome, Site Director.

As the voice end, a loud sound can be heard ( possibly from the site's sirens ) and the gate open, but what welcomed him is a lonely atmosphere. " Men, this sure is creepy. " A loud voice abruptly interrupted his thought: " Site Director, please proceed to your office. "

" Nova, can you please show the way ? "

[ Sure, follow my instruction ]

Left, left, right, right, went into the elevator pushed the buttons, .....

He finally arrived to the office at floor 16

, a sign displayed Site-19 Director Will Office. Push the door open, he is welcomed by a big room where a large table is located in the top center while there are some file cabinets are set next to each other close to the wall in the right corner of the room also there are several items that can be seen everyday in a normal office.

" Nova, there are some final adjustments I want to change. "

[ Just say the words ]

" Fill the storage with weapons, ammunition, supply. Replace the containment cells:

- Large with lab facilities, testing rooms

- Middle with personnel housings if there are not enough because we will need a large amount of people and add some more cafeteria.

- If there are any offices just keep it the same. Add some recreational rooms. Build a large vehicles depot capable of holding 200+ vehicle and 35+ helicopter.

- Lastly cast an invisible shield around the island, we don't want to be discovered by anyone. Erase all of the evidence of the sudden appearance of a island in the middle of the Pacific. "

[ 20000+ pts deducted, everything is done ]

" Thanks You "

( Continues in part 2 )



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