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75% crystal girl / Chapter 6: The bet (4.2)

Chapter 6: The bet (4.2)


Lily-finally after a long day some rest.

Rose-Lily who is your roommate?

Lily-don't know. Who is your's?

Rose-it's some judy. Let's check your's.

Lily-<looking at the room info >It's Lacy. Let's go to my room first.


Lily-<enters the room >

Lacy-hi!<excited >wow <looking at Lily from every angle >I can't believe I am standing beside Lily. Oh! gosh and it's Rose your best friend, wow.<a girl with medium black hair braided in two braids with glasses >

Lily-<steps aside,near Rose >uh...yes. I don't know that I also have fans.<chuckles >

Rose-you are Lacy?

Lacy-yes, are you my roommate?

Rose-no, Lily is.

Lacy-what? Lily<overwhelmed with joy >really?

Lily-yes<proud >

Lacy-can't believe.

Rose-ok ok, now stop flattering yourself. I should get going to my room, bye.



Lily-so there is a bunk bed, I'll sleep on the upper one because I have claustrophobia.

Lacy-ok, no problem.<notices Salem >wow is this your cat?


Lacy-wow it's so cute wish I had one like this.<pats Salem >hey lil kitty how ya doin'?

SALEM-I am a male cat. Stop doing that, feels ticklish.

Lacy-woo<surprised > It can talk?

Lily-yes, spell.

Lacy-that's why.

SALEM-well now you have the highest pleasure to meet me, I know you can't control your happiness. Well you can simply bow before the one and only Salem.

Lacy-<ignores >what do you want to eat tonight?

Lily-anything yummy.


Lily-(It almost feels like a apartment, wow!) <voice in head > (master) what!? (who?)

SALEM-(It's your beloved cat.)

Lily-<confused >(but how can I hear your voice in my head?)

SALEM-(maybe you're in love with me)

Lily-<annoyed >(looks like you have death wish)

SALEM-<flattering >(I was joking my great master, we are using telepathy)

Lily-(it means you can read my mind?)


Lily-(what the hell! It means everything I think in my mind, you can read it?)<chills >

SALEM-(yes everything, everything you think whether it's a dirty though or a good one. ha ha<evil laugh >)

Lily-(stop it other wise you are...not having food today)

SALEM-<the only who's only weakness is food >(master, I was joking. i can only read your mind when you allow me to and you can read my mind when I allow you to.)

Lily-(wow! Let's test i won't allow you to read my mind. ok?)

SALEM-(ok, then start)

Lily-<allowing Salem to read >(Salem is a donkey)

SALEM-(you did that on purpose, didn't you?)

Lily-(wow it seems to work)

SALEM-(forget about it<curious > Are you going to tell Lacy about the real me?)


SALEM-(why?she seems good)

Lily-(looks like you're still a child, we only met her today and you want to reveal your self)

SALEM-(but you seemed pretty happy with her now)

Lily-(It's not like it. I just don't feel like telling her everything. Can you also read her mind?)

SALEM-(no I can only read my master's mind and maybe you're thinking too much)

Lily-(It can't be. You know what I am a scorpion and scorpions are the best in identifying good or bad person and beside have you heared of the idiom "too good to be true.")

Lacy-<comes >Lily the food is ready. Would you setting the table, please?

Lily-ok, I'm on it.

SALEM-<worried >(Master seems pretty happy with her, hope she is not a bad person)


Rose-<at Lily's door >Lily,you up?

Lacy-<opens the door >Lily is still sleeping.

Rose-then why didn't you wake her up. It's time for school.

Lacy-I thought she'll get angry if I interrupt her sleep.

Rose-ok, I'll wake her up.<opens the door of Lily's room >hey Lily wake up.

Lily-let me sleep. Go away.<sleepy >

Rose-<in anger ><splashes water on Lily's face. >

Lily-you!<sees Rose > Agghh, why did you splash water on me?

Rose-wake up or it's not gonna be only a glass.

Lily-<fake crying >please let me sleep boohoo.

Rose-it's 8:30.

Lily-AAAA<screams ><checks time > WHAT!

Rose-hurry up<leaves the room >

Lacy-have breakfast Rose.

Rose-ok but first Lily come.

Lacy-how long have you've been friends with Lily.

Rose-<the one who only knows for three days >uhh,,,three days.

Lacy-only three days!<shocked > I thought you've been friends for years.<disappointed >

Rose-well we've been friends only for three days.

Lily-what are you guys talking about?

Rose-just some common questions. Have some breakfast.

Lily-guess I have to hurry otherwise we are going to get late for school.

Rose-where is salem? I haven't seen him.

Lily-he should

Rose-have he eaten?


Rose-you..where is he?

Lily-I go get him.

SALEM-no need, I'm here.

Lily-look he is here, I told you he should be here.

SALEM-(alas my master is a fool)<regretting life decisions > where is my share?

Lily-Lacy did you cook for him?

Lacy-I didn't know that salem eats food like us. I think that he eats cat food, last night he ate, yes?

Lily-last he ate but a little and was starving so I cooked him last night near midnight.

Lacy-ohh, that was you I thought that there is some ghost in our room.

Lily-don't worry eat mine, I am full.

Lacy-but you only take two bites.

Lily-<gives her food to salem >

SALEM-I don't know how many good things I did in past life to have a master like you.<crying >

Lily-stop flattering and eat.

Rose- take some of my share I'm not hungry.<gives food to Lily >

Lily-I don't know how many good things I did in past life to have a BFF like you.

Rose-<laughs > Like father like son.

After eating the four of them live for school

Lily-where I leave salem? I can't take him to class.

Rose-don't worry, leave it at the pet center in school. They take pets of students in school time because pets are not allowed at class and you can take back them at the time you want and salem eats human food so you can take it to the canteen, it allows pet.


Rose-I said that much and you finish it with a ok. Can't you something more polite like Rose you are the best, you have so much knowledge, only a ok. It breaks my heart<acting like heart breaking >

Lily-Rose you are the best, you have so much knowledge.<robotic tone >

Rose-forget it<disappointed >

Lacy-<to lily >you are very lively and funny, but when I saw you in class tomorrow I thought you are unfriendly, cold and probably bad person because you looked cold never smiling.

Lily-that's common with me. I personally don't like people<min yoongi vibes > and don't intract with strangers.

Rose-then why did you save me?

Lily-because you look like a good person and you should always help old people.

Rose-<angry > I am only a year older than you.

Lily-<laughs >It feel so good to annoy you.

Rose-wait, I'll you a laughing spell on you so you can laugh the whole day.

Lily-don't worry, it won't work on me. I have already applied a protection spell on me so that I can't be harmed easily.

Rose-wow! looks like I also have to apply a protection spell on me.

Lily-don't worry I already applied one on you and salem.

Rose-<happy >yeah! my best friend. I am so lucky to have you.

Lacy-a protection spell.


Rose-let's head to the class.<grabbing Lily's arm and taking her to class >

Lacy went to section A and Rose and Lily are going towards section A

Rose-<worried >you better stay away from Lacy. I am not getting a good-Girl vibe form her.

Lily-I know.

Rose-good. It's good to stay away from her and not her about salem for the time being. As many strange things are happening to you.

Lily-<happy that Rose cares about her so much >don't worry fatty.

Rose-fatty! from which angle do you see me fat?

Lily-it's a compliment. In my language it means you are very cute and caring and it's your nickname.

Rose-<chuckles >you..let's go for math.

Lily-(let me die) why do we have first class math.

Rose-let's go if we're late you have to die for sure.

Lily-how did you know what was I thinking.

Rose-your face clearly says that. Let's go.

End of Chapter-4

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