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100% The Bio-organic half-Saiyan / Character Background
The Bio-organic half-Saiyan The Bio-organic half-Saiyan original

The Bio-organic half-Saiyan

Author: GGtheviewer

© WebNovel

Character Background


First life: Mike smoke was born in 1995 and raised in Atlanta Georgia Mike lived a normal life.

At a very young age, it became obvious that Mike was a very hands-on kid. As he liked to express himself more with his hands than his mouth.

And when Mike was 10 he showed interested in engineering due to some influence of his parents but more so from tv shows and some of his favorite comic heroes. Mike liked a lot of shows such as "Myth Busters", "How its made", "Avengers", "Star Wars", "Gundam" and many others.

When his friends asked what is his favorite comic is he would say he liked Marvel over DC cause they have too many OP characters. But still reads some DC comics as well as other stuff like manga because he likes some of their characters, stories, and powers.

When he became 16 and got his permit his parents got to training him in driving, which made him happy. Then while in class one of Mike's teachers talked about a scholarship that was looking for students interested in electrical and mechanical engineering programs from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Mike and some of the other students went to apply but saw he is missing some classes. So when Mike went home he told his parents about the scholarship, they were all for it but under the condition that he would do some jobs or do some easy money scholarship as they didn't have enough money on them.

And Mike agreed, so for 1 year and a half of job surfing and doing other miscellaneous work to get the money needed, he finally got enough money for the classes needed for the scholarship. Even after Mike getting the money needed he kept doing working due to liking some of the jobs he did though not as much as before and to have some pocket money for himself.

After graduation, Mike was told that he only had 6 months to himself before he goes to Georgia Institute of Technology. So for 5 months Mike's takes it slow and spends his time doing what he wants by himself or sometimes with his family and friends. After his five months doing what he wanted was over he went to Georgia Institute of Technology, enrolled himself into their system picked the mechanical engineering course and classes. It took Mike 5 years to finish his mechanical engineering course and in all that time he managed to get a job for a big growing company from one of the many internships he did.

25 years later, Mike is a 48-year-old guy happily married with a beautiful wife and 2 kids he loves dearly. Everything looked like it was going good for Mike but as we all know all good things tend to come to an end.

While Mike and his family were going to the bank to make bank accounts for his kids. Until two guys in all black clothing, jacket, camo pants, gloves and masked came in with one handgun each, they had Glock to be specific. One of them was at the door most likely the lookout and the other one was forcing everyone to follow his orders or get shot, he ordered everyone to line up against the walls with their back to the wall and sit. It was obviously a bank robbery, the two robbers were having easy for like 15 minutes till the cops showed up and surrounded the whole bank. That's when everything went south and the robber started using the people as hostages.

Throughout this whole, Mike was scared and worried about his wife and kids and the kids and the kids of other parents. He was worried that they would use one of his kids or someone else kid as a hostage.

And his fear was about to come true as the robbers were chatting of using the little girl next to him. Mike knew that if no one does something soon then the life of an innocent child would be killed and he didn't want to see or let his kids see someone else kid die.

So encouraging himself up Mike gives his wife possibly the last look in the eye, grabs her hand and told her "everything is gonna be okay." Then looks at the two robbers and waits for an opportunity to strike preferably one of them when they are not together. So while he waited for the chance to appear he turn to the dad of the little girl told him the plan he had in mind.

The man thought that Mike must be going crazy but then was told of the robbers plan to use his daughter as a hostage an he quickly changes his attitude and agreed to help. And as they were talking and waiting for that chance it appeared itself when one of them had to go to the restroom.

It was a now or never moment so when they saw the chance both Mike and the other man looked at each other and nodded. They crawl their way as silently and quickly as they possibly can to the robber and attack him, Mike tries to do a neck holding choke on the robber from behind that was yawning. While the other dude went to the front of the robber and punched him in the chest which knock him faster, it only took two punches to knock the robber out cold.

Ones they knock the robber down they got everyone to crawl out of the bank except Mike and the other dude as they had to stay at the back to help an old man get up to get him out. As the trio were making their way to the exit the other robber came out of the restroom just in time to see all the hostages except the trio that era making their way to the exit.

The robber yells at them to stop while trying to get his gun out of the gun holster, Mike turns to looks at the other robber that screamed at them. He notices that the robber is having to get his gun out of his holster but also notices that at the speed, they are going they will never make it out before the robber manages to get his gun out of his holster.

He tells the other dude to get the old man out, before turning around and running as fast as he can straight to the robber to tackle him to the ground. The robber before being tackle manage to get the gun out of its holder but just as he was able to point the gun at them. He got tackled to the floor and drops the gun which slide away from them.

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