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80% Preface of a future war / Chapter 4: The investigation

Chapter 4: The investigation

In a dark room, a figure was light by the glow of a few screens. Numbers and symbols passed in them in an unknown pattern. The silhouette was still, paying attention to the rapid flow of data shown in front of it. Hours passed, it didn't move an inch. Another hour and it was still immobile just like a statue if not for the breathing and the occasional yawn.


"In the silence brought by the lack of ideas, a low voice was heard in the survivor's capsule. - What if just some of us go out to search for the remains of the spaceship? The power core should remain operative after the fall if not some of the emergency ones should. And if we're lucky we could found something useful in the debris... - It was the young man who went unnoticed in the corner until now... Aaaaand I still need a name for him, dammit. But what? Ron? Tom? I need a perfect name hmmm 12! Yes, numerology says 12 means perfection, isn't it? So maybe a name meaning perfection!... I don't know, I need internet to search for that! I can't name it like 'Hi, I'm Perfect Twelve'!... Or can I?...."

The next day, Rie got up from her long nap at dawn and saw almost everyone around her sleeping. As per usual in the last days, she ate the rest of her rations while writing.

A few hours later, after ending her chapter with a rant, she closed the text editor with a sigh. She was out of inspiration and not only about names.

Rie decided to get a little rest and got up. It was time to do something else. But, what? Enclosed in that cubic tent with a lot of unknown persons who she had nothing to talk about (and if she had, she wasn't good at it), now she had the same question everyone there has: "What to do now?" Rie may have been blessed to have had something to do these last days until now and not having felt the tedious torture of a boring waiting.

She lasted only 10 minutes until despair got her. BORED. Rie was BORED.

She started with checking her comrades in that misfortune. Maybe she could challenge her social skills and try to bother someone.

With that idea in mind, she started to go around the tent trying to approach some of the people that got up early, according to the clock.

Not the businessman, though. He seemed too serious and grouchy at the time.

A brunette teen with lens was reading and writing something furiously in his holographic screen. Probably studying, better to not disturb.

And the old woman was talking not-stop with a young miss. 'Tales of the Old may be interesting' Rie thought and decided to approach. But when she got close and heard the words 'lingerie', 'pills to get it up' and 'lubricant' plus the closing up face praying for salvation of the young miss, Rie withdraw without delay. She didn't want to hear that type of stories from a random old grandma. Neither she needed that type of inspiration or ideas for her story, not now anyway.

'Sorry sis, I can't help you.' Rie prayed in her heart for the blonde thigh clothed young miss.

There was a blond interesting man in casual red jeans and a white t-shirt, though the interesting part was that he was grabbing his hair cuddled in a corner murmuring gloomy things. So like everyone saw Rie yesterday when she flared up with the strange thing with her text, now she was seeing that man. Yes, better not approach. But she kept an eye on him for a while, maybe she can adapt some character to that.

Meanwhile, she remembered the stranger who hacked in her novel and kept vigilant for someone who may be the possible culprit. She passed some time trying to make a strategy to catch it. But she couldn't think of anything useful, just to keep an eye open.

The most suspicious one was the studying youngster but just a rapid view of the screen from afar and one could see a lot of mathematic formulas and the pain and despair surrounding him. His soul was crying.

Then again, she didn't notice many people using their computers, less something suspicious of hacking. Maybe her suspect was in another tent?

With that thought in mind, she went to the snoozing personnel to ask for a transfer. It can't be too far if there was no internet so it must be between the limited wireless radius of influence of a normal personal computer. It must be either the tent to the left or the one at the right.

John awake with a surprised snore. Rita, sleeping at his lap didn't flinch.

- What h'ppended? Wha? - He asked still with a foot in dreamland.

Rie, who was standing in front of him, called "Hey, hello" a lot of times and did not pinch her arm when tired (She did it.), smiled courteously.

- Hello there, is there a possibility to go out? Change to another tent or something? - She asked while John rubbed his arm.

- Oh, da crazy ma'am, yeah it's possible but can I ask why? It's better to stay put in place, for organization n' things ya know. -

- I'm bored. - Rie answered honestly. Yes, that was the main reason. Not the investigation, in any case, the last was in progress most because of the former.

- ...That's no enough x'cusse ma'am. We all 're bored. - John answered as a matter of fact.

- ...No meaning... No? No way? Please? - Rie was no good at negotiations.

- No way. I told ya. If I let ya go, Then that scary kid will go all berserk 'bout why she can't. Do ya want to face the more scary mom who will then need to control da kid and blame ya for da trouble? - This man knew how to play his cards and incur reasonable fear with the situation at hand. - She'll chase ya And she'll find ya. - He added the final blow with a somber expression.

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