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69.01% Equation Zero Battle/Line / Chapter 224: Flames VS Lust

Chapter 224: Flames VS Lust

Night Two Hundred And Ten

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Up high in the stands Irene rested next to her Squad members grumbling a little. "I can't believe I was actually kicked out of the games so early on." She sighed.

"You shouldn't have gotten caught off Guard." Dawson said sternly. "You slipped up."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Irene sighed. "I could have won but... I was going through some stuff... Then again it would seem like all my friends are... Being an Enforcer is..."

"Not what you thought right?" Jackson grinned.

"Yeah... So much has happened..." Irene's frown grew. "I feel... I feel like we've all changed so much... And it looks like it'll only get harder from this point on... Speaking of which... Captain Katrina did you talk to Master Storm about the attacks?"

"Indeed I did." Katrina said a look of anger slowly shinning onto her face. "Apparently he wants to use the two of them as bait."


Jackson let out a sigh. "It seems like my Gramps decided to use Hero, and Daughter, as bait. After all the two came after them. He finally told Hope, and Despair to step in though if they're endanger but... Despair at least is so lazy she might not save Daughter, and Hero keeps getting rid of Hope... That's why Dawson and I are gonna be trailing Hero and Daughter from now on. I won't let a member of my Squad be hurt, no matter what my gramps says."

"Who are Hope and Despair?" Irene asked.

"Oh erm... Well... Hey look! The games are starting!" Jackson said pointing down.

Down below Leo was finishing is speech.

Leo handed the microphone back to Olf who snatched it away giving the lion boy a dirty look. Olf cleared his throat. "We'll be starting now." He announced making the crowds roaring grow. "First up for the first match of the second Round. For the first match it's Kitsune Nine, of Squad Six, Versus Shino Li of Squad Four!"

"Good luck." Hero said patting Kitsune on the shoulder.

"Thanks..." Kitsune gulped a little but then nodded his head. He began to slowly walk towards the arena as his mind replayed this fight. Abigale Case, Lucy's younger sister fought Shino Li... Abigale had given up almost instantly somehow from Shino's power. "Hmm... Shino Li didn't seem very strong... She wasn't fast either... In terms of raw stats I should be stronger, faster, smarter, and more durable than her but... She was able to somehow control Abigale with a touch. Abigale did everything Shino wanted her to. Ahh! Why couldn't it be some stupid brawl!"

Kitsune stopped when he got to the ramp and looked up at the planet he let out a sigh and closed his eyes entering his new fox form and shocking everyone who hadn't seen it yet. His tails came out and fire exploded out from under his feet as he flew up landing on the surface of the mini planet. And instantly he crashed down into it his eyes going wide.

"W... What the heck!" He gritted his teeth and slowly pulled himself up. "I... I feel heavy."

In the center Leo stood in front of a scared and shacking Olf. On the other side Shino Li was just dropping down having been thrown by her teammates to get here. She seemed to be struggling to stand as well a frown on her face.

"Oh yeah!" Newt announced from up in the Captains stand. "FYI totally slipped my mind sorry dearests! We got several complaints from the normal civilians about how fast you lot were all fighting. So I made the gravity of that orb 10X times that of Earth so you're all super heavy."

"S... Seriously..." Kitsune sighed and entered a boxing stance as he threw a few punches as hard and as fast as he could. "I... I can still move just fine I suppose. It's only a small hindrance. It just caught me off guard." Over with Shino she seemed to also have adjusted to it. They would barley be slowed down by this now. In fact they'd likely reach their top speeds in no time from trying to move in the increased gravity.

People with Equations were far stronger and faster than a normal human could hope to be even without their powers often breaking the sound barrier with ease. It would take some getting used to but enhanced gravity was nothing...

"I... I should mention a few other changes." Olf said shaking when Kitsune, and Shino turned to look at him. "This entire planet counts as the arena and is covered in scanners that are broadcasting it to everyone down below allowing them to all see... Just like in the old rules if you are knocked out for ten seconds you're out... Unlike in the old rules though if you're knocked out of the planet you aren't out. Instead the battle can keep going down below... Master Storm said it would make it more fun so blame him, crazy old coot... Also now if a person is out of sight and no one can see you for ten seconds it will count as an out, so if hiding, you can only stay hidden for ten seconds... And lastly combat can begin anytime both members land on the surface of the planet-"

Shino Li fired forward at that far faster than she should have been able to move with the enhanced gravity. Her hand came out inches away from Kitsune's face making his eyes go wide. She had a large grin on her face but just at the last moment he fired a wave of his Trickstar flames blasting her away and sending himself several meters away.

Kitsune breathed heavily his eyes wide. "C... Close!" He said shaking his head.

Shino landed down on the ground slowly getting back up. "Darn... I was hoping to get a touch in and win."

"Touch. So you have to touch me to win!"

"That's right." She gave a small shrug and grabbed a cross that was at her neck showing she was a Red Sister much like Ken and Emma. "My power is quite handy. I can use it to wipe out all the sinners. One touch and you'll be under my control... Of course even if you're to fast for that I have my secret move..." She said reaching behind her and pulling out a pair of long curved daggers which she held in both her hands.

Kitsune gave a wince. "G... Great... So now I can't get touched and I have to worry about some secret power..." He raised his hand up forming a long blade of orange flames that looked just like his katana. "Oh well... Guess I'll just have to do even better than usual!" He announced giving a grin as his flames began to flow off his body.

Down below Shelly frowned. "Why are all the Red Sisters so weird."

"Hey!" Ken asked. "How are we all weird!"

"Emma is friends with Lucy, and always acts strange, you're Ken, a girl who lusts after battle and has Seraphin powers, and now she wants to wipe out all the sins..." Shelly said flatly. "You guys are weird..."

"We serve God!"

"How can you say that after what's happened to your friend Hero?" Shelly frowned.

Ken went quiet for a moment. "It's... Complicated... Hero and I figured it out when we were in the Void though."

"Still keeping secrets?"

"S... Sorry..."

Shelly sighed. "It's okay... Just... Be careful when dealing with Hero's stuff... I don't want him to drag you down to..." She said patting Ken on the head.

Over with Hero and Light, Hero rested on the wall sitting on it Daughter in his lap, while Light stared up at the planet above. "So." Light asked. "Who do you think will win?"

Hero went silent thinking about it for a moment. "I'd say... Shino."

"What!" Daughter asked her eyes going wide. "Father isn't going to vote for his best friend? Daughter is shocked!"

"Father has a very weird relationship with Kitsune." Light chuckled. "Big Brother Hero wants Kitsune to win but... He feels it right... You can sense it to can't you Hero."


"...Daughter doesn't sense anything?" Daughter frowned.

"Than try harder." Hero sighed making Daughter flinch. "You have a lot of power. Almost as much as Ken and Shelly. But it doesn't matter if you can't focus and if you never bother to use it. I won't be able to use you unless you get better-"

"Use her." Shelly asked snapping her head to look at Hero.

"Well I meant that... Let's just watch the fight." Hero grumbled patting Daughter's head.

Baby steps.


Up in the arena Shino gave a grin as she fired forward on the planet launching herself at Kitsune. She sliced out with her two blades as hard as she could but Kitsune proved to be the better swordsman his blade flowing like water as it seemed to whip around and block several of her strikes with ease. She turned her body cutting out and managing to nick his cheek making him hiss. She then let out of her blades and jumped towards him her hands out stretched but Kitsune's nine tails stabbed out slamming into her gut pushing her back and making sure to only hit her clothing and not her skin.

"I was waiting for that." She grinned reaching out. Kitsune pulled his tails back before she could grab them but that wasn't what her hand had been going for. Instead she punched one of her blades which was still falling sending it stabbing forward and right into Kitsune's stomach.

Kitsune's eyes went wide as the knife stabbed into his gut. He stumbled back his blade vanishing as he grabbed at his gut blood soaking out and covering his hands. Shino's foot came out and she kicked the other blade as it dropped down sending it up at an angle and stabbing that one into his right shoulder making him howl in pain. She gave a loud laughed as she jumped at him once more flipping past all his tails which tried to grab her. She'd reach him! His tails were to slow and his arms were at his two wounds!

Her hand came out reaching for his face-

Kitsune opened his mouth a massive wave of flame exploding out of it as he breathed fire!

The wave slammed into her at a high speed and sent her flying up high into the air. She crashed out of the planets atmosphere for a second before crashing back down the enhanced gravity yanking her into the ground and causing the entire mini planet to shake.

Over in the Squad Twelve Box Draco stood with wide eyes. "Fire breath! Now wait a second that fox bastard stole my move! And his were stronger than mine! What the hell!"

"G... Geez." Leo said with wide eyes. "Hero's friends are strong huh?" He asked.

"The recruits are all f##king crazy!" Olf barked hiding behind Leo.

Shino pulled herself out of the smoking crater cracking her neck and stretching her body. She had a large hole in her shirt as well as layers of burned and blackened flesh where her stomach was but she didn't seem to mind. "Uh... Doesn't that hurt..." Kitsune asked with wide eyes. He reached up yanking the blades out of his body and used his own flames to burn the wounds shut in order to stop the bleeding.

"What this?" Shino shook her head. "Nah.. I've mastered the Red Repression."

"Red... Repression?" Kitsune asked.

"Oh... You don't need to worry about it." Shino grinned.

Down below Ken noticed everyone in the box was staring at her. "What?" She asked.

"You're a Red Sister?" Shelly shrugged. "What's she talking about."

"Oh Red Repression? It's something only a handful of the pure Sisters can do."

"Pure... Sisters."

"Yeah." Ken nodded. "See there's my rank which is the one most people have. Than there is the Pure Sister rank. It's rare... These girls have sworn themselves to only God, and won't have any desires or feelings to men, or woman, and believe they must be the ones the bare God's next child..."

"That's right." Davi noted getting the group to turn to him. "Believe it or not it'll happen sometimes... God will come down and pick one of the Pure Sisters... That's how me, my brother, and my sister were born. Doesn't happen all the time but sometimes... Pure Sisters swear off all desires from everything. In return for being God's, and God's alone, they can use the Red Repression... Basically it's a high class skill only a Virgin can use so I'm out. You don't even need to be a Red Sister just a Virgin. It makes it so the user can't feel any pain, exhaustion, hunger, and their body becomes super durable. However they loose the ability to ever get laid so. I guess it'd be perfect for you Hero."

"I have a Daughter standing next to me... You seriously think I'm a Virgin?"

"Davi for the most part is right." Ken sighed. "Red Repression blocks out the users pain, and strengthens their body but it comes at a cost of never being able to ever be with anyone as you have to remain pure. You can never... Ever... Kiss anyone." Ken said shaking her head. "I already kissed Viper so I can't learn it even if I wanted to. Of course I don't want it. I mean pain can feel good0-"

"You are the most innocent masochists I've ever met." Hero hummed.

"That implies you've met others..." Shelly said.

Up in the arena Kitsune recreated his blade. "Well... I don't really get what you're talking about... I'm just going to end this." He announced firing forward. Shino gave a growl and ducked down as he sliced out with his blade. His flame sword went over her head and she reached out towards him but his nine tails smashed her into the ground. He then used them to throw himself into the air avoiding her grab a he held his palm out and slammed a ball of fire down. Shino pushed up and rolled the flames slamming down next to her and blasting her back. "Trickstar Kong!" Kitsune yelled his flames forming a massive fox made out of fire which slammed its hand down into her shaking the planet.

he flames died out as Kitsune landed back on the ground.

Shino rested in a crater her body all banged up but she slowly stood back up as if she didn't feel pain.

"Great..." She sighed snapping her arm back into place. "Guess I'm going with my secret move."

"Not if I can stop you!" Kitsune fired forward as he stabbed out with his blade but Shino smirked and held her arms out.

"Punished Sinners!" She announced as a pink explosion of flames erupted from her...

RainyLiquid2020 RainyLiquid2020

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