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50% Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey / Chapter 12: Four in One - The lost one

Chapter 12: Four in One - The lost one

As the Jedi ship landed on one of the landing pads in Mos Espa. Some of the mercenaries begin to circle the ship ready to attack.

Inside the ship, Cyslin Myr and Mace Windu could feel the mercenaries and both of them were ready to fight of necessary even the padawan was ready for it.

As they exit the ship, the mercenaries raise their blasters at the Jedi.

Mercenary: Who are you what are you doing here?

Cyslin: We are here for something that won't disturb your business.

Mercenary: Well lady, I don't think so. You see you are our business now. We need new slaves and a new ship so we would capture you.

Immediately after he finished his sentence, the mercenaries begin to fire at the Jedi. The Jedi used their lightsaber to deflect the blaster fire while they tried to go into cover.

Windu being Windu charged right into them killing some of them while Cyslin charged another group.

The padawan stood and watched how the Jedi fought. This was a good opportunity to learn something from it.

After they won the fight, the Jedi decided to stroll around the city hoping to find some news about Tex whereabouts.

As the day goes by, they begin to learn more about the mysterious mercenary.

Apparently, the man was well known by the locals. Some of Tusken tribes respect him while the Jawa fear him.

He fought with the Hutts on more than one occasion and he killed all of his enemies. His droids we're more advanced than any droid produce right now. The people begin to call them the Ministers of Death. Everywhere they go death would follow them. The Jedi were surprised and immediately contacted the council. They reported what they had found about the man. The council was surprised to hear that. Most of the Jedi Masters didn't think that Tex was fighting the pirate, slavers or evil people in general, but the fact that he killed with remorse or limit made him a no go for the Jedi.

One week later, The Jedi found more information on Tex. He was seen with a child that apparently is his son. They learned that he helped a lot of people. He did the jobs for money, but most of his jobs we're done for the good people at half the price. They also found information about his vehicles. The Jedi didn't know how to fell about the man after they heard so many things about him.

They also found that the man seems to disappear.No one saw him this week or the week before. This piece of information triggered some deep investigation.

After another month they found that apparently, one freighter from the Hutts was stolen by a mercenary.

The Jedi begin to think about Tex feats and they realized that Tex was long gone. He left a day or two before they arrived in the system. This realization made the Jedi helpless as they didn't have any way of finding the man.

Cyslin, Windu and his padawan we're then summoned back to the temple and their mission was classified as successful even if they didn't find them a target.

On the ship, Windu stood in the cockpit with Cyslin while his padawan was training in her room

Windu: We didn't find him, but at least we know what type of person he is.

Cyslin: Indeed, but we don't know why he helped one of our own people without any reward. He even left some credits for her.

Windu: Many people have their own ideas and beliefs about most of the things. Maybe he didn't because the Jedi looked like one of his friends that may have died or an ex-lover. We won't know until we find him and I believe that would be in the far future. At least we know more about him.

Cyslin: I still have my suspicions about him. Many people spoke about how he fought and how his sword looked like.

I don't know if his sword is indeed a lightsaber, but I don't remember to know any white material that can be used to deflect blasters.

Windu: We will find when we would find him. For now, we should forget about him.

Year 34 BBY(Eight years in the future)

It has been eight long years for Tex and his apprentice Zaki. As the years passed by, Zaki becomes more and more powerful and this year he finally becomes a Knight level per Jedi order standards.

As for Tex, he captured more and more ships as the years passed. When he would found bigger ones he would deconstruct the old ones and after eight years he finally had a small army of terminators.

[ Rank 2 (1000 Advanced Points required for the next rank)

Troops: T-800 -10000 /100000

T-850 - 40 / 50

T-1 - 10/10

HK-Spider -1000/1000

Scout drones - 3000/10000

Maintenance drones - 4000/5000

T-47 -200/500

BP: 0



Right now Tex had a Valor-class cruiser that he found on a graveyard planet, he actually found two of them. Well, the ships were badly damaged so he had to repair them and after a long year of repairs and upgrades. He finally built a supper Valor-class cruiser. He decided to combine the two cruisers so that the result will be better and could house for things in it.

In the days of the old Republic, a Valor-class cruiser could house at least ten thousand people on board. Tex cruiser was modified to house at least fifty thousand. As his robots didn't need to sleep most of the rooms were removed to create more space for the robots.

As he had the ship, Tex wanted to leave, but one of T-850 suggested that he should repair some of the fighters, bombers and transport ships.

Tex found that they really need these things and after another half a year he finally left the planet with 200 fighters, 80 bombers, and 100 transport ships. The transport ships could transport 100-500-1000 terminators. They were categorized by their transport capacity.

Another interesting thing was the fact that Tex meets an interesting person two years ago.

When they captured a pirate ship they liberated the slave and one of the slaves was a girl that Tex know.

Arla Fett the lost aunt of Boba Fett and the older sister of Jango Fett aka the original clone.

Arla's story was very sad and he didn't know much about him. The only things he knows we're what he read in his past life.


Arla Feet info:

(Can be skipped)

Born on the planet of Concord Dawn, Arla spent her youth living on the Fett homestead with her parents and brother, Jango, who was to later be the father of Boba Fett. In 58 BBY, when she was 14, the Mandalorian Civil War—fought between the True Mandalorians, under Jaster Mereel, and the splinter group known as the Death Watch, under Tor Vizsla—spread to Concord Dawn. When the Death Watch began hunting down members of the True Mandalorians that escaped from a lost battle, Arla's father offered Mereel and his men refuge on their farm. The Death Watch tracked them to the homestead and killed her father as her brother Jango was fleeing. When they turned their attention on Jango, Arla witnessed their mother shoot and kill one of the Death Watch members with a blaster rifle, only to be killed herself. While Jango fled and would be later be rescued by the Mandalorians, Vizsla ordered there be no witnesses and Arla was to be "taken care of".

Thus, Arla was believed to have been killed on Concord Dawn along with her parents. Seemingly unknown to anyone else, was the fact that she was spared by the members of the Death Watch, and was held hostage by them. They viewed her as a prize and branded their logo onto her back. After a while as their prisoner, Arla joined the Death Watch cause as an assassin and only left them when she got arrested for a shooting 10 years before the end of the Clone Wars. While in custody, Arla was deemed mentally unstable and was ordered to be held in the Valorum Center—a mental institution on Coruscant.

As she was held on the ship that would take her to the mental institution, some pirates we're brave enough to capture all of the people on board. Some of the prisoners thought that they would be free only to be hit in the face. They would be slaves ready for sale.

Arla was sold for twenty times before she was saved by Tex eight years later.

She wasn't abused or anything by the buyers as they would die if they try to do it. That the reason she was sold so many times.


Back to the present

Arla looked at the slaves that were freed by Tex, while she had to stay.

She didn't fear death, but she wouldn't accept any type of abuse. She would rather die or kill the so-called master of her.

From what she saw, this man was powerful, he had this huge ship that could destroy most of the pirate's ships and the fact that he had so many strange droids.

She looked at him and somehow she saw the same expression her brother had when he looked at Death Watch.

He was disgusted by the pirates. He carried for the slaves, but he didn't help them too much. He was a strange man, but he didn't seem to be a bad one. Dangerous yes, crazy?Not sure.

She looked at him and he walked towards her. She was ready for some harsh words or a slap, but he stood in front of her.

Tex: Hello there miss. Are you ok?

Arla: I am, but I want to know why you didn't let me go with them.

Tex: Well you looked like an acquaintance of mine. So I wanted to see if you really are his family or not.

Arla( That's bad.If I say something wrong I may die. I don't know who he is, but I want to know what would happen. Maybe he's an enemy of the death watch, I don't know-how that would make me an enemy)

Tex: Well miss, may I know your name?

Arla: Sandra is my name.

Tex(Smiling): You know that lying is bad right?

Arla: I don't understand what do you mean by that.

Tex: Really...So what I wanted to ask was why would Arla Fett be a slave huh?

When she heard her name, Arla jump right on Tex trying to kill him. Unfortunately for her, Tex was stronger than her. They ended on top of each other.

Tex was laying down while Arla was on top of him. Tex smiled at her. Arla was so pissed right now. That smile made her angry at herself for being weak and the fact that he was still smiling at her even when she tried to kill him. She felt frustrated by that smile.

Tex: Well, I didn't think that you would be so eager for some adult action that you would jump right on me. Normally, I won't accept that on the first date you know?

Arla: Let me go or I will kill you.

Tex: Well... No. Now that we know each other better we can go onwards with the next step. Be gentle with me ok.

Arla was fuming right now. This bastard was the courage to tease her. He knows her real name too which means that he may know more.

Tex: Well it seems you calmed down. First things first I'm Tex Fett and for how I know you, we'll let's say that I know Jango.

Arla was shocked when she heard his name and the fact that her brother is alive.

Arla: Are you, my cousin?

Tex: No, sorry. I just have the same family name as you. As for your brother...he's a mercenary.

Arla: I see then. Thank you for telling me these. Now can you let me stand up?

Tex: Ok, ok. I just start feeling good.

Arla: You are strange. I can see that you are some sort of merc, but you dress like a warrior.

Tex: I'm special you know.I'm good with my hands you know.

Arla: And now you sound like a pervert.

Tex: Not my fault.I'm using a sword as my main weapon. So I'm really good with my hands.

Arla: Well that's a way to say it. Jokes aside what would you do with me now?

Tex: That depends on what do you want to do.

Arla: Hmm, well I would love to meet my brother. It was so long. I really miss him.

Tex: That's a problem right now. You won't be able to find him, even I don't know where he is, but I know when and where we would find him in the future. I could let you live here if you want, of course.

Arla: Ok then. I'll take your offer and stay here. No funny business understood.

Tex: Yes Mam!

PhantasmLord PhantasmLord

Hello there. Here's a special chapter for you guys a for in one chapter, over 2000 words. Hope you like it and yes Arla would be in a relationship with Tex. I have some plans for her and her brother and Terrier thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking about that ship/Base but I decided to use an old republic ship from an abandoned ship graveyard.

See you next time.

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