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78.57% The Queen of Kings / Chapter 22: Ch 21 Spellbound

Chapter 22: Ch 21 Spellbound

Murciél woke first and smiled down at his mate, her mark healing and spreading quite nicely. Sara was using his arm as a pillow and he used his free hand to brush her hair from her face and caress her cheek with the backside of his fingers. "Five more minutes babe?" she asked groggily and he chuckled pulling her close and kissing the top of her head. "You have till I'm finished getting breakfast together." He informed her with a smile and she turned on her back to face him. "Otay, make sure its super yummy!" she reminded him with a smile. "Nothing could ever be as yummy as you," he replied with a growl. "Be-" she booped his nose "-have." She said with a giggle and he nodded trying to suck on her finger and she pulled it away just in time. Murciél used the bathroom first giving her some more time to fully wake up and Sara slid into the bathroom as he came out.

"Mi amor, ven! Mira lo. (My love come. Look at it)" Murciél called from the kitchen as Sara stepped out the bathroom. "¿Que paso mi rey? (What happened my king?)" She asked securing the towel around her and walking out into the main living space. He nodded to the window and she gasp at the beautiful view of the sun coming up over the horizon. "I'm up before the sun. This is gross." He said throwing her arms in the air in defeat and he burst out laughing. After some time Sara came back in dressed in blue skinny jeans and a blue spaghetti strap blouse with a bow along her waist. Murciél hissed at the sight and had to fight his fang from extending and sinking them into her supple flesh. "The WMDs I need you to put those away mam" he said jokingly and she laughed causing them to bounce with life. He groaned and set the food on their plates so they could eat together in peace. Sara looked Murciél up and down and enjoyed his simple white button up and dress slacks. "You don't clean up to bad yourself" she complimented him and smiled.

Murciél and Sara were enjoying a heated scene in a novella as the girl walked in on her cheating boyfriend and the women started to fight. There was a knock at the door and then the person walked in without a care in the world. "You two causing trouble?" Mahō asked with a smile on his face. Sara paused the novel and jumped over the cough to run into his arms. "MAHHŌŌ!" she yelled like a war cry and he caught her in midair so she wrapped her legs around his waist. "I'm hurt, eager to leave me so soon mi reina?" Murciél ask with a fake pout on his lips. Sara giggled as Mahō let her down and she walked over to the couch and gave Murciél a goodbye kiss. "No but I also miss Mahō, a lot. So…. BYE!" she said with a giggle and skipped back over to the mage. Sara took in Mahō's casual business look, black slacks and suit jacket. As she closed the distance between them she pulled on his loose tie and kissed on the skin of his chest exposed by the unclasped buttons. Mahō kissed her forehead and faced Murciél. "Brother" the boys said in sync and nodded to one another. "Finally, freedom!" Murciél said with fake happiness as he fell dramatically onto the couch. Sara gasped and went to run after him but Mahō caught her by the waist. "I'M TELLING ABUELA!" Sara yelled out just as Mahō teleported them. "Hijo de puta…. (Son of a bitch)" Murciél muttered praying to papa Dios that she was kidding.

Mahō had teleported them in the mountains of Japan were he owned much of the land. The cliff they were on was under the sun's peak height and Sara turned her face up to absorb the rays. "This is beautiful Mahō…" she said looking out to the wilderness around and below her. "Hai watashi no taiyō.(Yes my sun)" he replied longingly. "Mahō, what's the matter?" Sara asked turning to him. She cupped his face with her hands and turned him so they were staring in each other's eyes. "I have missed you greatly. Being away from you, even for a short period of time takes its toll." He replied. She looked at him confused and he grabbed her to teleport them inside a room. It was a tradition style home, tami mats and paper walls and sliding door. "You, are our mate. With the bond we have it requires us to want to be close to one another as often as possible. I have spent millennia without you, I don't want to spend another day." He explained. Sara felt bad. She missed off of them yes but between the bonding and getting her back blown out, she was living in the moment. "I'm sorry Ma-" he placed his finger over her lips and shook his head. "You're here now, all mine and we get to make up for lost time." He said looking deeply into her eyes. Sara nodded and opened her mouth taking his finger and sucking on it. Mahō's eyes grew wide and his brow nearly hit his hairline. Sara giggled and stroke her tongue around his finger before letting it go with one last powerful suck. "Sample?" she said jokingly and smiled as his eyes turn blue.

Mahō pressed his body onto hers until he was on top of her his hair creating and black to blue curtain around them. Her curls fell around her head like a halo of natural beauty. Sara lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck pulling him down to her. Mahō leaned down willingly and their lips met. Sara moaned into the kiss enjoying the texture of his tongue against hers as they battled it out. Mahō won out naturally as Sara spread her legs to give him better access to her. Reluctantly they needed to refill their lungs and they broke the kiss. While Sara labored to get her lungs working properly Mahō kissed his way down her cheek, across her collarbone and down to the valley between her breasts. "Hmm I love the color" he said motioning to her bra before kissing her exposed cleavage. Sara never really payed attention but Mahō smelled like fresh woods and clean spring water. She slide her hands into his hair and started to rub his scalp sensually and he close his eyes moaning at her touch. Mahō leaned down and moaned into the crook of her neck before sucking on the sensitive skink just as there was a knock on the door. Mahō lifted his head his eyes glowing a deep blue and he tries to control his anger. "Cock block" I whisper into his ear to try and lighten the mood and we bought laugh.

Mahō lifted himself off of her body and she sat up adjusting her outfit back in place. He met with a man at the door and they spoke in hushed tones in Japanese. The other man bowed deeply to Mahō and walked away once they were finished. "Everything okay my love?" she asked him softly coming up behind him and rubbing his back softly. "Hai(yes), just some finalizations on security for our date." He replied turning to face her wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "OOOO" she squealed "What are we gunna do?" she asked super excited. He chuckled and kissed her forehead "the maids are going to come in, bathe you and help you change into your Yukata. Then I'll tell you" he said with a wink and laughed at her pout. "Otay" she said feigning sadness and lowering her head. "Īe, Īe (No, no). None of that watashi no taiyō." He said lifting her face with his finger under her chin. He moved his hand to cup the back of her head and pulled her closer with the arm still on her waist. Sara tilted her head back and their lips met. The sensation she got from their contact wasn't so much sparks or a tingle but she could feel the energy following between them. It was weird, she didn't know how to explain it but she loved it none the less. As they came back up for air the mains knocked on the door announcing themselves. Mahō kissed her forehead and let the mains get to work getting Sara ready.

The ladies had a field day with Sara's hair. Between its length and thick texture they were able to do a cute but casually classy updo. Despite their small amount of time together, Mahō payed attention to Sara's likes, dislikes, wants and needs. The kimono he had made for her was black silver and purple. The base was silver that would fade to black and there were white, black and purple flowers on it. The sash was a beautiful shade of amethyst that matched the flowers. He got her regular sandals that matched the yukata. The maids kept her makeup light and natural with simple eyeliner, mascara and lipstick that was purple to match the outfit. "My goodness you are so beautiful!" the maids complimented in the best English they could. "Thank you so much, WOW you guys are amazing!" Sara complimented bow to them. "No no!" they said laughing "you don't have to bow to us, we serve you." Sara shook her head. "I treat everyone who deserves it with the same level of respect. You do good work you deserved to be thanks and praised for it. Period." She replied. The maids swooned at her kindness and they all have a final bout of giggles before they left. Mahō came back into the room and stop still as a statue at the door. Sara turned around hearing him come in but smiled when she saw his reaction. He eyes trailed slowly up and down her body, not in a sexual way but with admiration and love. "Kireina…(beautiful)" was his one word reply as Sara walked over to him. "You will be the most beautiful queen to walk this plane of existence" he whisper to her and kissed both her cheeks. Sara blushed softly and smiled up at him. "Arigatōgozaimashita(thank you-formalish)" she replied and bowed to him. "No, you bow to no one Sarauniya. You are queen to us all. You may not realize it but even if we wear the preverbal pants you runs the show. We would give the world for and to you and all you'd have to do is ask. From before we met you, we vowed to love, cherish and protect our mate. After we met you it just solidified our resolve. You are everything to and for us. Remember that watashi no taiyō." He told her and she had to catch the tears before they ruined her makeup. "Stop being so romantic you're gunna make me ruin my makeup." She replied with a giggle and he kissed both her eyes. "Ready?" he asked and she nodded and replied "always."

Sara slid into the car next to Mahō and the convoy pulled off down the mountain. "So what are we gunna do today?" she asked turning to him. "Look" he replied pointing out her window. Once the tree height died down she could see a clearing in the mountains with a massive festival. "When my family founded this kingdom many years ago they vowed to protect the people within, both supernatural and human. Everyone is to be treated fairly, no bias and supported in their needs. We have held true to our promise to care for our people so they celebrate us as a thank you to us." Sara squealed and would have smushed her face to the glass like a 5 year old had she not been wearing makeup, and an entire adult. "Oh my God I'm so excited!" she squealed out and clapped aggressively. "We have to win all the prizes! I need more stuffies." Sara said to no one in particular as she bit on her bottom lip. Mahō pulled her onto his lap and lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. "Anything for you." Was his simple reply and he rested his forehead against hers.

They sat in silence just enjoying their closeness. Mahō absentmindedly rubbed circles on the back of her hand with his thumb as his other hand held her close to him." Mahō" Sara called him and shifted so she could look at him better form his lap. "May tonight be as magical as you are" she started with a smile that he returned. "And may this be one of many great memories we will create with one another." She finished and he nodded in agreement kissing her. Sara enjoyed the way he was so soft yet dominant with her in his touch and kiss. He held so much power and even more control and she was genuinely happy that he was one of her mates. As they stared at one another lovingly the car came to a stop signaling they had reached the festival. Security from the other cars slid out of their vehicles and surrounded Mahō and Sara's car. The driver opened the door and Mahō got out and helped Sara. "Welcome to the festival of Celebration" Mahō announced and Sara jumped up and down a few times before nearly pulling him along. She probably would have run but the security detail didn't give her much space to work with.

They stopped for snacks first, he would buy treats he liked and let her taste before getting her, her own. After she was sated on stand goodies they started to play some games. "Oh! I wanna catch a fish! Pleasepleasepleaseplease" she begged Mahō and he nodded with a laugh and paid the stand owner the fee for 3 tries. "Okay gentle as the wind Sara" she muttered to herself, Mahō and the stand owner laughed heartily.

One scoop-rip

Two scoop-plop rip

Sara grew frustrated and looked up to Mahō from her kneeling position and pouted. Mahō laughed before kneeling down behind her and grabbing the tool his hand over hers. "Feel the flow, the water, the fish, and your movements. They all hold their own power and you need to maintain the balance. Too fast or harsh, it rips. To slow, the fish gets away. Breath focus and feel." He explained to her in her ear as they lifted an orange and gold fish out and dropped it into her baggie. Sara squealed and hugged Mahō around his neck giving him pecks on his cheek while the stall own tied off her bag. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou" she said all in one breath and claimed her prize. They tried more games, there was a panda stuffed animal Sara eyed from down the path and begged Mahō to get it for her. You had to shoot for it and she was still adjusting to moving around in the yukata. After five tried the panda was hers and Mahō got more kisses "My knight in shining armor!" she giggled and clung to her stuffed animal.

"That's crazy, because last I checked he was a King, not a knight" a woman said with a heavy Japanese accent approaching them. Mahō placed an arm on the small of Sara's waist and his face became stone and emotionless. "Anari. I hope you're enjoying the festival." He said and Sara could tell this was going to go downhill fast. "Ah yes, I remember we used to go to festivals like this together all the time! It was so much fun just us." She replied and Sara had to bite her cheek to stop from laughing, sis was sad but comical all at the same time. "And that's exactly what they are, memories and nothing more. Enjoy your evening. Come my queen." He said glaring at her one last time before leading Sara away. "She will never be good enough for you, you know." Anari retorted. Sara felt Mahō's power flow, he didn't show it physically but she could tell. Sara wasn't one to let disrespect slid but this was a celebration and she didn't want to make a scene so she was willing to walk away. "Dirty and weak human, she will never be accepted. Her kind don't belong-" Anari was cut off by Mahō "If you wish to maintain not only your ability to speak and fill the air with your foul breath, but also maintain your status within the royal court you will apologize and shut. Your. Mouth." He said turning back to face her. His tone was laced with malice and pure unfiltered rage.

At this point people started to notice the conflict and were gathering around. "Mahō it's not needed. She wouldn't mean it and to lie would be a dishonorable as what she said. Let's just enjoy the festival, she's not worth it." Sara said trying to deescalate the situation. Mahō looked at Sara who smiled back up to him and he nodded. Anari turned to a woman that was with her, "Can you imagine the King having filthy black babies" she said with disgust and Sara turned around with Mahō his eyes bright blue at this point. "Excuse me, the FUCK did you just say?" Sara asked wanting to clarify that she heard what she thought she heard. Security moved to step between them before Sara practically growled "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare." Caught between following their queen's wishes and doing their job they weren't sure what to do. "You heard her" Mahō supported and the men stepped back.

At this point the festival going started yelling at Anari and supporting Sara as queen and her relationship with Mahō. It made her eyes glaze over with unshed tears to know they people barely knew her but would love her like this. "I don't care what any of you think! This mud monkey whore does NOT belong on the throne" Anari screamed and Spat on Sara. Everything and everyone dropped away as Sara eyes started to shift from brown to purple and she swung. Anari saw it coming and stepped back to doge it. Pushing the yukata to its limits Sara crouched low, like all the times she was boxing, and delivered a blow to the woman's stomach, kidney and face before Mahō pulled her back. "Enough my love" he said and kissed her sending calming waves her way. Anari's friend helped her up but Anari shook her off wiping the blood form her lips. "You bat shit crazy bitch! You will never be fit to be queen! Fucking ni-" Anari didn't even get to finish her statement before Mahō turned to her his magic on full display. There was a blue aura swirling around him that formed itself into the shape of a blue and white dragon. Sara stepped next to him ready to go back at the bitch but she noticed the girl seemed to be struggling for air.

Mahō raised his hand that was currently balled in a fist his aura swirling around it. Anari's body lifted with his hand and hovered. "You will NEVER disrespect MY MATE, YOUR QUEEN. EVER. AGAIN!" Sara looked up to Mahō with a double take. She had never seen him so angry and her stupid self was getting turned on as he choked out this woman to defend her. Mahō looked down at her and then back to Anari unclenching his fist and dropping his arm. Anari's face went from blue purple back to pale as her body hit the ground in a very unlady like manner. "My love, you decide." He said looking to Sara. She was now on the spot and it was hot as fucking hell all of a sudden. "Example" was all she could manage to say confidently looking into his smoldering and intimidating eyes. She wasn't afraid but it was a Dominate aura that made her want to submit. She looked around and everyone else had bowed fully, even the security team and Anari's friend. Mahō nodded and turned back to Anari, "From this day forth, Anari Uchino, have been stripped of your power, right and privileges of the royal court. You are no longer a princess but one of the peasants, as you call them that you look down on. You will live the remainder of your MISERABLE existence in EXILE." Anari tried to interject "My king NO PLE-" was all she managed to get out before Mahō waved his hand and her voice simply disappeared. Anari held onto her throat trying to speak. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "Should ANY of your friends or family be discovered attempting to give you aid, they will suffer the same fate as you!" he finished. Sara was sue if Mahō was Hele or Murciél he would be able to smell the mess of arousal she had become. 'I'm so sad. Woman getting her lifts ripped out from under her, rightfully so, and I'm thinking about how I can get Mahō back to our room sooner rather than later' Sara thought to herself as Anari was on the ground now voicelessly groveling trying to apologize to Mahō and Sara.

Mahō then turned to the people as everyone was watching now. "Listen to me well. I, Mahō Kyasutā, will NEVER waiver in leading you, my-OUR people" he corrected himself looking down at Sara and holding her hand with a smile. "With fairness and benevolence. But do NOT mistake my calm demeanor or kindness for WEAKNESS. I will defend and protect what is MINE!" he announced. Slowly the people started to clap until the entire festival was praising his speech. "Get this thing out of my sight" Mahō told the security waving Anari off like the fly on shit that she was. Mahō looked down to Sara and held her face in his hands "I'm am so sor-" he tried to apologize but Sara jumped up wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with every fiber of her being. "If you're truly sorry I'm sure you can make it up to me later" she whispered in his ear letting her arms fall from his neck. Mahō caught her hands and placed them on his chest holding them. "It's a promise then." He replied his magical finally calming and his eyes returning to normal.

"Lunch time!" Sara called out and kissed his lips with a quick peck. Anari no neck was escorted from the premises and everyone went back to having fun as if nothing ever happened. Sara and Mahō ventured to different food stand this time around and once she was adequately re-stuffed they went to play some other games. As the sun began to set part of the area was cleared out for a performance that would be put on. "Oh what are they going to do!?" Sara asked Mahō. "Well if you hadn't already notice, our family emblem is a dragon because that is how our magic manifest. So they're going to do a dance with different dragons, before you ask yes one will be mine, and it usually tells of our creation as well our story through the ages of our rule during major events." Sara looked at him her eyes growing wide like a puppy. Mahō laughed hysterically to the point where he had to wipe his tears and nodded a yes to her unasked question. "Yes, we can stay watashi no tsuki" he confirmed and Sara did a random dance of celebration.

Mahō and Sara stayed for some of the dance but he had dinner planed for them back at the hot springs so they had to leave before it was over. Sara started to throw a fit but Mahō told her there was a feast of yummy food and she practically ran to the car. Sara sat on Mahō's lap on the way back and played with his hair. "If you didn't know this already. You defending was really hot." She whispered the last part into his ear and he chuckled. Mahō sucked on his bottom lip "oh yeah?" he asked and Sara nodded pulling his hair up to her face like a mustache. "Well then maybe I should let you in on a little secret." He said and Sara leaned her ear close to him. "I would bathe in the blood of you enemies to defend you. Then I would collect it and pull the iron from their blood to make you a beautiful blade." He said and they pulled back apart to look at each other. Her jaw was slack and her mouth hung open. Mahō tried to lift it close but once he moved his hand it fell again. Mahō shrugged and pulled her in for a kiss and she melted into him. 'Bitch you will gotta make it through dinner. Fuuucckckk' she thought to herself pulling back from the kiss.

They eventually made it back to the hot springs and Sara wanted to change and get more comfortable. She showered and changed into a purple and blue moo moo with black stripes on it. "Damn, I was so excited to peel you outta that yukata." Mahō said jokingly as he led her to their main suite. Sara giggled "well this is so much easier though" she said with a wink and the maid opened the door to their room for them. Mahō spoke to the maid and she bowed leaving them be. "What dis!?" Sara asked looking at the table with their food on it. It looked like a regular table but had a thick comforter coming out from the edges. "A kotatsu. It can get pretty cold at night so if we're not in bed or in the water I didn't want you to get cold." He informed her and leaned down to whisper into her ear "it's heated..." he said before pulling her to sit with him. Sara knew that America was slacking when it came to fresh produce and healthy meals but never in her life did she realize how badly she was missing out. "Everything just taste cleaner, fresher, and more organic-y-er." Sara said not sure how she managed to create that last work and Mahō laughed nearly choking on his food. "Everything is grown locally and there's a small volcano nearby, hence the springs. Volcanic soil is that shit" he said shoving some more food in his mouth and it was Sara's turn to laugh and try to not choke.

After they finished eating everything was cleared away for them and Mahō opened the sliding door that led to their bathe. "Mm Mahō. I don't have a bathing suit." She said and he chuckled. Mahō stepped outside and undid his robe letting it fall and gave Sara a clear view of his backside. How he was so lean but so muscular she would never know but he had the cutest butt she ever saw and immediately wanted to grab it. "Like what you see?" he asked with a chuckle. Mahō stepped into the water before turning around to face her "who said you needed one?" he joked sinking further into the water. "Well shit" Sara muttered pulling off her moo moo. She could hear Maho take in a sharp breath and she turned around to see him taking her body in, very sexually this time. "Like what you see?" she asked mockingly and giggled.

Mahō's eyes glided up her body and he smiled in reply to her questions as his eyes started to glow. "Like isn't a strong enough word to describe what 'm enjoying right now. Love, infatuated with, addicted to might be some better options." He said. Sara walked from their room down the stone steps into the water. It was the perfect temperature, the tears of Satan, and she reveled in how her muscles just wanted to melt in the heat. She moaned as she sunk her body into the water and relaxed her head against a flat rocky surface. Mahō walked over to her like a wild animal stalking its prey as lifted his hand out the water and her right leg lifted. Catching it by the ankle Mahō began methodically massaging her feet all the way up to her thigh. Then he started on the other side working his way up. Sara let out gasps and moans of pleasure without a care in the world. Between his hands and the spring she was going to pass out.

"Watashi no joō, watashi no ai. (My queen, my love)" he whispered into her ear while he worked on her neck and shoulders. "Kon'ya anata o dore dake aishite iru ka o o mise suru tsumoridesu. Junbi shite kudasai. (I plan on showing you how much I love you tonight and I hope you are prepared.)" He whispered into her other ear. Mahō let his magic flow as Sara turned around to face him and he kissed her as if she was his last hope of survival, the only woman in the world that mattered, and the very breath in his lungs. Eventually they broke this kiss needed air and Sara felt a rush of energy hit her out of nowhere. It wasn't like a sugar rush but like she slept a full eight hours, because that's a thing, not. "You will be awake for every moment of this" Mahō said holding her body close. "There is a claiming spell I will chant, our souls will be combine and bind us together irrevocably. Some of my magic will flow into you and some of yours will flow into me, you will feel the rush. Do not be afraid." He informed her and she nodded never taking her eyes off of his.

"Watashi wa, Mahō Kyasutā, Sarauniya Williams, watashi no nakama to shite anata o shuchō shimasu. Watashitachi wa ima kara jikan no owari made hitotsu ni shibara remasu. Anata no yokubō, yokkyū, nīzu wa watashi jishin no mono no ue ni oka re, eien ni anata o daiji ni shimasu. (I, Mahō Kyasutā, claim you, Sarauniya Williams, as my mate. We will be bound as one from now until the end of time. Your desires, wants and needs will be placed above my own and I shall cherish you for an eternity.)" Mahō said the spell into the crisp night air. As he spoke Sara's eye began to glow purple much like his were blue. Their auras mingled and swirled together around their body's as Mahō pulled her closer. As he finished the incantation they kissed their magic releasing a tidal wave of power that caused waved in the water and all the vegetation within a several mile radius blow back from the force. "You are mine as I am yours" he whispered against her lips before the broke into another kiss.

Sara didn't notice yet but as they being one a blue and silver dragon tattoo appeared on her skin across a large portion of her body like a Yakuza member would have. In kind Mahō had a black and purple phoenix tattoo on his back. "I love you Mahō" Sara said nearly in tears. "I have waited a thousand years over to have you, I plan on taking my time." He informed her and teleported their no longer wet and naked bodies onto the bed. Mahō began to attack her neck with little bites here and there that he would lick and such the sting away. Up on side and down the other. As he made it down to her breast he lifted himself on his arms to take in his mark upon her body. He growls much like a dragon and leans back down to suckle on her breast in a slow painstaking manner pulling at her nipples with his teeth and letting them go with a pop just to suck on them again swirling his tongue over the sensitive peak.

Sara's mental capacity had diminished with the massage but now it had completely shattered out of existence. Her back lifted in a lustful desire to have him as close to her as possible as he switched breast she fisted his hair loving the sensations he gave her with just his mouth. Mahō slid a free hand in between them and slipped his fingers between her lips. Pulling off her nipple with a pop he said "Fuck, you're already ready." Mahō lifted the hand he used, fingers now coated in her juices, "Clean them, don't swallow." 'I'm definitely not used to hearing that butttt' she thought to herself as she opened her mouth. Mahō slid up her body and she licked his fingers clean. Before she could do anything else Mahō Kissed her his tongue immediately finger hers and they savored the flavor of her together. Pulling away from the kiss Mahō growled again and climbed down her body leaving a trail of licks and kisses.

Using his magic he slid her body to the edge of the bed where he knelt before her and kissed from her foot up to right before her dripping core and then up the other side. Mahō took a tentative lick not yet spreading the lips and he groaned while he body jerked from the tease. "Mahō …"Sara begged for some kind of relief. Propping her thighs on his shoulder, Mahō's arms slide under her legs and over the top effectively holding her to him and he began to stroke up and down her slit applying more pressure with each lick causing her lower lips to spread slowly. Sara started to squirm but Mahō held on strong and she couldn't move. "I'm going to devour you until you shatter for me," he started as she looked down at him and he gave her a piercing glare filled with pure lust "and then I'm going to keep going." he finished and applied full pressure with his tongue now attacking her clit.

Sara's mouth opened to let out a sound a moan or scream, she wasn't sure, but the breath got caught in her throat and she only managed to groan instead as she hips lifted off the bed to meet his mouth. It didn't take long for her to feel her build like a Category 5 hurricane between his skill and warmth of his mouth. "Mahō !" she screamed getting closer to her climax. "Funsai! (Shatter!)" he commanded and she broke apart on a molecular level. Much to her surprise and dismay Mahō kept to his word and kept going and the sensation became too much. She threaded her hands in his hair to try and pull him off but with a wave of his finger her hands were bound above her head. Sara felt her reaching about peak and she wasn't sure if she could handle the anatomic level of explosion he was giving her. Sara tried to squeeze her thighs close and his used his magic to only spread her further as she shattered again in his mouth, her cream coating his tongue. He released her binding as they tried to regulate their breathing. Sara body had aftershocks as it tried to recover.

Mahō stood at his full highlight and Sara looked down finally getting a full front view of him naked. "Sweet black fucking baby JESUS. The devil is a WHOLE lie." she said eye his erection as he flexed it to waved 'Hello'. Sara crawled backwards up the bed as if she was going to run away and Mahō crawled onto the bed after her pinning her in the center. "Dokoni mo ikimasen. ( You're not going anywhere.)" Mahō muttered against her lips right before he kissed her senseless. "Are you ready watashi no tsuki?" Mahō asked to make sure she was ready for him. Sara nodded "hai (yes)" she whispered and he lined himself up with her pussy and began to slide in her. Sara began to pant in short breaths as he stretched her and Mahō groaned in pleasure as her walls clenched on his cock. Mahō buried himself to the hilt inside her and stayed there for a moment to let her adjust. Sara gasped and regulated her breathing before giving him the go ahead.

Mahō began a slow but deep and methodical stroke. Bottoming out in her with aggression but letting her feel every inch of him painstakingly. "Mahō baby please, I need you to go faster" she moaned and begged. Eventually he picked up the pace to the point the Sara had her nails digging into his back leaving red lines in her wake. Mahō turned Sara on her side never leaving the confines of her womanhood and grabbed her arm as leverage with his right hand and held on to her thighs with his left. "OH MY GOD!" Sara screamed as he hit an entire new angle. "I want you to feel all of me, how hard you make me, how much I want you." he told her through gritted teeth. Sara had tears of pure bliss as she let out moans and screams of his name and what she wanted him to do to her. Mahō knew he was getting close and based off of Sara's moans and how her pussy was trying to milk him he knew she was close to. Mahō pulled out and smoothly hoisted her so she was up on all fours and slide back inside her. As he increased his pace his left arm slid up between her breast to lift her torso and bring her back to his chest and his right hand slid between her legs and started to rub against her already sensitive clit. "MAHŌ!" she cried out as she felt her soul ascend to a higher plan and she came all over his cock. Mahō screamed out her name as he came and held still so the could feel his seed filling her to the brim before they both collapsed onto the bed.

Sara and Mahō were trying to catch their breath as Mahō pulled her body close to his and she curled into him instinctively. "Rest my love, for now" he whispered in her ear and she was too tired to care about the fact that they would be going again.

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