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67.85% The Queen of Kings / Chapter 19: Ch 18 Dark Desire

Chapter 19: Ch 18 Dark Desire

Sara woke up to the sound of animals doing their morning routine and wind disturbing the snow on the mountain tops. "Morning lumina mea" Balaur whispered into her ear kissing her cheek. "Mmm morning my king." she murmured rubbing her eyes and rolling over to kiss him back. Balaur pins her beneath his body and nuzzled his face into her neck kissing it softly. "I love you so much." he declared staring down at her with love and admiration in his eyes. "I love you too." she replied with the same look and her hands cupping his face. They were in the midst of heavy petting when she heard a 'woosh' like sound and felt someone watching them. Breaking the kiss and looking up she saw Cythraul leaning against a boulder and watching them with a smirk on his face as he unbuttoned the jacket to his tan suit outfit and fixed the color to his black and shit snakeskin shirt. "Pervert" Sara called him jokingly and he chuckled. "Only for you fy nghalon" he replied with a wink and a smile. Cythraul pushed himself off the rock and walked over to them as they got up. Sara was in another Tshirt, not her own, but nothing else. She was surprised it was large and tall enough for her figure. "Figured I'd come pick you up a little early, get a good shower and hearty breakfast in before we officially start our date." He informed her pulling her into a hug. "Seems like a wonderful idea to be honest" she replied pulling away and giving him a quick kiss. Sara said her goodbyes to Balaur and he took off back to his capital. "Close your eyes fy awydd. I don't want the teleportation to disorient you too much." Cythraul informed and he pulled her close to him as she closed her eyes. Shadows wrapped around their form and with the same 'woosh' they were now in an elegant and massive bathroom.

The entire bathroom was made of black marble except for the porcelain of the tub and sink. On the right side of the room was a massive two person vanity and hair care station, while on the left side was a nice 2 person tub and a large 2 person shower stall with a waterfall detachable showerhead. At the back of the bathroom was a large floor to ceiling mirror that Cythraul was eyeing Sara's behind in and she pulled the hem of the shirt down to cover it with a giggle. "Aw no fair!" he complained and she laughed giving him a quick peck. "Out so I can shower!" she commanded and he nodded. "Clothes are on the counter for you. Just call for me when your done, a maid will be outside the bedroom door." he informed her and walked out closing the door behind him.

Sara took her time pampering herself before she got dressed in a sheer shirt with black half bra and a blue, black and white striped bodycon skirt that reached 3/4s of the way down her thighs. She walked out into the main bedroom. The area wasn't too big, but still impressive in size. The entire room had black wooden flooring and deep crimson red wallpaper. To the left was a large rectangular wall mirror with a gold frame and a large king size bed in a solid black oak bed frame. On each side of the bed were two black wooden matching nightstands and golden wall-mounted lamp scones. What really through Sara for a loop was the brown haired, green eyed, angry looking woman sitting on the edge of the bed. "Oh, uh hello. Are you the maid?" Sara asked because the Chanel the woman was wearing made her think the women definitely wasn't a maid. She scoffed as she stood and came around her side of the bed. "Of course the peasant would assume I'm the help." She replied and stared Sara down. "Peasant?" Sara asked and before she could continue the woman cut her off. "Yes. Peasant. You think because you claim to bed Lord Cythraul's mate that, that makes you somebody? You're a human nobody with a tragic past and pathetic excuse for a queen. Cythraul will realize this sooner rather than later and understand that you need a fitness and meal plan, not a seat on the throne. Meanwhile I, Lilith, will stand by him like I have all these millennia as his right hand and be the proper and true queen he needs." At this point, Sara's eyes glossed with unshed tears and she had to bit her bottom lip to keep them from falling. "Aww what's the matter? Is tubby wubby gunna cry? Pathetic fucking human sack of flesh." She added and turned to walk out. As she got to the door she turned around, "and don't bother telling anyone we had this conversation. They'd never believe you anyway." she finished.

As Lilith turned back to leave Sara burst out laughing and her tears started to free fall. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT BITCH. You are PRESSED hunti." Sara started while wiping away her tears. Lilith was confused and it showed on her face, this was not the reaction she wanted. "Sis, I've been plus size a VAST majority of my life, I'm healthy and I love myself. So fat jokes like we're in middle school aren't going to do a thing but show how petulant and immature you are. You're BIG mad because Cythraul won't make you queen and I just happen to be the upgrade!" Sara started to laugh all over again and Lilith turned red with rage. "UPGRADE!?" How can you call yourself an upgrade when you only know how to upgrade you meal sizes at McDonalds!? I am second in command of the demon realm! The only power that rivals mine is the kings! I know what he wants and desires, I've shared his bed before and when he realizes I'm the better fit he going to toss you out like the trash you are! He's only with you because of that stupid blood bond and now hes forced to have a mate. He would have never looked in your direction if it wasn't for that." Lilith retorted. Sara came down from her laughing fit, "Listen, sweet summer chile. Everyone has a past they regret and I'm willing to bet money you're his. And maybe you're right and he would have never thought twice of me without the bond. But that's not the case now is it? And we're here and I'm his mate. To top it all off, we're madly in love with one another. So the fact remains." Sara got in Lilith's face, "I will be queen, your queen, you will respect me, I WILL bear Cythraul's mark and children, and I will be riding his cock into the sunset for the rest of eternity. Deal with that as you may but to me it sounds like you have a massive. Personal. Problem." Sara finished and walked out of the room, leaving no room for rebuttal, only to bump into a very pissed off Cythraul.

"Oh, speak of the devil and he shall appear! Literally!" Sara said with a giggle but Cythraul continued to death glare Lilith. If looks could kill she'd be several thousand feet under. "My Lord! I can-" Lilith started as she bowed to him. "DON'T FUCKING BOTHER!" his voice boomed with rage and both women flinched. He pulled Sara's body close and nuzzled her neck inhaling her scent to help calm him before he straightened himself and continued. "Apologize. Now." he said his voice turning demonic and his eyes glowing red. "No." Sara cut Lilith off before she could even start to lie. "She meant what she said a thousand percent and hates every fiber of my being for taking you from her, not that she ever had you. Her apology would be even more disrespectful and a blatant lie and I will not have it. Deal with her as you see fit but I want nothing from her." Sara explain at his confused looked and walked out the room. "Quomodo audes te contemptum fucking suus, regina et viam tuam? Ego fucking non vis audire verbum vel unum mendacium ex ore tuo. Ecce ego interficiam te visurum. (How fucking dare you disrespect her, your queen that way? I do not want to hear a single fucking word or lie from your mouth. I will deal with you later.)" Cythraul ordered and left Lilith in the room to wallow in her fear and tears. "Fy mrenhines, mae'n ddrwg gen i fod yn rhaid ichi ddelio â hynny. Ni fydd yn digwydd eto fe'ch sicrhaf. Ymdrinnir â hi. (My queen, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. It will not happen again, I assure you. She will be dealt with.)" Cythraul said Kissing Sara's forehead and pulling her close. "Um, in english?" she asked with a giggled. "Basically I'll deal with her and I apologize that it happened." he translated. She nodded "can we go now, I'm starving and I want to fully enjoy our date!" she said and he smiled with a nod pulling her towards the dining hall. "So my generals heard you were here, and unlike some folk, they're super excited to meet you want wanted to eat with us. If you don't want to that's fine, I'll have them leave-" Cythraul started and Sara cut him off with a kiss. "It's fine my love. Lets go." she replied with a smile and he beamed at her with pride and love.

The dining hall was massive and had the same red wallpaper, from the bedroom, and black marble flooring that was used in the bathroom. There were several placements set up with an array of men and women, some in human or demon form sitting already. Cythrual took a seat at the head of the chair and Sara was seated in the empty chair to his right. Everyone took their time introducing themselves and they all seemed genuinely excited to meet her. "Thank whatever deity you pray to we wouldn't have to deal with Lilith as queen. Ugh" of the generals said and the rest of the court laughed. Sara let out a scoff and shook her head as the food was brought out. Everyone had a casual conversation and even some talk about the kingdom which Sara easily fell into and helped with some ideas. Once breakfast was done everyone said their goodbyes and the servants cleared out the table.

Cythraul led Sara down several halls showing her around the castle and all the important areas. After a home tour and enjoying each other's company for some time, he lead her down another hall and stops at a door without a normal handle but buttons like the inside of an elevator. Cythraul pushed one that lit for a moment and when it went off he opened the door to a massive wide open field with a gentle breeze. There were different patches of greenery separated by thick lines of shrubbery. Past a few fields was a line of short trees and then a cliff side that lead to water. "What kinda Howl's Moving Castle shit was that?!" Sara asked perplexed but surprised. "I'm not sure what that is." he replied with a confused look. "Oh baby…" she said and patted on his cheek softly. "I will show you the way" she added, "Oh yeah?" he asked. "Yea!" she replied. Cythraul pressed her against the side of the cabin and growled into the crook of her neck. "I look forward to you proving it" he replied. Sara moaned at the caress of his breath along her skin. "Cythraul…" she whispered, "Mmm yes fy awydd?" he replied. "I'm hungry" she replied and nearly choked on the giggle she was trying to suppress when he pulled back with an amused face. "Come" was all he said before wrapping her hand with his own and pulling her around the cabin down a dirt path.

They walked for a few minutes until they came to a clearing surrounded by brush with a single old oak. The tree was massive and healthy with multiple branches reaching up into the night sky full of leaves. The entire small open space was coated with paper lanterns along the ground with candles lit. There were more up the tree and hanging from the branches. Under the tree was a table with a set meal for two. Pineapple glazed ham with vegetables and potatoes and her favorite white wine. "I remember you not caring about matching your meat to your wine" he said jokingly as he pulled out a chair for her. Tears slid down her eye at the beauty of it all but she wiped them away quickly throwing him a smile as she sat down. "Why are you crying fy nghalon?" he asked kissing the top of her head. "Because this is so beauti- no that doesn't even begin to cover it. Everything you guys are doing, it feels like is so much. A lot of my life was spent alone fighting for basic needs but now I have everything I could have ever imagined and I feel like I don't deserve it at times." she muttered out loud and he kneeled down in front of her on one knee and kissed her. It was deep, passionate but soft and loving. "You are worth and worth everything in the world. What we give you is just a piece of the happiness and love you deserve, that we will always give you, happily and with no regrets." he replied giving her a quick peck on the lips before taking his own seat.

Sara couldn't help but take in his words as he served them food and poured the wine. "Are you alright?" he asked and she nodded "Yes, I'm just processing everything and realizing I can't live in my past anymore. I'm here now, with you all, where I belong." she said with a smile and started to dig into her meal. The ate listening to the sounds of mother nature and throwing occasional jokes at one another. "So, what magical outlandish experience do you have in store for me oh mighty King of Demons?" Sara asked him playfully as she cleared her plate. He grunted deeply and it had a gravely undertone. It made her body react as if it was his breath on her skin. "Well it's a surprise," he said and Sara sighed. He chuckled and pulled her up from her seat, "but first I have a gift for you" he informed her as he materialized a black gift box with a golden bow and handed it to her. "Eeee!" Sara squealed and pulled at the bow to get the box open. Inside was a purple satin pleated collar with a single satin ribbon of black around the center of the band. At the very front was a small silver ring with a 'C' carved from onyx hanging from it. Sara blinked a few times before registering that this was indeed what she thought it was, "a collar?" she asked for confirmation and he nodded. She looked at him confused, "you may bear my mark but I want the world to know you're mine. If you don't want to its okay, we all know you're a little but I'm sure there are many kinks you haven't explored yet. If you'll allow me and trust me, I'd like to show you and if you don't like it, I'll never bring it up again. However," he leaned in and pulled her close so his lips where to her ear. "I think you'd enjoy it as much as I will.."he whispered into her ear and her body shuddered.

She thought for a long time and he began to worry that it was too much for her. He was about to tell her to forget it but she spoke first. "Okay, but I want to ask you something first." His face lit up like a kid on Christmas, "anything." he replied. "Are you sure?" she muttered and looked down at the box again. Cythraul stepped impossibly close to her and lifted her chin so they were looking each other in the eye. "It amazes me how you can still doubt our, my feelings for you. Nevertheless I will spend the rest of eternity proving my love for you." he stated and kissed her forehead. She lifted the collar out of the box and handed it to him before she turned around and lifted her hair out of the way. Cythraul slid the fabric around her neck and she was shocked, the fabric was a lot smoother than she expected and it fit nicely. Cythraul used magic to seal the back so there were no claps or anything against her skin. "The only ones who can remove this is me or you. I understand you may not want to wear it all the time so I want you to be comfortable." he informed her and she smiled as she tip-toed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his lips to hers. She ran her fingers through his hair and he growled into the kiss before pulling back reluctantly. "Come" he instructed leading her back to the Cabin with the elevator door.

Instead of pressing a button on the list he pressed his thumb to an empty space below the buttons. The elevator dings and he pulled her in holding her close. Before long the elevator dings again and opened to a room with dim lighting but warm atmosphere. Cythraul led her off the elevator and when the doors closed her eyes were able to properly adjust to the lack of light. The room was red on the walls and the flooring and borders were black wood. There was a 4 slot cubbie to the right side of the room with a small sconce lamp over it. Cythraul walked over to it and took off his shoes, placing them in the bottom left slot. Then he began to disrobe fully, folding his clothes and putting them in the upper left slot. "Coming fy awydd?" he asked and Sara came out of her trance and walked over following his actions. 'I wanna touch his butt- Jesus woman focus!' Sara was having an inner monologue with herself before Cythraul pulled her out of the trance. "Are you ready?" he asked eyeing up and down her now bare body memorizing her every dip and curve. "Yes" she whispered breathlessly and he took her hand leading her through the door past the cubbie. Inside was a large play room was a california king bed against the back wall in the center. On either side of the bed were night stands but next to those were cabinet shelves of toys, lubes, ties and ropes. "Fuck…" she muttered and Cythraul laughed behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. "This is a playroom. Here I am the Dom, the master and you are my sub. I know all of this is new to you so I will go easy on our first few playtimes, even let you pick what we use or do. You will refer to me as Sir while we are playing and do as your told otherwise I will punish you. If you are worried at any time feel free to ask questions or use your safe word. Do you understand?" he waited for her reply. "Yes...Yes sir." she caught herself and he smiled with a nod. "Good girl" he praised kissing her forehead. "Now what is your safe word?" he asked and in that moment the english language completely escaped her. "Fy nghalon?" Sara came out of her stupor "Oh sorry sir. Um. Dragon." she provided and he nodded. "Dragon is is." he confirmed, "Now for two important questions before we begin. Do you trust me?" he asked her with a serious tone and look in his eyes. She nodded "Yes sir, completely" was her reply. "Good, What are your hard stops, things you wouldn't even want to risk trying." They discussed her no-gos and maybes for another time.

"Kneel on the center of the bed," he told her and walked over to an armoire made of black wood. Inside was an ornate carved tree the branches wrapped around an ordinate blade. Cythraul grabbed the hilt and the branches groans and cracked as they unwrapped form the blade. As the last branch lifted Sara began to hear whispers and began to look around before looking back to the blade. "What are those voices?" Sara asked and Cythraul's head snapped to her direction. "You can hear them?" He asked and she nodded. "It's the voices of ancestors pasts great warriors and elders who had to be inducted into their roles and ranks and have since passed on. Tonight however it is how we bond." He explained. Sara looked at him with a 'the fuck?' face and he chuckled. "It can't and won't hurt you. I promise." He said sliding onto the bed in front of her. "Like with Mala'ika I will make a cut over you heart and I will drink from it but there is also a claiming you must accept." He reminded her and she nodded with a smile. Cythraul cut himself first and guided Sara to drink. Once she finished her placed the cut over her heart, he drank from her before licking the wound as it closed. "Good. Your healing has improved." He said with a satisfied smile as he slid off the bed and replaced the blade. "Uh, Cythraul. If that's a ceremonial dagger…why is it in your playroom?" Sara asked with her head tilted to the side with a 'enlighten me mother fucker, cuz a bitch is confused' face. "I brought it here so we wouldn't have to move about much." He informed her while going into a cabinet with toys. Sara looked at him when he came back over with what looked like a butterfly with an egg coming off of it. He placed it on the bed next to her and then pulled out a black satin blind fold.

"Now I'm going to take care of you, love you and please you." He whispered into her ear as he put a blind fold on her. "Sensory deprivation. Lose one of the five senses and the others are heightened." He informed her as walked around the bed as she tried to follow his voice. He teleported quietly to the other side of the bed and whispered "lay on your back for me fy nghalon and spread your legs" he instructed and she did as she was told, "Yes sir." She whispered breathily trying not to jump with surprise.

Cythraul spent the next few moments keeping Sara still beneath him as she gently stroked her skin with licks and kisses. "Please…sir. I can't take anymore." She pleaded. "Sara, I am going to slide this toy inside you. It vibrates but I can control the intensity remotely, do you understand?" he wanted to make sure she understood and was okay with what he was going to do with her. "Yes sir," she replied quickly and he smiled. Leaving the toy off, Cythraul rubbed the egg against her moistened slit to coat it with her juices. Sara shuddered at the sudden coldness before the toy was warm enough to not make her shiver. Cythraul spread her lips and inserted the eggs slowly and left it there for her to adjust to. The butterfly wings sat flush to her outer lips and over her clit. Cythraul then got off the bed quickly placing a chair at the foot of the bed and sat quietly. "Sir?" Sara asked when she didn't hear anything for a few moments. She didn't want to move but she wasn't sure anyone was still in the room with her. Sudden the eggs turned on nearly full blast and Sara let out a scream from the suddenness and the hyper stimulation. "Fuck!" she cried out and clamped her tights shut trying to reduce the intensity of the toy. "Open. Your. Legs" was his command and Sara took a deep breath. The tone was commanding and her body responded with joy. Cythraul dropped the intensity and Sara opened her legs again. After she seemed to be okay with the level she was at he turned it up again and her back lifted off the bed. "God damn it!" she cried out her legs involuntarily clamping shut. 'Fuck!' she thought to herself as she tried to regain her composure she felt wisps of air drift across her skin like tentacles at her ankles and pull her legs apart. "C-Cythraul!?" she called out worried, "trust me fy nghalon" he reminded her and she nodded absentmindedly.

Sara got used to the higher level after a few moments and she heard Cythraul get up and climb onto the bed as it dipped to support his weight. Kneeling between her legs, Cythraul bent down supporting himself on one arm and took one of her breast into his mouth. Sara leg out a groan like moan and immediately ran her fingers through his hair wanting to touch him and hold him close. The same wisps wrap around her wrist and pull her arms up and spread out. Without warning he switches breast and begins to pay with the intensity up and down in an unpredictable manner. "Cythraul, I can't take anymore, I'm gunna cum!" she cried out. Cythrual pulled away from her body and turned the toy off, his magic still pinning her down. "No! Why'd you stop!?" she asked as her core started to unwind from her high. "It seems you've forgotten the rules and who's in charge hm? Why should bad girls get rewarded?" he asked her his head tilted to the side. Sara was about to flip a shit, fuck the rules she was right there. "Did you not enjoy yourself?" he asked her suddenly and she nodded, if she spoke she would have said something out of line. "Then I will continue to pleasure you in such ways, but you must respect the rules of the play room and your Dom." He reiterated as he leaned over her body supporting himself on his elbows. "Who's the Master here Sarauniya?" he asked and this tone and use of her full name made her nipple harden and rise to meet his. "You, sir." She replied finally calming down. She was enjoying herself and wouldn't mind experiences like this but he was right. He can't provide them if she wasn't willing to respect the space and him. "I'm sorry for stepping out of line sir, it won't happen again." She apologized. He nodded "It just might, brat" he retorted with a wink and a smile before kissing her hungrily.

Cythraul pulled away reluctantly and began to lick suck and kiss down her body. Sara was worried he was starting the entire process all over again. Though she enjoyed it, she really just wanted a release by now. Much to her surprise he made his was down to her core and pulled out the toy tossing it aside before taking her clit into his mouth and suckling on it. "Holy FUCKING SHIT" Sara screamed at the top of her lungs as she came, causing the glass on the cabinets to shatter and her body lifted against his. Cythraul growled as his eyes burn orange and red with the whites pitch black. He waved his hands through the air and orbs of hell fire floated around the room providing them with low blue light since she took out all the lights.

Cythraul climbed up her body with open mouth kisses and licks as she came down from her high. He speaks to her in latin his tone deep, gravely and demonic in nature, "Regina meum. Me mate. Amica mea. Tu es mei, et omne votum. Ego illorum, suisque similibus custodiat te a nunc usque ad consummationem saeculi. Te amo Sarauniya. (My queen. My mate. My love. You are my heart and my every desire. I will love, cherish and protect you from now, till the end of time. I love you Sarauniya)". Cythraul knelt between her legs as the tendrils of darkness around her ankles and wrist shifted to under her knees and upper back. More tentrild sport to support her butt and lower back. The tendrils lifted to the hooks in the ceiling she hadn't noticed before and lifted her body as if she was in a sex swing. "Do you accept my claim?" he asked running his hand up her body from her hip line to the valley between her breast. "Ita domine. (Yes sir)" she replied her eyes glowing purple where they use to be brown.

Cythraul rubbed his cock against her sensitive slit and her body buck into him involuntarily. He lined up with her entrance and slide inside her and burying himself to the hilt. "Fuck…" he swore and she wrapped her legs around his waist as she adjusted to his size. He leaned over her body holding onto the tendrils around supporting her upper back as she held onto his shoulders. As he picked up the pace the sound of their bodies meeting over and over, reverberated through the room with her moans and grunts. "Cythraul!" Sara cried pulling them closer so their lips could meet. It was a hungry and needed kiss and the tendrils of shadows repositioned to accommodate for the new position with her sitting up.

Cythraul smacked her ass a few time in sync with his stroke rubbing her cheeks after each slap. He could feel Sara getting close as her pussy clenched around his cock. "You going to come fy awydd?" he asked in a whisper grunt into her ear. "Yes sir!" she cried out running her fingers through his hair. "Come" he ordered in his distorted voice and they both came together. If there has been anything made of glass left it would have shattered with the chorus of their release. They took a few moments to regain their composure before he slid out of her reluctantly. "Sir?" she asked with hopeful pouty eyes and he smiled as he made a 'turn over' motion with his hand. The tendrils rearranged themselves and flipped her body over and sprouting more to support her body. Spread eagle on her belly, she bent her knees to give him better access and he slid home deep within her walls.

They spent the next few hours making love and trying new positions and occasionally using toys. Only in the wee hours of the morning did they rest wrapped in each other's arms as she curled into his body. "I love you" he whispered to her kissing her forehead. "I love you too." she replied before dozing off.

'Brothers. I know it's late but we need to talk' Cythraul called over their bond. They all tuned in expressing worry and he assured them that she was fine. 'Her eyes turned purple and she spoke in Latin after she understood me speaking it' he informed them. 'So she can speak in the language of creation' Mala'ika started 'and she can manipulate water?' Balaur added. 'Actually, I think she can bend them all but I'm not sure. She screamed tonight and it shattered the glass in the room' Cythraul said. 'As much as I'd rather not , perhaps we need to see what else she can do, AFTER we complete the process. The more of us that are bonded with her the more we can help her if she is indeed coming to her own abilities.' Murciél threw the idea out. 'Water and air out the way, we'll figure out how to test the other two later.' Mahō spoke this time. 'Oh their something else….' Cythraul added with a pause. 'Spit it out brother' Hele pried. 'She can her the souls of spirits past' Cythraul told them and the link grew quite as they mulled over the information. 'I will reach out to all my contacts and see if we can find Inna. She raised Sara and knew her the longest. If anyone has answers, its' her' Mahō advised and dropped off the link. The all agreed and dropped off and Cythraul pulled the blankets over them before drifting off to his own sleep.

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