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100% A HEMA instructor’s otherworldly adventure / Chapter 7: Chapter 6 Fight

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 Fight

Vlad ignores the commotion and continues on eating.

"This restaurant seems full" A young female voice said.

Hearing the voice Vlad turned his head and saw a young girl with red hair surrounded by a bunch of servants, they're from the Feng clan! To be precise the girl is his... or used to be his sister, the only daughter of the clan head Feng Feng Yao Mei.

Vlad clenched his hand tightly in rage, they used to be quite close but after discovering that he's a cripple without a dantian she like all the rest quickly distanced herself from him like he has cooties or something , suffice to say not long after she would express great disgust whenever she sees him. The fact that he used to be her "brother" greatly displeases her.

"Don't worry young miss I'm sure we can get a table" a servant said as he scans the room for anybody to kick out of the restaurant.

Naturally, their eyes lands on the child with the tattered robes on a table by himself eating a cheap meal.

The servant walks over to him and said "hey kid! scram from this table"

Suffice to say the Feng clan is quite influential in this city, that's why this little servant can act with great impudence.

A tic appears on Vlad's forehead but none the less ignores the servant and continues on his meal.

"Hey kid I'm talking you! leave this table if you know what's good for you" the servant said as he tries to slap away his bowl of Char Sui fan away.

Vlad promptly block the servant's swing, then turns to the servant.

If it was the usual Vlad in the Feng manor he would have tolerated such bullying but as he's wearing a disguise he naturally wouldn't tolerate such grave injustice! Besides his alias is Hua Li De which means a Flower Standing on Morals, he has to be a righteous man.

"One must not disturb other people when they're eating" Vlad said seriously as he deliver a Spartan kick which sent the servant flying back.

Seeing one of their own being sent flying the Feng servants around quickly rushes to the impudent kid.

"Beat the brat"

"Damn brat not putting the Feng clan in his eyes at all"

"Kid you're not getting out here alive"

Seeing a wave of people charging at him Vlad quickly grabbed a chair and breaks off a foot step serve as a makeshift baton.

Vlad kept on his poker face but deep inside he's grinning wildly as he had wanted to do this for ages, as he had trained in a wide variety of Europeans martial arts in his past life and one of this is about the usage of batons.

When people thinks about baton they would immediately imagine the law enforcement. When asked about it's origin people would think about the police having Tonfas and immediately concluded it came from the east, but they're wrong for you see the usage of batons in Europe can trace it's lineage back to the ancient Roman Empire.

So batons the law enforcers use and is wildly practiced worldwide is contrary to popular belief is of European origin.

Judging by the fact of how widely used it is, one could assume of how effective it is. So suffice to say what proceeded next pretty much an epic beat dawn of the Feng clan's servants.

Meanwhile everyone in the restaurant just watched Vlad's epic performance with slacked jawed as he swiftly disabled the arrogant Feng clan servants one after the other.

It didn't take long but by the time he finishes there only a bunch of moaning Feng clan servants on the floor clenching their dislocated shoulders.

The only one left of the Feng clan still standing is Feng Yao Mei who just watched the whole thing with lifting a hand.

Vlad then stares at the girl as if saying "what do you want now? Your servants are all down"

She seems to get the message Vlad was trying to convey as she pulls out a somewhat (key word somewhat as it's still crap in Vlad's ever so humble opinion) pretty looking Jian from her inter spacial ring before swiftly charging at him.

Naturally Vlad also pulls out a sword from his inter spacial ring a gladiolus in this case, the legendary weapon the conquered Europe and formed the greatest empire to have ever exist.

So great was Rome's influence that it elevated Europe from what could be at best be describe as a sub-continent part of Asia like India into its own continent long after it's fall.

Think about. Why is europe even considered a continent? It's understandable if it's only being connected by a few miles of land like in the case of North and South America or Africa and Asia. The answer is because of Rome! No other civilisation has ever achieved such a feat as elevating an entire sub continent... well... maybe with the exception of the Russians maybe? Well it's bigger than Australia... but as Peter the great westernised Russia, it isn't wrong to say that Russia is a western country.

Anyway Vlad pulls out a Pompeii model gladiolus (not from the Epic series as he doesn't want to get robbed) (it has nice engravings in the pommel and hand guard tho) as it's a European sword that's most similar to the Chinese sword without raising to much eyebrows.

While Vlad frowns a bit at the lack of a guard but it more then makes up for it with the thickness of the blade.

Their blade met producing a ring that resounded through out the restaurant.


Feng Yao Mei is wide eyed as she is surprised that this seemingly poor child seemingly of around the same age as her that is dressed in rags actually has something as valuable as a storage ring and not to mention the exquisitely decorated sword he pulled out.

She jumps back and to steady her heart as she didn't expect her opponent to have a sword.

Vlad looks at the girl who jumped back and steadied his guard.

The girl the lunges forward again which met a series of sword clashes.

Cling clingcling....cling.cling

Truthfully Vlad could've ended this fight already (Obviously he can't kill as that would blow things out of hand) but due to all the years of pent up rage in his heart he decided to demonstrate how inferior Chinese swords are by breaking the expensive looking sword in the girl's hand, Vlad gave out full power strikes which forced the girl to block with her sword.

Suffice to say it didn't take long for the flimsy Jian in her hand to be filled with cracks.

'It's now!' Vlad thought as he delivered a decisive strike shattering the blade and stopping just before the girl's neck.

Vlad lingered in that position for a bit making sure the girl know that she has lost before withdrawing his blade into his ring.

"Little girl my teacher alway told me a righteous cultivator must follow the 7 heavenly virtues chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility..." Vlad goes on a little bit of a rant before picking up his bowl BBQ pork rice and leaves... without paying.

—— story end

A side note yeah I know gladius is supposed to be used with a shield, but he's HEMA instructor fighting a girl here I think he can beat her with a sword that's a few inch shorter.

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