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50% Judgement Alley / Chapter 2: Gonna Fly Now

Chapter 2: Gonna Fly Now

*knock knock*

"Max? Hello max? Wake up."

I awoken my eyes to see my dad and Victor looking down at me,

"Dad?! Victor? Where am I? Are you ok?-"

"No need to worry son it is ok, you are in your uncle Brandon's room, Gloria's daughter called for help and he got you, after you blacked out-"

"Bu-but there was blood, and you, and Victor-"

At that point I started crying, only to believe it was just a nightmare and everything is ok, for now of my own feelings,

"Max? After the City gave us the kids you suddenly tripped and blacked out, luckily Gloria's daughter was there to get help and uncle Brandon picked you up, I'm glad your ok now son, and next time follow what I say ok son?"

"Yes dad, but who found me?" I looked at him with questions and didn't answer, and I looked at my hands shaking in disbelief, I looked to my left and right, and I see a little girl, same age as me, never seen her before, pretty long black hair, a smile ones can change and the glasses she wore, I wondered if she was the one who found me, but suddenly she turned and looked at me and spoke but I couldn't hear her, I only read her lips, 'I will save you in time', I looked at her confused, everything was going silent, I turned to victor looking at me, hoping he could say something,

"Victor! Are you ok?" I suddenly got up and went straight to his face to know what they did to him, I put my hands on his shoulders and started to shake him,

"Victor?" All he could do was stare at me, smiling, and my father standing looking at me the same way,

"Victor? Victor please talk, father what's going on? Victor!? Victor!-


"Max! Max!" I suddenly woke up from the same damn nightmare,

"The council member is doing the inspection of our room c'mon same nightmare?,"

I arose from my bed, thinking, 'it's the 100th time I got the same past nightmare, but that little girl, haven't seen her before she just popped up, usually it's uncle Brandon who picks me up, but this one was different for once,

"Yeah, but a girl was in it, she saved me from being killed," I said that with a light tone, like I had no emotion to that,

"A girl? Well that's a change, maybe you are into someone probably why it changed, it was a sign that they didn't force you here, only to help you-

"How would you know dammit!? You weren't forced here ok? You committed to this Bc your family left you. My father fought for this for my brother and everyone else!-"

"Max Max dear max," my words were slaughtered from a low voice,

"Mr. Orlando sir!" He walked in on our conversation wearing a full white suit, his voice was recognizable from the nightmare again,

"Red, excuse my rush, you don't have to do that-"

"What do you want Orlando," After I said that his guards entered, knowing that wasn't polite of me,

"It's ok guys, he just had the same nightmare, how was this one? Did they go BOOM?"" he enforced the boom on me because he knows that will fluster me,

"That doesn't work on me anymore," he was trying his best, almost every time I had that Red would report me shaking and screaming at night, and knowing it was the same nightmare, I was his favorite to pick on,

"Oh that means you can start smiling now Max! I tell you time after time you should be happy, your father let me take you, that's just a nightmare that never happened!-"

"It did happened and you put me in this hell hole of a place, I don't know why I'm so special to you someone else helped me in the dream this time and I didn't shake as much. Excuse me I need to piss." I walked out and shrugged past them as I went to the restroom,


"Sir do I need to get him-"

"No need Sabastien, this is his fifth year of being here, I know we can convince him to change, but Red,"

"Yes sir!"

"He mentioned someone helped him in his dream, why is that?"

"H- he doesn't usually tell me about his dreams, he said he woke up different. He did shake but didn't scream, but looked like he felt relieved,"

"Interesting. I wonder what this could mean, maybe a change for him, something to think more about. Listen Red, convince him that the dream was to enhance him to be a better person that this place finally changed him!"

"Ye- yes sir Orlando! But our room, is it clean?"

"Good, the room is fine just clean it often and more, you are free to go for lunch right now,"


"Did they check the room?"

Uh, yeah, yeah they did, nothing to worry about, he said good as always,"

"Huh that's surprising, usually he'll blame me for the crumbs on the floor from time to time, did he tell you to help me to understand that the dream was to help me enhance about something better?"

"What why would you say that Max?! No no, he only told me that nothing else!-"

"Yeah yeah Red I had the door open because I know he talks behind my back to you, out of anybody else, because I don't want to be here you know that, but now after my dream changed he believes it'll change me, into the creeps like the other children around us,"

"Shhhh don't say that to loud, there are other children around us,"

"Well maybe it's true, I don't like some of their smiles, some don't smile because they haven't seen their happiness yet, like me and you Red, which I know they do something to us to enhance that," having the same conversation with Red for the past 5 years gets older and older, and the more I realize we are being lied to, but this one I felt like would lead somewhere else, almost Deja Vu,

"Max so I've been thinking lately now," as I took a sip of my water, changing the conversation quick for once,

"Orlando said that your dream could change you, but I know you don't want to but why haven't I changed? Or felt happy?" After he said that I just stopped, and I looked at him and swallowed hard and spoke,

"Red, we aren't young, we can't be happy, kids are happy, not adults, we are eighteen, men at this point, we get called children for now because we don't understand or feel happy yet, this dream is a nightmare and I know Orlando is enforcing it on me to somehow change me, I still don't understand it, and is trying to change me, yes, I know I wont change from wanting to live happy here, you follow the orders of his and you don't change for the feeling of being scared,"

I put my cup down and got closer to him in front of the table,

"I guess you are right Max, but I am now realizing that I try to be happy, I do my best to be a good math engineer and make for buildings, but it's the same now, I follow his orders but I want to change,"

"Well I'm sorry Red I don't know how to fix it, I don't try for myself, at this point he is just saying that to you to feel good about yourself, andfor the record its not someone im in to, its like I seen her before that's why it felt different, telling me i'm into someone, its like I ask you from time to time 'so you think Magallena is cute'"

"Max quiet down she can hear us,"

"Yeah yeah, look keep this to us, since Orlando knows something he will do something, I don't know why I am important to him, he didn't leave me to die like the others" and I finish my last drop of water,

"Well I'm glad your realizing now it's not the same, it's about damn time,"

"Max I know we go through this a lot, everyday, but today is something different that dream did change you, you aren't reacting to it as bad, I mean it was fake,-" I slammed my cup down hard on the table, all the other children looked at me,

"Red, if you went through what I did going with the same ass nightmare, then you would understand at this point of this life, they try to make us happy, it doesn't seem like it, i'm not happy to the nearest, I don't like it here, you don't understand it fully. Why haven't they gotten rid of me if they known? They are gonna use me for something, I just know it, i'm trying to survive at this point, that dream is nothing, it was real," after I proved a point of mine I went stood up and put the trash in the trash can and headed back to the room so I can start listening to my same old playlist, as I was walking I was stopped by a female voice,

"Well maybe if you had someone help you, they can open you up and make you happy again." All I did was stop, and turned around to see what it looks like, of a young lady, slim body, brown curly hair and light blue eyes staring me down, it's Magallena,

"Happy? Look didn't you hear what I just said? I'm just gonna be used how am I gonna be happy knowing that? I mean no harm to others that's how I feel Magallena,"

"Max I know what you went through was bad, that was a long time ago though, it's time for some change and just live through this happy life, that's the whole point of this city-"

"Look Magallena, like before as always, I was forced into here, you, and like the others weren't, you wanted to join, you took a test to enter at a young age, and left your parents behind, my father and little brother were killed by this shit hole of a city, I didn't take shit, I was put here for a reason I don't know, I live with that nightmare forever now, and I live to that, so if you want to talk more, talk to Red, like how he tells you about my life," after that Red yelled,

"Whaaaaat?!?? I don't! I'm sorry Magallena he is upset at the moment he just needs time alone,-"

"He needs someone to wake him up, and understand to fight his problems then, that's why your dream was different yes?," those words stuck in my head, 'your dream was different' I just stood there nearly around the hall, and I just looked up at her, my hand on my chin and stared her down and spoke

"How would you know how different my dream was? We're you there in it?-"

"No, of course not, but I found the girl who saved you Max, I know she can change you, she has been trying to get in here just to talk to you, she can change you Max she had the same dream about you but five years ago, and almost every night after that, she helped you Max, at least let her help you again for real this time!"

"Then where is she?" Standing there in disbelief she looked around for her but no luck,

"Ok Magallena I think that'll be it, Red stop telling people about my dreams, when I am pissing, for real don't tell your crush about every goddamn thing." And I turned around and walked to my room and listened to my old playlist.


"See I told you Magallena, he is impatient, yes I told you his dream before he got out the restroom but I felt it wasn't necessary to tell you, now he won't trust me anymore,"

"Well that's the problem, Red right?"

"Uh, ahem, yeah.."

"He doesn't trust no one, that dream he had means something to him, something will change I know it, it's probably by fate for him, we all know he got in here the hard way, and yeah the city life doesn't give all happiness to him, but the girl I talked to last night asked about a guy kid named Max and she wanted to talk too, and you telling me he had a girl in his dream talk to him for a change, I just know it'll change him!"

"Then how do we do that? He doesn't care at this point, that dream was only altered if he would abide then he would've stayed and waited for you to show her to him but of course he lost all hope at this point, he thinks he is gonna be used, he believes that nightmare was real, knowing that how will we know if she can change him? Where even is she?"

"She was just here a second ago, just barely came into the city as a Music genre person, I don't know how that'll be happy but, all I know is that she is the one for him to talk to him and relieve his dream!

"How are we sure? What will I do?"

"Ok here's the plan.."


"Man I need a new playlist," As I'm laying down looking for new music to listen to, Red comes in, quiet, not as usual loud as him,

"Red? Why are you quiet, not as usual as you."

"I finally realized what you meant Max," I stopped looking at my phone at turned towards him,

"On which part Red?" I tilted my head as I said that,

"Well, lets see, this place isn't as promise of happiness, I mean like you said we aren't forced happy we just somehow find out, being used somehow, but the part of what I think, is that you are alone, and need someone to boost you up,"

I clicked to turn my phone off and stood up, walked towards him put my hand on my head,

"Look, you want me to get with that chick to waste my time then go ahead, it'll only make me look worse, I want nothing to do with relationships, I'm nothing good for it, I'm a loner, have been for the past years-"

"But you were forced to be alone Max, right? From that Nightmare you get?!" He gave me a surprised look, I already knew I was forced but nothing could have changed on this,

"Yes, but where you? Do you feel alone? Do you need for a lover?" Red gave me a blank stare, like a question on an Exam he never seen before,

"I'm sorry Red, but this is it for me, I know I will die someday but I don't know how, I wanted a future family, but I'm a wreck enough as is, I can't start anything-"

"Then start now Max! That dream means something, maybe a loved one can help-"




Only silence was after that, blank stares all there was. I told him how I felt and believed. True happiness is being alone for me, nothing more nothing less, we, I didn't choose this, this nightmare is what has happened to me nothing else, but I did offer,

"Sorry Red, sorry I didn't mean that, look. If you think that can change me, then let's see if it can, if she really has the girl from my dream then I would be astonished,"

"Max don't worry, its fine, sorry for yelling, she will be the one to see if it is true or not, Magallena and I already found her,"

"'Sigh' ok ok, let someone else tell my own nightmare"

Upon entering the door was Magallena, with her hand holding out the door,

"Are you guys done arguing?-"

"Uh uh. Yes Magallena did you bring her?"

In my mind I just think, 'her'

"Well Max I brought you who can save you from your shitty mind, come on in Meagan,"

The figure of a girl walked in, and made her way towards me and stood right in front of me, I could only look at her from her feet to her face, the black long her, the glasses from my dream, wearing a black jumpsuit but a young lady with her arms crossed with an eyebrow raised at me,

"Are you done gasping Max?"

"What, what? Who are you, why have you been in my dream, but much older, and pretty,"

Saying that was rude but the first time I ever told someone that. She had the looks only I could like for once, and I'm picky, knowing that she answered,

"Look Maximus-"

"Wait how do you know my full name, no one here knows my full name," I made her pause with my hand holding out, as to stop her, but then allowed her to speak once more,

"You may not know me, but you know my mother, does Gloria ring a bell?"

I stood there unphased, the first time Red has ever seen my with a frightened face both Red Magallena looking at each other like maybe this is a dream,

"You are Gloria's daughter? I-I'm sorry," I busted down to tears, I should've known by the recognizable face of hers, the same glasses as Gloria wore, Red and Magallena looked at me, first time they seen many emotions from me,

"Why are you sorry Max? I came here to help you-"

"No no, I should have stayed, I always dream of this if only I stayed with Gloria she could have comforted me more, but I wanted to be a hero, but I left her behind and all the others and just grieved by this for the rest of my life,"

I put both hands on my face and started bawling, Megan kneels down with her hand on my head, and I look up at her, and she puts it on my right cheek, only to take one tear away and held my chin, the beauty of her soft hands lifted me up,

"Look Max I finally came here to help you, my mother and everyone else are fine, they ran away in time before the entered the bunker,"

Wiping my tears,

"So, so they did make it out alive? Where you apart of it?"

"Yes I was. When we found shelter out she told me about you, and she felt horrible about how she couldn't hold you and keep you for you to flee and to be only taken away." Magallena put her hand on her shoulder, and she looks up,

"So this nightmare of his is real? This actually happened to him? Max, I-Im sorry for how I acted, i'm the shitty person here-'

"No no Magallena its ok, it is, we found the truth, we finally believe, all we wanted to do was help you Max," Red would always try to help his crush,

"Meagan, why help me, im in a state of not wanting to be helped.." and only silence was after that, she helped me up and sat me on my bed,

"Max I am here to help you, I had many dreams about you, multiple times was just you being hurt, and struggle to live, and I just stood there, but in those dreams I had you were helpless, I came here only to help you, I know this city will do something bad to you, please allow me to help, I know you don't want to be here, you must understand.."

At that moment I felt something in my heart, now, finally someone understands my pain, but only to be told like this just made me feel no longer helpless, all I could do was hug her, and started to bawl,

"Max, I have never seen you like this, but Meagan? How will you even help Max? You came all this way, they are his prised possession, there is something about him they want-"

"They are gonna use him for other Super Soldiers in this city," everyone widened their eyes,

"Super Soldiers? Why max what's with him so special?-

"I don't know, but the many dreams I had of him they did experiments on him, I would watch him cry, nothing I could do, they were extracting his blood, there is something about that even I don't understand, and took the vials to other men strapped and injected them with it, and they all grew horribly strong,"

" Wait I remember now," as I look up at Magallena moving to my desk to pick up the pamphlet,

"It says, Living an unhappy life, having trouble living with the commoners, well not to fear, join the city, we here are the wealthy, and know the best to our interest in what is inside you that is best for you to become one with your talents, we bring no harm to others, only to expand your thought of happiness. Guys, the interest inside is what they mean, there is something inside of us they want-" Red butted in,

"I always thought that meant only for us to be happy, and choose our life, but now the more I think about it it makes sense now, of what's inside of us, once we are happy we lose all thoughts-"

"That's why they dropped off the children, they no longer needed them, they took them only to make them happy or so called experiments, I don't know why they need me, but I do not want to hurt any others, I feel a connection with you Meagan, I am glad you opened my mind, I understand I must leave," I stood up like a hero again, thinking I could change again,

"Guys look, sorry I have been a dickhead for these past years, now I know there is hope for me to leave and prevent all this, if her dreams are true then I must not let them get me, we need a plan to get out of here,"

Following with that helpful thought, I realize now that I have a reason to live again, maybe another chance at life for me to leave with these people, start over again, help others from this lying city,

"Okay Max what's the plan?" Red sounded sure I had something, but nothing,

"Well this is sudden, but we must wait, let them use me abit more and then we leave, if we leave now we are dead meat, how about we all create a plan on this, finally something I can live by," after I said that Red Magallena looked at me weird, the first time they ever seen me look anxious for something for once,

"Another thing, Meagan thank you for coming here, I will bring you back to your mom and apologize to her," I gave her a deep hug, I never do this, I feel this connection to her, maybe feel loved, but I don't want to rush it,

"Alright guys, let's settle this another time, if anyone knows about this then we don't, this has to be secret from now till then, I just have to act the same and they wont do anything yet," we all agreed on, and everyone walked off according to detail, I looked upon Meagan, I feel something in my heart, I know I have to thank her fully later, but for now I must rethink my process of what happened, she knew about me, is there some powers we have that connected us? What is it they want from me, for the first time I laid there thinking about a situation I don't know about, as I laid down, I turn my head towards the open door, and down the hallway I see a figure move from the shadows, as if someone was listening to us...

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