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25% Judgement Alley / Chapter 1: Believe
Judgement Alley Judgement Alley original

Judgement Alley

Author: Daoist_Ornelas

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Believe


"Sir the City is pushing towards us, what should we do?!"

"That word.. City.. used only for happiness and peace towards others around the parts of this state , but they are a force to be wrecked with. They take children we call our own and make them into their own, we the people of Ward County will hold our ground!"

"Sir yes sir!" The crowd of men yelled with their bats, crowbars and anything else they could find, in the air hoping for a glorious victory.

"Dad, dad!"

I, max yell at my dad desperately to come back over the limit of the county, as I am being held back as the only child left behind outside of the bunker,

"Max! Why aren't you in the bunker! Stay back son,they will take you too!" He yells, as the city carriers pushed forward in a slow fashion push,

"Sir they are getting close!"

"I said hold we don't know what they got in there!" As he said that I yelled once more.

"Dad, please no! I don't want to be alone, something bad will happen please dad no!-"

"I said stay back max! Do not go over that fence or you'll end up like your brother got it?!" He yells at me and continues to hold the line, these aren't experienced people. These are strong men of the Ward County wanting their children back, from the yearly taking weekend, they treat us as dirty trash and just leave us behind, taking what they call us gifts, then why leave us behind..

"Sir the carriers have stopped!" The crowd of men have stopped yelling, and just a quick silence was heard until someone spoke in what sounds like a microphone,

"Hello commonwealth of the Ward County. I Co. head ,of the yearly taking, Orlando Phoenix, have decided this, put down your weapons, I am here not to take anymore children, but to give them back! Follow these orders or you shall not see your children again!"

The echo of again filled the air around the limit, the men around the area is asking and talking among themselves if they should believe or not,

"We don't believe you!- He's lying!- they never promise us anything!"

"Everyone calm down and hold the ground!"

As my father said that, the carriers come to a stop, and then a door opens, he sees a little boy come out of the carrier, happy as he can be, a familiar boy only my father knows best, dressed in all white and his face, just smiling,

"Victor! My sweet boy!" My dad says as he only takes one step out.

"Victor come back! Please! My sweet boy!" Only for him not to move, as I cry for him I yell for my dad,

"Dad please!"

"Max I told you to stay back,-a loud shriek of a short second happened-" I will give him back and the rest of them if you drop your weapons!"

The men in the crowd is looking at each other if they should drop their weapons or not, a decision could be a trap or truth,

"Sir I'm dropping this, I want my daughter back, I know Kim is scared in the inside,"

One of the men said, then as the sheep follow they go almost one by one,

"Yeah me to I want my twins sir, Julie and Adrien are my only ones I only want to see, years Stephen, years!"

And everyone else does follows, believing in this and hoping for a return of their children.

"Dad please!" As I pushed open the gates to chase to him in the back of a truck,

"Max what are you doing stay back! Brandon take him to the bunker!" My dad points at his brother, and doesn't hesitate to move,

"Yes brother,"

"Uncle Brandon no please!"

After I said that my uncle picks me up, only for me to realize that I see one of the soldiers reaching on there side as if grabbing a sidearm ,

"uncle there are going to shoot please bring them back!-"

"I'm sorry Max this is only for the best, they won't shoot they promise us only the children!"

And runs back to the bunker and places me in the bunker with the rest of the family who chose to stay back while they fought. Taking off back to the gate and locking it only to stay back,

"*bang bang* Uncle, nooo!!! Please I don't want to lose you!"

"Max I told you we have this we are making a hold of this and making sure we get him back, promise me you will be quiet and be happy once you see him OK?!"

All I could do was nod my head and cry on my knees, knowing they would never bring the kids back, only to lure them in and do something I would know,

"Sir drop your katana-,''my father held his hand out to who said that and yells at the carrier,

"If this is true I will drop my weapon and I want the carriers to come forward,"

Everyone in the crowd wonders why he would say such a strong instruction towards the City councilman, but the surprise,

"Ha ha! you sir are a thinker, and what's your name?-

"I, Stephen Feliz, order you to bring the children here or we will retaliate on your limit!!"

My father yells like a hero of the people, no wonder everyone in the victorium meeting put him up to the task to be a leader of this rebellion,

The people trust him helping the city as best as he could, trying to save from this madness,

//// 17 hours ago

"Ok is everyone here!" A crowd people gather in the vectorium, almost all meetings held here,

"Mister Stephen what shall we do? The city will be coming for the yearly taking? Will we fight or hide as always?-"

"What kind of question was that? We will fight! Over 20 years of this, taking our children to be transformed into soldiers to take over the world and maybe more?! No! We need a stop to this, they don't take us, they rely on the grownups to breed and continue this for them, we are forced to do this, it's time for a change for the good!"

Everyone in the arena roars with great ambition hoping for a change once to come, and bring peace to them forever and beyond, hoping, believing.

"The first step is to gather any weapons as we have!"

"Sir, we don't have such things as the City councilmen have, they will just shoot at us,-"

"We fight for our County Mason!, do you want to fight for your son Shawn??! And the rest of you!?"

All the crowd roared, knowing they can't stop the councilmen. But die trying.

"Will we hide our kids and wife's in the bunker?- how will we defend in the gates?-are you thinking about going towards the limits-they only took five children sir, we don't want to risk anymore"

Almost all the crowd had questions, but he answered as followed,

"We will hide our children and wife's in our bunker, they need to proceed with the future if we don't make it. Our strongest men will push out before the limit, and wait for them to come and come to a conclusion to stop this once and for all!"

The crowd just started shouting his name,

Stephen! Stephen! Stephen! Stephen!-

"Quiet quiet quiet!"

He shouts,

"We will go 20 minutes before the taking and hold out ground. We have no traps or powerful weapons so they shouldn't attack us at all only to agree with us and we will win this battle!!"

And everyone roars even louder, and they make time for preparation,

//// present

"Ha ha ha Mr Stephen, you are a great leader to this wonderful crowd of yours, I will do as you please, I will bring them pass the landmark line of landmines so they will be safe."

After that one of the soldiers brought Victor back inside and the carrier started to move forward.


"Max calm down stop trying to open the do-"

"I need to help my dad, they got victor and the other kids in a carrier but I know it's a trap I know it Gloria!-"

"Max Max, I would go as you please, and want to help, but your dad has it under control, probably any wrong moves and maybe take them away-"

"Are you sure Gloria?? Can we trust them?!"

"No we can't, but only believe Max."

Then the heroic act came out of me, I looked around the area around me and see all the women and children bunched up scared, as if someone is trying to take them now, knowing they are scared, I must help them or they are lured into a trap,

"I believe Gloria, but I know I can help,"

-click- the door opens

"Max! No!" As she tried to grab me,

"Sorry but I must help my dad!!"


As I run to the gate it is locked, panting to find anything to open the chains, and the microphone goes off again, I look in terror of a giant, almost as big as a bus, all white body, as if a tank from World War II, and it stopped in front of them,

"Mr Stephen, I have fulfilled your request as you pleased, I am a new keeper, last year wasn't my order, but I will give back your five children, as I promised to you, the Ward county."

And the doors of the container opened, and all the faces of the kids are as happy as they can be, not knowing what they do to them, but they know it wasn't pleasant but the smiles did fool the people, this is what a hell hole of a city is, only to be seen smiling, and nothing more, no other emotion, but the people called,

"Adrian!-Kim, Julie-Shawn!" All the people yelled out, hoping they would run to them, but didn't, the crowd of families are wondering why they aren't moving towards them, knowing they are over the limit of land minds, they knew something was changed about them,

"Sir what is this?- what did they do to them?!- my Shawn no!!"

As they yelled, I found some chain cutters hoping to cut it open hoping I can bring at least my dad back knowing it'll be okay,

"I wish I was stronger c'mon please please" I tried my best but the chain wouldn't budge, trying my best to go again I nearly gave up until then as I looked around I found a ladder, hoping I can use it, and was thinking is that I can't waste anymore time on this, I have to go quick, even if anyone tries to stop me,

"Max no! what are you doing?" As I am trying to climb over, I see my uncle running at me, about thirty feet away from where the gate is,

"Uncle no! I have to run and help my dad I just know its a trap!"

And just in time I hopped over with my uncle getting the ladder, as I ran I hear him yelling for my name for me to come back, hoping to reach him in time knowing it'll be okay for all of us but they have gone far ways for me to even get his attention as the men called the kids names,

"Sir what is going on?- Shawn come to Papa please!- c'mon kids come here!"

My father standing there as he doesn't know what to say,


"Oh I am sorry, they have gotten, how to say, only formal in our guidelines, you may go children, you are free at last!,"

After that the people can see was the kids nod their heads, and start walking to them with the same smile,

"Oh here they come!- let's go everyone!"

The men then take off to go get their children, and my father standing there crying as he took off to get Victor, a good steady pace was for me, knowing now I need to pick up to reach him,

"Oh my sweet Adrian are you OK? Kim Julie Oh thank goodness what have they done to you both?- Shawn! Oh my goodness, my lord has brought you back!"

All the fathers and helpers are happy as they hug the now returned children, I was still running, now yelling at my dad,

"Dad! Please don't go any further!-"

"Max why haven't you stayed?! Look they have returned my sweet Victor, oh have they treated you so badly son, Max I will bring him to you-,"

I still ran at him knowing the soldier could come out and capture them all,

"Dad please come here hurry!"

I yelled as I nearly get close enough, everyone is hugging and laughing, knowing there faces are like that, a strange aura was around as I was only 30 feet away nearly and I tripped, and as I did I look up to the crowd and my dad, and Victor turns and looks at me, I can only cry and hope this is real and they have returned, and then,


"Ah yes a family reunion as happy as always,-as he was talking the carriers started moving back and men started shouting,

"Yes he did as promised, thank you- thank you!!"

As everyone yelled, he spoke again,

"But unfortunately these kids weren't satisfied with our belongings, so enjoy your life with them, no longer will we interfere with them, or you.."

And the men of the crowd cried in joy, believing this is it for them,

One of the men in the crowd says,

"Hey why do I hear ticking?- yeah what is that noise?- Shawn what's wrong talk to me please, why are you holding your stomach?"

And my father looked at me in great despair, as he tried to walk towards me. Hugging victor close and seeing them both smile, and I cry and try to get up but then,


not a single beat of a heart..


only silence..


only for a couple of seconds but felt like an eternity..


that smile I won't forget..






Blood. All there was, that's all, was blood no full body's. The city planted bombs in the children, and brought them back knowing we would fall for it. When that happened I just laid there with blood on my entire body. Crying, asking why, blood everywhere. Men, children, dead, my father gone with my brother Victor, nothing I could have done. Everyone back at Ward county at the gate, screaming. Knowing what happened they see only me and I looked back, seeing them cry, and screaming for us to be okay, knowing my only loved one died and knowing his own son could have saved him, if I was any closer, from the gate, I could have saved him, I just layed there smelling all the blood and crying knowing I will be alone, and knowing there is no reason to live,


"Ah yes, people of Ward County, know this, we will take over and get rid of this county for good! You have a chance to run but no need, allow me to end your suffering!"

As he finished saying that I heard my uncle behind me yelling, running at me,

"Max don't worry I got you!!-"

I turn my head on the ground and all I saw was my uncle Brandon running towards me, almost in slow motion, but a gunshot pierced his chest, as he fell down he reached his hand out at me and fell to the ground dead, I feel the carriers moving towards us, I hear people scream from the gates, taking a chance to run away, nothing to do in distress, and all I could do was lay there, I felt the soldiers pass on through, the sound of blood splashing as they roamed over the spread corpses of the men who didn't know the trap of this madness, and my father, only to get this, then one of the soldiers picked me up,

"You look like a good kid to be messed with, Sir evac with this child?" he was standing above me holding me up, all I could do was look I didn't even try to move or say anything,

"Copy that sir, well kid, your getting a new life," and he picked me up with both arms, and took me to the carrier, that's all I can remember, and he laid me down, and I just closed my eyes hoping I can wake up from this nightmare, only if it was..

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