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90.14% Tourn / Chapter 64: Traitor

Chapter 64: Traitor

Although I was hiding and was upset I knew I couldn't stay in that loft forever. I left to get food, but on my way I went to the part of the island that nobody ever went to. I could make a cave that could only be accessed by water where nobody would ever find me. That became my plan. I created an a cave that was was hidden underneath the island. The opening made it so it could only be accessed if you were diving. I would take Maze, Neva, and Phoenix there soon enough. I just needed to get some plants and things to grow so I would have food. There was a war going back in our country and I couldn't fight it. I shouldn't fight at all, I knew how bad it was to be under a lot of stress right now.

While we were gone I had been eating more and even before we left the country I was eating a lot more than normal and I was working out less. It wasn't any question to anyone when I started to put on more weight. They all assumed it was from the coma, but while we were in Hawaii I had left and went out by myself, I had been feeling weird since the serum and hadn't had a period I wasn't sure why but I decided to get a test. I took it in the public bathroom so nobody would know who's it was. I got it just to get it and take it, I would know if I was pregnant right and it's just the serum it mess up my hormones I'm sure. That was my thought process except it was wrong. It came back positive so I bought two more before we left and took them both, I took one the day before we left and it also came back positive. Then I took one before I took the sailboat. Everything came back positive, of course I never told Hunter or anyone actually. I was going to be a mother soon, I don't have a big bump so it's not very noticeable. I honestly just look like I've put on weight but we all look like we've put on a little weight since nobody is exercising or eating the same as we used to. I was almost 7 months pregnant now, because it had to of happened after the serum or the child would of died when I got injected. I have no clue how to tell anyone or if I even should since I don't know who I can trust, but I have a feeling I will have to tell someone because I can't give birth on my own. I snuck around the island as the day got later and got seeds and took a few plants to bring down to my new hide away. I had come back from it to get some animals when I heard my name.

"Megan. Where have you been we've all be looking everywhere for you?" Miya said.

"Miya, I have to leave."

"Wait what. Megan you just came back."

"I can't do it. I can't get in the way of everyone's happinesses and I can't stand by and see them everyday. I can't even bring myself to see or talk to Hunter because I don't know what to really say."

"Megan he missed you. He never stopped talking about you, but honestly we all thought you were dead. Hunter never stopped holding out the hope that you would come back to us, none of us did we all tried to believe it was possible as much as we could. The odds that you survived and got back here were so small everything was stacked against you. Don't blame him for what you saw, because he never did anything with her Megan. She had been trying to get with him since the day she arrived and he always turned her down. She kissed his cheek and had just gotten on his lap before you arrived. We made a joke and she used it to her advantage to catch him off guard and he pushed her away not because she isn't you. Please understand that he didn't do anything Megan. He loves you and no matter how bad that looked because I'm sure it looked horrible and you have a had a thousand thoughts going through your head since, he truly loves you."

"Miya I can't risk it, I can't be anywhere near her from now on." I said that I touched my stomach and looked down at it and the ground.

"Megan... are you... you know.." Miya was stuttering and trying to put words together from her thoughts.

"Yes, which is why I need to leave. Nobody knows and you can't tell anyone, but I need to go somewhere that I can't get help and somewhere that Lea will never be able to harm my children." I could see the shock on her face.

"Let me come with you then. I can help you and make sure your safe. You know any of us would help you and we'd all of kept your secret from the others." Miya said.

"I want to go back to the other island, that I was at during the storm."

"Let me tell Tony, please. Me and him can stand watch at the boats tonight and we can help you leave. We can go with you so we know your safe and then you won't be alone. Please let us help you."

I looked in her eyes, I knew her well enough not that long ago that I can still tell when she's lying. She wasn't though, she truly wanted me to be safe and to not have to be alone.

"Ok, if you really want to but we won't be coming back and you have to be ok with that. Where we are going you will start over. You have abilities but you can't use it against people, only to help them. You must except that things will be different and life won't be as lavish as it was here. The moment the boat leaves the docks you life starts over and everything you will have to move on from this life and start over. That's my condition for anyone who comes with me."

"Then let me tell Hunter please. He deserves to know and have a chance to explain everything to you and to come with you as well. I know you don't trust him right now but I truly believe that he would do anything for you and protect you with his life."

I kind of nodded and walked away. I didn't have a word that I could say, I don't know what's true and what isn't. Miya didn't appear to tell a single lie so she truly believes he still loves me but I don't know for sure. I have no real intentions of letting them come with me though. I will allow them to help but I will use my abilities to make sure they aren't with me. I know it isn't fair to them, but things will be better off for everyone this way. I was in the barn with Neva, I was brushing him and making sure he was clean and feed.

"Megs... Miya told me you would be here and that there was something you wanted to tell me and something I need to know." Hunter said.

"I'm leaving." I said still brushing Neva.

"Okay, where are we going then."

"No, Hunter. It's only me that's going. I'm not needed but you still are."

"No, I'll make Logan the King and we can go leave together then. I won't be need anymore."

"Hunter, I want to you to be happy. I refuse to stand in the way of that, which means I need to let you go." I said it still not facing him with tears building up in my eyes but I could cry not while he was here.

"So you want time break up with me. That's what you came to then ok." He said.

"Good, I hope you find someone who makes you happy. I also hope you tell them how much they mean to you and you have a good life with them." I said it and felt my heart hurting.

I heard his footsteps as he started to walk away and then they stopped. I felt his eyes on me again. He shut the barn door and a tear escaped from my eye and ran down my face. The next thing I knew I felt his arms around me.

"I love you, and you mean the world to me. I would rather die then lose you against Megan. Please stay with me and be my girlfriend. I'm sorry for everything, I should of felt you wake up and slip out of my arms. It should of woken me up and I should of stopped you from leaving. I shouldn't of let them stop me from going after you, I should of went through the storm anyways to find you so you weren't alone. I'm sorry I hide your stuff in the closet because it hurt to much to see it knowing you weren't here and thinking that you might be dead, I'm sorry I didn't have more faith in you. I should of been with you on the boat and through the storm, I should of been able to protect you through all of it. I let my guard down and it caused me to lose the person I love more than anything in this world. It made it so she got hurt and was alone, but I won't let it happen again I promise. I can't lose you again Megan. I just can't..." I felt a tear land on my shoulder then another one. I turned around and looked into his eyes. I could stand to see him like this my heart felt broken, but I wanted to trust ever word that he said. I wanted to wipe his tears away and make him happy again, but I can't. I know I have to leave without him.

"I'm sorry Hunter. I should of been with you, but I wasn't and now I have to leave. Please don't make this harder than it already is."

"No!" He said loudly. His voice was stern and sounded angry.

His eyes were cold and glowing blue. He used his shield and forced me into my knees with it.

"I'm sorry but you aren't leaving I won't let. I can't let you leave by yourself again. I know your strong but it's to dangerous." He said. Then blew powder through his shield. I felt tired all of a sudden then everything went black.

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