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Chapter 56: News

We had been at Logan's uncles for a few days before heard anything about why we were supposed to be here. We were eating dinner when Logan got a call. He answered it. "Hello mom." "Yes of course." He put the phone on speaker.

"I'm sure you are all confused about why we had you go to this island instead dog returning back home. There was an illness that has spread, the top ranking royals have all been sent out of the country same with the high ranking generals and the president they are all in different areas. There is another set of royals that will be joint tour at the island soon. I'm letting you all know so your prepared, they were already out of the country when this virus hit so they won't be infected they were held Mexico until we confirmed they hadn't contracted anything, we have confirmed everything and now they will be going to the island, Logan you know one of the royals Lea. She was your queen in middle school. They will have a few days before they reach the island as there plane has not even left yet. They will be leaving to come tomorrow assuming the weather conditions are still good. There appears to be a storm coming but you don't have to worry about it your uncles barrier will automatically protect the island from the weather." The woman said.

"Mom, why are we here over a virus? That doesn't make sense."

"Logan this isn't any virus since it was firs found in a high-tier 5 days ago 10 elites have already died. The virus is spreading quickly and there are currently 200 people that have been infected in the 5 days since it was found. It's fast acting and 1 in 4 who have gotten have survived. This virus is dangerous and is going to kill many people. We have declared a state of emergency and are on lock down. The president has asked that all royals and past royals be tested for the virus and if they don't have it then to put them on lockdown in an contaminated zone and then be sent to the islands or somewhere that it isn't at yet. I believe that this is an attack meant to start a war and weaken us and so does the president which is why he left and went to an undisclosed safe house and is send royals and the strongest of the elites to many different u know locations so they are safe. Nobody know the whereabouts of them except for the president and the people who are hosting them. Your uncle has already left the country with his children, your aunt is here with me and your little sister and your older brother and his wife and child. We are all safe so don't worry about us, but take this opportunity to train and become stronger because I fear war will be what you will all return to. We don't have an antidote to the virus yet but we will hopefully find one soon.i hope you are all safe and take care of each other please. I have to go now, good bye." With that his mother hung up.

We all sat quietly for a few minutes.

"Your uncles house only has 8 rooms in it, so we will have to share." Miya said.

"Tony will move into my room and will share and Miya and Sydney you guys can choose a room to share. I'm pretty sure Megan and Hunter are already sharing a room so with that we should be good for now, although we are going to need more food to be able to feed them as well so we will have to be more careful what we are cooking, there is an island who like 10 miles out that has a market place we can take the sail boat there tomorrow morning. I think we should reserve using gas because I don't know how long we will be here and we might end up needing it."

"I agree with Logan, but none of you guys know how to sail. I'm the only one who does so I should go to get food and you all should stay." I said.

"No way we are letting you go alone."

"Listen I'm the only one the conditions won't affect. Me and Sydney can both control with and I can water so I'll also be able to get there before anyone else and we don't know how far the virus has spread because what if it's on one of the islands. I'm the only one who will even have a chance of being able to get it out of my system because I can move the virus and any infected cells out of my blood. I don't know if I can do it for others so I'm going alone. This is just what makes the most sense."

"No,Megan you don't have control of you abilities. You might lose control so you can't go alone." Hunter said.

"I'm fine as long as I don't use more than two of my abilities at once. I can control wind by itself and water by itself without losing control and I've already proven I can use both at once because I did on vacation." I said.

"Hunter as much as I hate to say this, I think Megan might be right." Logan said.

"I agree, Megan will get there and back faster than anyone and she can take care of herself." Miya said.

"Plus she proved she was able to get that serum out her body by using her abilities and if the virus is really dangerous then I have a feeling Megan's right. I can go with her in case anything happens though." Sydney said.

"Fine, just be careful. We don't need you guys getting sick." Hunter said.

"I know you don't like this but you also have to know we need to eat food to survive and we don't have enough here. Plus Megan and Sydney are the one with abilities that will be able to make it go faster." Tony said.

"Would you be able to get more chickens or plants that way we don't have to make it a regular thing to be running back and forth because if we do that then it'll be more noticeable that we are staying here and if there really is something going on we don't need to draw any extra attention to ourselves." Logan said.

"Yeah I'll look for some plants and ducks or chickens while I'm out so we can bring a few more back but the sail boat isn't that big so we won't be able to bring back anything big like cows maybe a few baby bigs but that the best we will most likely get. Assuming the town has any." I said.

"I know but we will worry about things like that if we get to the point that we need more, we are ok for now though." Hunter said.

They really don't know how it works if they want to survive we need to be planning ahead. I'm also going alone they don't know it but I was given a vaccination when I was younger. They said that it needed to be in my system for two years before it would work properly. My mom gave it to me so I didn't think anything of it at the time but she was with people who were always talking and planning a civil war. I think they gave me the vaccine to the virus so I won't be able to catch it. I'm completely sure that is actually what I was given but I think it might be and either way I'm still the only one who can shut down and slow my powers to save me. None of us can heal but I can save myself by pulling it out of my blood stream before it does very much damage. I can't let them risk there lives, they saved me and have been the ones protecting me for so long.

"Well leave at like 10, that's around when the sun is completely up plus it'll be the best chance for us to get a look at the weather." Sydney said.

"Okay, I'm good with that. Plus it means we can sleep in a little."

After we were done eating I went outside. I feed Maze and made sure she had water. Then I played tug of war with her and threw a stick around and she chased after it. She has so much energy and clearly didn't like being alone and probably didn't like being forced to be outside by herself, but there wasn't an animal I could keep with her right now. The sun had almost completely set now and I was sat there with Maze once she got tired and curled up next me. I can't help but wonder how John and my Uncle and mom are doing. If John wasn't infected he's probably already out of the country and my uncle was probably taken as well as they both served in the army for some time and were both generals, but my mom had nothing. Maybe she's part of the group and has a vaccine to whatever is out there or maybe there isn't a vaccine at all and this is just coincidental, but it won't matter because more of the elites are the ones who have been reported dying from it so this could be when they decide to start getting there forces around and attacking. I set Maze back on her bed and went inside and to the room where Hunter was already laying down. I laid down next to him pushing myself against his warm body and quickly fell asleep.

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