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38.46% Jack's Sister -Rise of the Guardians / Chapter 15: Running After Dreams

Chapter 15: Running After Dreams

Katherine climbed up her window, her head still spinning from that kiss. The moonbeams shined through her window. She looked up to see her old friend the Moon, and a smile graced her lips. "Oh dear friend, I know it will be an impossible dream for me and Daniel to be together. But that is one impossible dream I will hold onto forever," she said. Then she wrapped herself in a blanket and drifted off to sleep dreaming of a world where she and Daniel could be together forever.

The next morning the sun rose awakening Katherine. Today was her sixteenth birthday and her father had made another big party. Her maids came in to dress her and within a few hours her party began. Every wealthy young man came to get a glimpse at Katherine. Now her father of course was growing more excited than anyone for today he would reveal the biggest present he could give his little girl. The servants set up white tables and the gardeners created masterpieces of animals made from flowers. Daniel was busy taking the guests horses into the stables. When he saw Katherine come out to greet her guests, his heart began to beat rapidly. She wore her hair down in braids. A long blue dress flowed over her soft figure; the sleeves were a light blue but the rest of it was a deep dark blue. Daniel knew he was looking at an angel and wanted nothing more than to be one of the men guests to ask Katherine to dance.

But today this party was much different. Normally when the music played Katherine was allowed to dance with the male guests. But her father kept her close to him and she watched the others enjoy the party. Katherine really didn't mind for her father was saving her feet from getting stepped on. None of these men could keep a beat to save their life. Yet she kept glancing at her father and he looked like he was waiting for something or someone. Finally a chill swept through the air and Katherine who had been warm felt cold. Daniel stole a worried glance at her to see if she was okay. The bright sunny day began to turn gray and soon the guests heard horses in the distance. A black carriage with even darker horses came with a small coachman whipping the beasts horribly. Katherine looked more closely at the carriage and saw it was all black with shining windows but she couldn't see who was in the carriage. The footmen came out and opened the door. A young man maybe in his late 20's or early 30's Katherine wasn't sure came out. His skin was pale but not sickly and his eyes were like two brown stones. Hard ad lifeless with a strict face and his hair was black like the night sky. He wore a black tux with a cloak and held a cane with a skeleton on it. In Katherine's opinion she was looking at the Devil himself.

"Ah Mr. Smith so good of you to make it," her father said going up to the man.

"A pleasure my good man but do call me Victor sir," Mr. Smith said. Then he locked eyes on Katherine like a snake would his prey. "And this charming lady must be Miss Katherine, what a beautiful lady you are," he said kissing her hand. Katherine felt she was going to be sick but forced a smile as she nodded her head.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Smith," she said politely.

"The pleasure is mine, you are so beautiful," he let his eyes roll over her body, "yes very beautiful," Mr. Smith said grinning like the devil himself. He snapped his fingers and the band began to play and Victor's servants cleared the dance area where no one was there. "May I have this dance?" Victor asked her. Katherine was about to refuse when she felt herself being pulled onto the dance floor. Victor held her in a tight embrace and Daniel continued to watch Katherine making sure she was okay. She glanced at Daniel with a longing look wanting it to be him that was holding her and not Victor Smith. Unbeknown to Katherine or Daniel her father saw the look and a strange feeling came over him.

"I better stop this before anything else happens. That slave will not ruin my daughter's chance at happiness," her father muttered to himself. The dance was over and Victor led Katherine back to her father. She was grateful for this man gave her a chilling feeling and she was glad she wouldn't have to see this Mr. Smith again. Her father was talking to Victor and he was smiling and shook his head yes to something. Finally Victor stood next to Katherine smiling at her like a man would look at a prized horse. "Ladies and Gentlemen my daughter Katherine will be getting married to Mr. Victor Smith," he said. Katherine's eyes widened in horror as did Daniel's eyes. "The wedding shall be within a week I know Mr. Smith will be an excellent husband to my Katherine," her father said. The crowd cheered and Katherine felt herself dying right there on the spot.

Later that night Katherine was going to talk to her father to call off this ridiculous marriage. She was about to open the door to his study when she heard voices behind the door. "Sir, are you sure about selling Daniel. He is a good boy sir, he has done nothing wrong," the voice sounded like Abby.

"Nothing wrong he was making eyes at my Katherine and she was looking at him. No, no Mr. Smith is a very high class gentleman. If he learns that a slave was making eyes at my daughter it will ruin her chances at happiness. I have made up my mind I am selling Daniel tomorrow to Mr. William Bennett," her father cried.

Katherine's eyes widened for she knew of Mr. Bennett. Compared to Mr. Bennett her father treats the slaves like family. Mr. Bennett was a cruel man and had been rumored to kill his slaves in fits of anger over stupid reasons. No, she would not allow Daniel to be sold to this man. She didn't care about herself but she did care for Daniel and raced off to find him to warn him. Making her way to their secret place Daniel had already been there waiting. "Daydream, you can't marry this man. He is a demon he has ruined good women and left them for dead. He buys women like slaves and tortures them to death, you as his wife would be worse off than any of the others. You have to run, please Daydream," Daniel cried holding her.

"Never mind that Daniel you are the one that needs to run. My father plans on selling you to Mr. Bennett a true demon. Please Daniel save yourself I will be okay," Katherine told him.

"No, I am not leaving without you," Daniel argued placing her in a protective embrace.

"Daniel stop being stubborn and run I can handle myself but I can't handle losing you. My father might know about us please Daniel I beg you run," she cried shedding tears.

"No, Katherine I love you and I am not leaving you behind," Daniel said. He couldn't bear to see her tears. So, he pulled her close and held her shaking body. Then an idea came to him as he pulled away and said, "Let's run away Daydream. To a place where we can be together and where no one will separate us," he said.

"Daniel we can't," she said.

"Why not slaves run to the Underground Railroad for freedom why can't we do the same. And even if we don't make it we can still be together," Daniel said holding her hands.

"It is a crazy dream, but let's do it. Meet me back here within an hour. Pack whatever you can and we will leave together," Katherine said happily smiling at last. She kissed Daniel and returned to her house. Opening up her closet she took her simplest frocks but took some jewelry and money just in case, grabbed her cloak, and soon Daniel was there with a bag of food. He had an axe in one hand and a knife on his waist. He smiled at her and she smiled at him and they walked away from the house to a new dream and life. The full moon was their guide to their new dream and they knew no one would separate them ever again.

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