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52% Travelers Chronicle / Chapter 13: Mana Pathways

Chapter 13: Mana Pathways

It felt like it had been an eternity and only a minute since my consciousness sunk into the mist of mana in my core. I was still shocked that my father actually knew about our bloodline and about my identity as Hawk.

Mentally sighing, I prepared myself for the next step. Now that I had my core with its misty mana galaxy fully realized in my mind, I started spreading my awareness to the rest of my body.


Unknown to me I was being carried and gentle placed in the water, and my lungs were breathing deeply the smoke being emitted from the fire. The water was supporting my body and was nourishing it at the same time. Notifications kept popping up in my vision and passing without my notice.


A mental image of my body appeared; my mana core situated in my head. I saw a dark outline of vein and artery like structures coming from my core, going around my body, and ending back at my core. Through this strange system I noticed 12 geometrical symbols spread throughout my body, at different parts of the dark system. Studying the symbols, I noticed that each was widely different from the others, it reminded me of the symbol in the black leather book that gave me my language ability. The placement of the symbols reminded me a little of the chakras seen in ancient texts found in India back home. The placements seemed slightly different from what I remembered but mimicked it in a way I couldn't quite describe, I wondered what the connect is there.

I spent a few minutes pondering what these symbols and their placement could mean. Not having any previous knowledge on this subject, I had to push these thoughts to the back of my mind. If I got the chance later I would have to look into their meaning.

I prepared mentally for the next step. According to the book I was required to pull a thread of mana from my core and thread it through my body with it ending by returning to my core. Feeling as ready as I could be, I began by trying to pull a thread of mana from my core. It was painful, feeling as if I had pulled every muscle in my body at once. My grip loosened on the mana which whipped back into my core, with a spike of pain shooting through me. It stunned me for a little while. Resolving my will, I tried a second time. There were two possible exits leading towards my body, one on the left and right side of my core. Remembering the flow of blood through the cardiovascular system I had to memorize in school, I figured it needed to flow out towards the left side of my body first and return by the right side.

I slowly, keeping a tight control of the mana, brought it towards the opening leading towards the left side of my body. I reached the opening and the mana started struggling, but I kept control of it. I wish I had taken the hint, for the second I brought the mana through the opening it lashed out bringing immense mental and spiritual pain. The mana immediately shot back to the core. I was writhing in pain, I felt like my psyche would shatter. The pain felt like it lasted an eternity.

I was eventually able to calm my mind back down, and the pain slowly eased before disappearing. Damn, that was unpleasant! The book had a detailed description of how to get your mana to flow, and in which pattern but it neglected to mention in which way the flow had to be. It also had no mention of these damn geometrical symbols throughout my body either. It was lacking a lot of helpful information, things I might need to know if I wanted to avoid an unpleasant and untimely death.

The book did describe how once I started to thread my mana through the pathways I would have to continue no matter what unless I wanted to face some truly horrifying consequences. The book had plenty to say on this subject, with illustrations that will probably haunt my nightmares for years to come. This is why I hated textbooks, tons of completely useless information with only a few paragraphs with the stuff you actually needed to know. And of course, it's nearly impossible to figure out what's needed and what's not till after you actually needed it. Apparently I found something that transcends worlds.

Slowly my anger from the pain eased enough for me to stop ranting. I took some slow and deep breaths, well mentally I did, and prepared to try again with the opposite side.

Taking hold of the mana once again I slowly brought it up to the hole leading to the right side of my body. The mana remained stable the closer I got. It finally passed through the entrance, and I felt a vibration run through the thread of mana. Almost as if it was alive and excited. Again, the book completely failed to prepare me for this. I tried to start threading the mana, but the mana jumped out of my control and started racing through my body.

When it reached the first geometrical symbol I felt like I was given a mild electrical shock. The symbol gained a slight dim glow, many shades darker than my mana, before the mana again started racing through my body. I noted with fascination that it seemed to be naturally following the path that the book described. I continued studying the mana thread with interest until it struck the second symbol, whereas the first symbol only felt like a mild shock this symbol felt like I was electrocuted. I wanted to cry out in pain, but my body and mind refused to obey me.

The third symbol was even worse, by the fifth I was unable to handle it and passed out. I gladly let the darkness of unconsciousness embrace me, if it got me away from this pain I didn't care.


The mana continued to race through Hawk's mana pathways, each symbol gaining a dim glow, before the mana continued. Hawk's health kept decreasing but the pond kept replenishing it just as fast it was lost.

The forest spirits all stood and watched as Hawk's body thrashed in the water. Even the ever-energetic fairies remained still, watching.

When the mana reached the twelfth and final symbol, Hawks back arched, eyes opened but remained unseeing. He then released a primal and bone chilling roar. His emerald eyes emitting a burning light. The roar lasted for a little over a minute before the mana was able to reach his core. His body relaxed and eyes closed once again. A thick tar like substance could be seen coating his body, but the water seemed to have a mind of its own as it gently washed away the filth and brought it away.

"The Forest Welcomes the new Magus! Let us mourn the passing of an Age and celebrate in the coming of a brand-new Age." Willow intoned while going down on one knee and bowing her head towards Hawk who was lying unconscious in the water. All the various spirits and fairies followed suite paying homage to the new Magus.

After a moment they all stood back up, the surrounding forest started to bloom. Numerous flowers, bushes, and trees all bore their flowers and fruit creating a stunning scene of color and scents.

All the spirits and fairies maintained their vigil until the first rays of the new day started to shine, then one by one they started to leave.

Ariauth Ariauth

I am a huge fan of all magic 'classes' in books and games. With this story I really wanted to go in depth with why the MC has the powers he will end up with. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, and it will heavily affect the story later on. Right now is a good bit of character and world building, and soon the adventures will start coming. I hope you are enjoying the story so far, and I want to thank you for reading it!

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