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20% Travelers Chronicle / Chapter 5: Welcome to Negressea (2)

Chapter 5: Welcome to Negressea (2)

<Name: Hawk Direveil -- Age: 24>

<Race: Human (Magus)>


Merlin's descendant (weak) (can be evolved)

You are a descendant of the Arch Magus Merlin! Merlin was gifted with immense magical talent, and the gift of sight. A very rare combination, Merlin spent many years as a Seer and as an advisor to Royalty. But few knew the full might of Merlin's magic! As his descendant you are granted the following: x2 the normal amount of Mana, spells will cost 20% less to cast, and spell power will be improved by 25% in all spell schools. (Can be evolved by purifying your blood and having higher magic concentration within your body)

???????? (Locked)>

<Level: 1 (EXP: 0/100)>

<Health (HP): 140/140 Stamina (SP): 105/105 Mana (MP): 320/320>

<Attributes (Stats):

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 14

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 16

Charisma: 10

Luck: 6>

<Free Stat Points to Allocate: 0>

<Abilities: Locked, will be unlocked at level 5>


Anatomy (Beast): level 6 (5% to next level)

Due to your tireless study of the Anatomy of numerous beasts that crawl, run, and fly has granted you a basic understanding of their body and functions. +12% increase to damage and critical hit when fighting beasts (+2% per level). +18% increase to skinning success (+3% per level). +6% increased yield from harvesting beast components (+1% per level).

Anatomy (Humanoid): level 5 (0% to next level)

Due to your tireless study of the Anatomy of one of the Humanoid races you have gained a basic understanding of the body and its functions. +10% Increase to damage and critical hit chance when fighting humanoids (+2% per level). +15% increase to healing skills and spells effectiveness (+3% per level).

Biologist: level 6 (1% to next level)

You have studied the biological anatomy and Pathophysiology of numerous species of sentients, animals, and plants giving you a permanent increase to skill gain when studying sentients, animals, or plants. +12% learning speed increase (+2% speed per level) +6% increased comprehension (+1% per level)

First Aid: Level 0 (0% to next level)

You have unlocked the First Aid skill, starting your journey on the road of being a healer. Healers are welcomed in all societies and villages, and it is a welcomed skill amongst warriors and adventurers. It is considered one of the noblest of professions, if treated with respect. Unskilled and dangerous healers are quickly exiled or killed. -25% to healing effects of bandages and salves applied by you, +15% to poison strength when administered by you. *Currently you have limited knowledge and next to no practical experience, penalties will be removed once skill level is increased above level 0.

Herbalism: Level 3 (0% to next level)

You have a basic understanding of plants, by studying the plants around you, you have a chance of discovering a positive or negative use of the plant. Higher levels increase this chance and can reveal uses for more advanced plants or show new uses for already known plants.

Survivalist: Level 2 (10% to next level)

You have learned how to survive in the wild off of the land, +10% more likely to find water and food while in the Wilderness. +15% chance of lighting a campfire. -5% chance of being disturbed at night be wild animals.

Traits: Magus Blood: The blood of a Magus flows through your veins.

Languages: Common, Archaic Human>

Sweet! My Merlin's descendant bloodline was unlocked....What?! Double mana, 20% less mana use, 15% faster spell casting, and 25% to spell power! This bloodline is OP! And its considered weak, not sure what all the rankings for them are Blaise only mentioned the one below weak was poor. My deep seated dream of being a spellcaster appears to be coming true! My health and stamina are both respectable for a level 1 character in most games, but my mana is insane! 320MP at level one! Now only if I knew how to cast a spell...Disregarding everything else I turned towards the lake, and while screaming out "FIREBALL!!!" I thrust my right palm towards the pond. In my mind I pictured a fireball building in my right hand with every bit of imagination I had and pictured it flying from my hand into the pond. With disappointment I didn't manage to accomplish anything except scaring a few birds from their trees, who squawked, chirped, and in one case growled at me in annoyance before they calmed back down.

Well I won't try that again; I take be growled at very seriously. Looking all around me I didn't see any animals besides a few colorful birds I didn't recognize, and what appeared to be a very large Squirrel badger hybrid looking thing sitting on a tree limb high up munching on some type of nut. I didn't know if it he was also a meat eater, but I got the feeling that I would be safe if I didn't provoke him and did not urinate on his tree.....That was a really strange thought.

*Ding* <5% Skill increase to Anatomy (Beast)>

*Ding* <1% Skill increase to Biologist>

*Ding* <10% Skill increase to Survivalist>

In my excitement over my sweet bonuses for spell casting, and my utter failure at spell casting I forgot I had actually unlocked some skills. I started going over my status page again. My stats had stayed the same, my abilities were still locked but it apparently would unlock once I reached level 5! I wonder if I will get anything good? Anyway, now I can check out my skills. The anatomy skills make sense considered I studied biology in college and graduated with honors, so I guess becoming a biologist gained me the biologist skill, anatomy skills, and Herbalism has to be due to all those classes I was required to take in plant biology. It also probably helped my skill level with all the time I spent helping my mom with our small garden growing up. Lastly Survivalist has to be from my backpacking trip, and all the time I spent training and preparing this past year before I left.

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