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70% ALWAYS / Chapter 7: Chapter Seven

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven


It was the first week of my sophomore year in college and although I was nervous of which classes I had and if they were going to be difficult or not I was confident that I was would get through the week anyways. Justin regained all of his memories back a week ago so we've been inseparable ever since and we've been kissing a lot mostly because we've been making up for lost time, catching up on eight months of not being able to. He was in love with me just as much as I was in love with him and he was the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. The only problem that he had right now was the fact that since he had been in a coma for six months and hadn't returned to school for two weeks after he came out of his coma he had to repeat his sophomore year of college again.

However, although life was great and everything was in a way back to normal, I still noticed that creepy guy who I realized was always nearby. I told Brenda, Kyle and Justin about him so they've been noticing him and watching him too. There was this one time where I had almost been alone with him in the hallway and as I had watched him walk towards me I had dodged into the nearest door closing it behind me and locking it. It was empty and I didn't want to be alone with him anywhere so I stayed in there until Justin and Kyle both arrived outside of the door then I came out.

My ankle was doing better, but I was still using crutches. After school Justin either carried me to his car or gave me a piggy back ride. There was this girl named Claire Zions who didn't care that Justin and I were a couple instead she continued to flirt with him anyways. I could tell Justin was close to snapping at her, but he was holding back because he was trying to be polite.

Honestly if she didn't back off then I was going to snap at her before Justin did. First I needed to get off these crutches or I'd end up whacking her with them instead of using my fists. Justin is also a believer now so we share the same faith in the Holy Trinity and we go to church together every Sunday with Kyle and Brenda accompanying us every now and then. They don't share our faith yet, but they're in the curiosity stage so that's a step in the right direction.

Just because we're believers it doesn't make us perfect, but we try hard not to sin or we start all over with a new clean slate and we do our best to follow in Jesus' footsteps. After my four classes were over for the day I was exiting the school building to the parking lot when I saw the creepy guy leaning back against a silver sedan parked next to Justin's car where I had been going towards. I stopped walking and looked down at my cellphone so that he wouldn't notice that I had seen him. It was obvious that this guy was a stalker and possibly worse so I didn't want anything to do with him and I didn't want to be near him to see what he was capable of trying to do to me.

I texted Justin "Hey, stalker guy is parked next to ur car where r u? I think he might be trying 2 follow us 2 where I live."

He texted back right away "Meet me @ the front entrance, we'll lose him. I'll make sure he never finds out where u live."

I was flattered, but what if that guy somehow found out anyway? I wasn't trying to think negative and I especially didn't want him to find out where I lived. Justin finally joined me, giving me a quick kiss then he looked in the direction of where his car was parked, but stalker was already inside of his car. Justin took my hand in his so I followed his lead.

He opened the car door for me so I got in, putting the safety seatbelt on. Justin reversed out of the driveway and drove around in a circle then he finally drove out of the parking lot turning left. We ended up driving around in a circle taking too many lefts and rights and even making a few u-turns. I was positive we lost him when he suddenly came up behind us again, way too close to Justin's rear end of his car for comfort.

If Justin braked then that guy would hit us without being able to slam on the brakes on time. At first I thought that, that was exactly what Justin was planning on doing, but then he made a sharp turn causing the stalker to crash into a parked car. Justin continued driving until we were far enough away that if the stalker could still walk he wouldn't be able to catch up. Then he glanced at me and I gave him a grateful, relieved smile slipping my hand in his.

Then when we got some fast food he parked in an empty parking lot so we could eat in his car. Justin said a blessing over our food then he took a bite of his burger and was thinking about something. I didn't ask because usually when he was finished thinking about whatever it was he was thinking about he'd share his thoughts out loud to me. So we ate while the radio was playing one of my favorite country songs.

The he finally looked at me "How long have you noticed this guy following you around for?"

I thought about it for a moment "Honestly I first noticed him when he came up to me and I tripped on purpose just so that wouldn't touch me."

"So do you think that there's a possibility that he might've been the one who smoked us in the room where we almost died at your cousin's wedding?"

My eyes widened "I mean it's possible, but how will we know for sure?"

"Brenda and Kyle were at the wedding reception watching as guests arrived since they were sitting at a table near the entrance so what if we asked then if maybe they recognized him from there?"

"But they've already seen him so wouldn't they have recognized him by now?"

"Maybe they just need us to refresh their memories and see if they can connect him to the wedding."

I nodded "Okay let's ask them tomorrow at school, but I was also thinking what if the only way to get him to leave me alone is for me to be bait while you, Kyle and your soccer friends catch him and call the police on him or something."

"No, I'm not letting him get near you at all. There has to be something else that we can think of to put a stop to this situation already."

I knew that he was concerned about my safety and honestly so was I, but I wasn't scared of this guy I just felt uncomfortable and creeped out by him is all. I just wanted him to leave me alone especially since I don't even know what I did to catch his unwanted obsessed attention that I didn't ask for. What was wrong with this guy? I just wanted our lives to go back to being normal without having to turn back looking behind our shoulders each time to see if we were being followed.

I'd rather deal with girls hitting on my boyfriend since those would be easier to deal with than a stalker who wasn't giving up so easily. As Justin dropped me off at home I prayed for half an hour asking God to make this guy leave us in peace one way or another. For us everything is impossible, but for God nothing is impossible. So I surrendered my worries, doubts and fears into His strong, powerful capable hands which can carry anything even up to the whole world which weighs like nothing at all to Him.

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