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Hanson and Candy went back to his house to celebrated Lunar new year together with their family. They had family dinner a night before the new year. After the dinner Hanson told his mom he need to talk to her in private. She agreed to meet him in her bedroom.

"What is it son, do you wanna talk to me ?"

Hanson a bit hesitant at first, then he told her about Linda's scheming to him "It's about Linda, few weeks ago she went to see me in my apartment, she brought dumplings for me with drugs on them."

Selina shocked hearing his story "Huh ? Why did she do that ?"

"She said she wanted to had a child with me." Hanson sneered.

Selina couldn't believe what she had heard "Non sense ! That girl .... she wouldn't dare to do it !"

"But she did it mom ! Unfortunately she didn't succeed, I can chased her away while I was still conscious !" Hanson told her with upset look on his face.

"Why do you tell me now ? This should be serious matter !" Selina furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because I don't want her to ruin my engagement next. I know she's your best friend daughter, just tell aunt Liu to discipline her and behave her daughter well, will you ?" He was serious with his words.

Selina nodded "OK, I' understand ! I'll handle this matter Han, is there anything else ?"

"Next time don't be so aggressive to Qian Qian ! Thank you for helping us preparing for our engagement, love you mom !" he hugged her. Selina was very happy with his praising.

She smiled, she was very exciting to prepare for his engagement more "Don't worry son, I'll be good to her !"

The next day, Mark family went to Josh's house they had lunch together in there. They met with Hawk's family as well.

Josh welcomed them "Welcome my friend, come on in, make yourself at home all of you."

Mark laughed "Thank you Josh. Hi Hawk, you're here too !"

Hawk greeted him back "Yes, we'll be going to my parents house after lunch."

Candy introduced her family member to Hanson one by one "Han bro, this is Yua my cousin, did you remember ? She's married, and she's expecting a baby now."

Hanson greeted her "Hi Yua, I remember you. Congratulation."

Yua smiled at him "Thank you Han bro. You're going to get married too right ?"

"Yes, you'll come to our engagement next two weeks right ?"

"Sure." Yua nodded.

Candy introduced him to other "This is my younger brother Andy , we call him Yi An, you've known him before right ?"

Andy greeted him "Hi nice to meet you again Han bro !"

"Nice to meet you too, are you still studying ?"

"Yes, I'm in the last semester now. I learnt about Electrical Engineering."

Hanson introduced him his younger brother also "Oh that's good ! This is my younger brother Sean , we call him Chin Xue."

Sean greeted Candy and Andy "Nice to meet you sis in law, you too Andy."

Candy and Andy greeted him back "Nice to meet you too."

Candy asked Sean "Are you still studying too Sean ?"

"Well, actually I've finished studying about IT, but now I'm taking master degree in business management, my dad wants me to continue his hotel business since big bro didn't want to handle it."

Andy commented also "Ah, same with me here, big sis didn't want to manage dad's business too, maybe he'll ask me to do it someday"

Then Andy and Sean went to the garden and continue talking to each other about their hobbies and interest. While Candy took Hanson to see her Grandmother.

"Grandma, this is Hanson, Han bro this is my grandma."

Hanson greeted her politely "Hi grandma nice to meet you ! You're still look young and healthy !"

Grandma was pleased hearing his praise "Ah, child you're to overwhelm compliment me ! I'm old already !"

That day they had lunch together in the garden, Caren had prepared some food for them. Selina had some talk with Caren about the preparation for the engagement.

"How's the preparation on your side Ling ?"

"Well, we've just go with the flow, and we're pretty well ready now. How about you ?"

"Me too, the engagement will take place at our hotel private room. I've done ordering the preparations to our vendors. We've informed our relatives as well."

"That's good, I hope it will be one smoothly just like we want. Thank you for your hard work !"

"Oh nothing, I'm so glad we will be together as a big family !" Selina said it with big smiled.


Two weeks later they held the engagement party at Mark's hotel, it was a little closed party only inviting their relatives, so Linda and her family didn't invited. Actually Selina planned to invite her family, but she canceled it after Hanson told her about the incident before. Selina put on a diamond necklace to Candy as a ceremony of the engagement. They also discussed about the wedding, and they all agreed to have it six months later.

Hanson and Candy went back to her apartment after the engagement party was over.

Hanson was holding her in his embrace on the bed, he caressed her hair gently.

Hanson told Candy in gently low voice "Qian, I think wedding is just a ceremonial event, how about we register our marriage tomorrow at the civil bureau ?"

Candy surprised heard it, she turned her head against him "Are you so desperately want to marry me Han bro ?"

Hanson gently looked at her in her eyes "Yes, I really wanna make you mine legally as soon as possible !"

She couldn't bear to see his seductrice look, she smiled at him in blushed "OK do as you wish. I'm all yours !" she hide her face back into his chest.

"Just prepare for your paper tomorrow !" he whispered in her ears. It made her ear turned red and she felt tickled.

And they really registered their marriage at the civil bureau the next day.

Candy chose to wear her white dress, and Hanson wore his black suit. Together they went to the civil bureau excitingly very early in the morning.

They took some photos together after that.

"Are you happy now Han bro ?"

"Yes, you're mine legally now !" said Hanson satisfied.

They took a day off that day, and enjoyed the rest of the day to go to a hotel and have some fine dining there.

They went back to the office together the next day.


Meanwhile the upset Linda hadn't gave up yet, after she failed with her first mission, she planned another bad intention , this time her target is Candy.

She had paid some money to some bad guys, then she called Candy and asked her to meet together just the two of them at a cafe.

Candy agreed to meet her though she hesitant at first, but she informed Hanson before, Hanson got aware, he told his assistant Larry to follow and guard her from distance with the other two people he arranged.

One of his people was a girl, she disguised herself as one of the customer sat near their table, she informed to Larry about everything, including Candy got drugged and fell unconscious, Larry surprised hearing her report, but he told her to continue following them by her motorcycle.

Meanwhie Linda instructed two men to took her into the car. Larry told Hanson about the car's plate number then he followed Linda's car also from some distance.

The car entered an old warehouse, then Linda dropped the unconscious Candy to the floor. She told to the bad guys to killed her.

"Just kill her, before that you may do anything to her for your pleasure !" she laughed out loud then leave the place.

She called Hanson when she got back to her car, she told him to meet her at the bar, she told him there were some bad guys were after her, that's why she asked for his help.

The bad guys were about tearing up her cloth to raped Candy, when suddenly a motorcycle barging in, the warehouse door got opened and a black car also entered the warehouse.

Larry came out from the car then he fought with the bad guys, there were three bad guys against Larry and his man, while the girl saving Candy, she carried her body to get inside Larry's car.

After a while Larry and his man could beat them up, he tied them all together to a pillar, then he called the local police to arrest them, the girl rode her motorcycle and went back, while Larry went back to his car with his man.

He waited for a while in front of the warehouse to make sure when the police arrived to catch those bad guys.

When he heard the sound of the police siren closer, he started to drove his car went back to Hanson's apartment. Larry reported everything to Hanson when he was about to go back to his apartment.

"Everything is under control sir, she's saved now, we're heading back to your apartment now."

Hanson nodded "OK, thank you, I'll go handle some matter first."

Hanson sent some pictures to his mom about Linda meeting Candy, then he called her.

"Mom, I think you should tell aunt Liu to be prepare for the worse !"

Selina was shocked seeing those pictures on her phone "OK son, just leave it to the police, this is getting serious, we have to teach her some lessons !"

Hanson called the police and he was heading to the bar she mentioned, while Selina told her best friend about everything her daughter did.

Hanson finally got into the bar, he saw her from far, she was having fun with some men they laughed out loud together. Hanson gave some sign to the policemen then he called her.

"Linda, where are you ? Are you OK ?" he pretended to worry about her.

Linda surprised when she looked at her phone "Oh, are you here already Han brother ? I'm here near the stage."

Her eyes was searching for him and she gave signs to her friend to pretend to harass her. Hanson suddenly came up beside her.

Linda went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist "Han brother help me, he's trying to hurt me !" she said in spoiled and seductrice voice.

Hanson pushed the man away then he pushed her body from him, he grabbed her hand.

"Come follow me, let's get out of here." Linda held his hand tightly, she was very happy, she thought she had succeeded to grabbed Hanson back on her hand. When they got into the street some cops came to them and they cuffed her hands.

Linda shocked her facial face turned to pale "What happen here ? Why do you cuffed me, release me now ! Help me Han brother !" but the police just took her to the police car.

The police told her "Ms. Linda Chu you're under arrest for attempted murder of Ms. Candy Wu, you have the right to remain silent. We'll take you to the police station now !"

Linda widened her eyes she couldn't believe what she had just heard "What ? I don't know about it ! I'm not guilty ! Han brother please help me !"

Hanson looked at her from far and waved good bye to her "Bye Linda, see you in court !"


Larry and his man had arrived at Hanson's apartment safely. Candy had woken up when the car was about to arrived at her apartment.

"Where am I ? What had happened to me ?" asked Candy while rubbing her eyes.

"We're at your apartment Miss, don't worry you're save now ! Let's go to the lobby first. We have to wait for Master there." said Larry.

Candy felt thirsty after a while "OK, get me some water please, I'm thirsty."

Larry asked his man to buy some water on the local store, while he took Candy to the lobby, she still felt dizzy so she needed him to support her walk properly.

Larry texted Hanson to inform him that they've arrived at his apartment and Candy had woke up. When Hanson got the text he was still under process to caught Linda, after he finished with Linda he called Larry directly.

"Larry, has she regain her conscious ? Is she alright ?" asked him worriedly.

"Yes, she's alright, we're in your apartment's lobby now sir."

Hanson felt a bit relieved "OK, let me talk to her ?" Larry gave her his phone.

"Master wants to talk to you Miss."

Candy took his phone "Han bro ? Where are you now ?"

"I'm on my way to apartment now, are you OK ?"

Candy rubbed her head while talking to him on the phone "I'm OK but I still feel a bit dizzy."

"OK wait for me there, just lay down on the sofa for a while."

The call was ended, Candy gave the phone back to Larry, she laid her head back to the sofa while waiting for Hanson to come back.

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