Orion came to himself after Dreigh was pulled back by Lys. He looked around him in confusion and had a vague understanding of what had happened. It seems like he had lost control once again. He looked around and saw that no structure was left standing after the aftermath of his rampage.
He walked around and saw bodies of the members of the Cambriare group and also saw the body of Ghost on the ground lifeless and not far away from him was the body of Beast and the bodies of the silhouettes that once attacked him. Looking at the gruesome scene in front of him gave him no sort of feeling. There was neither remorse nor disgust, everything just looked normal to him.
Orion walked around more and found the bodies of the remnants who were used in the experiments. He saw that the silhouettes had killed them all and ready to burn their bodies. At least they were not burned alive but he still could not understand why people would do something like this.
"According to something I have heard, a human being can last a month without food, last three days without water, last eight minutes without air but a human can only last a second without hope. So do not lose hope no matter what happens."
P.S. Yas, this chapter may contain typos so be warned. Feel free to notify me if you see some. :)