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Chapter 121: Pandemonium

Do you hear that sound off in the distance?

It sounds almost like something, or someone is calling out.

Trying to grab somethings' attention.

Or is it an echo of what was here before?

Of what was left behind?

If it is an echo I can't help but wonder how does it know my name? As I am sitting alone in the dark hearing sounds nobody should be able to while having to dare myself not to turn around to look for it. After All, If you turn around you may not like what it is that you see. Having the sound reverberate around inside of my head makes me question every noise I hear around me. It doesn't take long for the unnerving feeling of being watched by something to become overwhelming.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can't help but feel like something is there.

Something that is missing.

Something I should be able to notice.

After a while of double-checking every corner and spare space around me, I can't help but feel that I am becoming paranoid. It has to be that my mind is playing tricks on me again. There is no other logical reason for it to be anything else. Maybe it's all of the movies I have been watching lately, or maybe it's all of the fantasy and dystopian books that have somehow found themselves on my bookshelf over the years.

Even with those reassuring thoughts I can't help but feel the phantom traces of nails climbing down my back. Almost as if they were petting me in a similar manner as the cats you see accompanying villains while they are planning their nefarious deeds. Praising me for giving them life with such thoughts.

As I continue on I do my best to not give my own creations power over myself, but my lonesome presence in the dark allows them to pray on my deepest darkest fears. The creatures from my imagination playout through my head, my nightmares, and do their best to make their way into my reality.

They call out my name almost as if saying, "We're here" at every inopportune moment. Hovering over me like a shadow following me and building on my thoughts and experiences. Collecting themselves as a pandemonium* to either attack me or be used for my own purposes. Becoming my personal army of chaos to either spread or create.

Sometimes they leave for a while, but they always find their way back home when I least expect it. Showing up in a nightmare hunting me down to tell me they have found their way back to me again. Leaving me in a state of paralysis as I try to fight myself awake. The more I fight the worse the struggle becomes as I almost find my way out and just as I am about to leave I get sucked back in again.

Most of them come back the same way we met before: a closed closet, a doctor's office, going through the woods, or just simply stalking. Their faces change from time to time but their overall features are usually the same. No eyes, blood pouring out from everywhere, wounds all over their bodies, and surrounded in darkness. There have been a couple of exceptions like the one time I was being hunted by a giant man-eating tree.

Some of them like to talk to me every once in an awhile while I dream normally spitting accusations at me about things I have no idea about. Their words can be distracting and overwhelming putting me in a state of panic. Leaving me with the inability to overcome the sensation until I find myself in the warm embrace of another.

They like to hide when in the presence of another person staying quiet almost as if not to cause suspicion of their existence. Showing themselves best in the dark in pixilated black seeming to move in the shadows around me.

Circling me from my left and right.

Casting a shadow on the ceiling.

Causing creaks in the floorboards.

Making its presence known to hearing ears.

Forcing its self next to me making its presence known to closed eyes.

Having its body interact with mine.

As soon as I leave the dark and make my way into the light they disguise their presence waiting to see me another day. All except one, the presence that physically interacts with me take some more convincing. Talking to another or hearing a human voice pushes it away and keeps it a bay for another day.

Noise has always helped to keep away my thoughts, keeping them away from my roaming thoughts, it has always been that way. I wait for the sun to rise to bring me solace before I can sleep. The beautiful sight of a sunrise with the morning dew on the grass shining in all of its glory. I can truly say that I have never seen such a beautiful sight.

But alass it is only 4:45 AM and I still have time until sunrise.

I will wait with my horde for the sun to rise.

I will wait for its presence to put us to sleep.

Leaving the echo of their presence behind them.

Waiting for us to reunite.

Pandemonium: The version of this world that I am using is the one relating to chaos or a group of demons.

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