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Chapter 2: Couldn't this be called Plagiarism?

Nathan found himself floating in space. Around him were stars and below him was a planet that looked like earth. He was a bit nauseated from the experience that he had to close his eyes or risk letting out his lunch from where it got in. As he closed his eyes, he felt himself slowly fall which made him abruptly open his eyes in alarm only to be met with a bright flash of light.

When Nathan recovered, he found himself on top of a platform with various windows in front of him. The windows contained information for character customization which reminded Nathan that he was inside Parallel World and what was in front of him were customization options for his character. He also found a 3D representation of his character that looked like himself in the center of one of the windows. He tweaked a few of the settings but mostly left them in the default. He then selected the option to continue since he was finished in this part of his character creation. As he did so, a window popped out in front of him.

Please enter your character name and your race:

Nathan pondered at this for a few moments but then shrugged it off. "Meh… Might as well just use my real name as well as being a human. It might be a bit hard to function as a different race due to this being a VRMMORPG. I can't seem to imagine myself as having a tail and claws…"

[Greetings User Nathan Wolf!]

[Thank you for purchasing Parallel World online! A world full of adventure, excitement, glory, and fame. A place where the only limitation is imagination. Your imagination!]

[Your race has been set to Human. Please choose a location from where your legend will begin.]

Nathan chuckled at the message from the window as choices of locations were shown to him. He looked through the list and selected the location that he believed to be the best location to start from his research of ParaWorld.

"Holy City Desiderius please." Nathan said to no one in particular.

Holy City Desiderius was considered a minor holy city with a population of 600,000+ occupants and was about 47.28 km2 in land area. Nothing was outstanding with regards to the city and it was not a popular starting point for new players. Even from the logs and histories, the number of players that chose the city could be counted on one hand, but this suited Nathan just fine. From Nathan's research, this was one place not fully explored by players since most of them were focused on major cities with high gains since higher population cities tend to attract major events.

[Thank you, user Nathan Wolf!]

[You will now be transported to your chosen destination via the Rift of Beginnings. We sincerely hope that you have a favorable and enjoyable experience with Parallel World.]

[Also, please note that playing for long periods can be harmful to your health as thus, we at AlterSoft recommend that you play moderately.]

Thank you for choosing Parallel World!

And with a burst of light from all around Nathan that made him cover his eyes, Nathan was transported to his chosen location.


AlterSoft Sub-Headquarters – Southeast Asia

A woman stood behind an oak desk looking through a large mirrored window. She was currently inside a spacious office room on the uppermost level of the AlterSoft Sub-Headquarters in the Southeast Asia Region reserved for people in a high position within the company.

The woman was Caucasian and appeared to be of Russian descent. She has a slim build and long-straight blonde hair tied into a ponytail that reached the small of her back. Her eyes were the color of ash grey and she wore a tight-fitted white top that struggled to contain her generous assets. Over her top was a blue blazer and for the bottom was a black mini-skirt that revealed an almost endless pair of legs and feet that were enclosed in stiletto-heeled black shoes.

The woman was looking out of the window into the horizon with an emotionless expression when a light-sounding alarm suddenly pinged from the table behind her. The woman then swiveled on her place and approach her desk. With a wave of her hand, holographic displays soon appeared in front of her on top of the desk. A curious expression appeared on the woman's visage when she saw a message on the alert and with a swipe of her hand, another holographic window appeared.

[User Information]

[Name: Nathan Wolf]

[Class: None]

[Level: 1]

[Location: Holy City Desiderius]

[VRP Serial: LEGACY-0100102]

"Oh? A Legacy Pod?" the woman uttered as she read through other data with regards to the user, Nathan Wolf.

When she was done, she swiped her hand once more on the screen to close all the windows in front of her. With a pensive look, the woman then crossed her arms under her generous breasts then smiled. "I found you valchonak…"


When Nathan opened his eyes, he found himself on top of another platform. As he looked around, what greeted him were concrete walls and a wooden door on the left side. He inspected himself and found that he wore a basic cotton shirt and pants as well as sandals on his feet. Satisfied that nothing was wrong nor out of the ordinary, Nathan walked towards the door to exit the room.

As he walked out of the room, Nathan was greeted by the sight of a forest. This confused Nathan since he believed that he was going to spawn from the city itself that he opened his map to confirm where he was. As he did, Nathan frowned but ultimately shrugged and muttered to himself; "I suppose it's time for an adventure. But to be spawned in the middle of a forest a couple of kilometers to the intended respawn point? Must be machinations of fate...?"

He would have continued his mutterings if not for the sudden cry of help that reached his ears. Nathan immediately determined the direction of the yell and ran towards it. When he reached the location of the sound, Nathan was presented with what appeared to be a truck surrounded by humans. Near the truck were a couple of lizard men who each held scimitars while the humans that surrounded them held various weapons. A woman who wore the same clothes as the other humans laid on the ground with a sword impaled on her chest. Beside the dead woman was a lizard man covered in blood.

"Why do I get the feeling that I have read this scene somewhere before? Couldn't this be considered Plagiarism?" uttered Nathan to no one in particular as he hid from behind a tree. He would have pondered about it more if not for the sudden window that popped out in front of him.

[Quest Unlocked: An Obscure Rescue!]

[Description: A caravan passing through the forest has been blocked by bandits. Save the caravan from the bandits!]

[Type: Unique, One-time]

[Rewards: ?????]

[Failure: ?????, Death]

[Do you wish to accept this quest?]

Nathan surveyed the area and thought for a bit. "Something is odd about this quest. That and I can't shake the feeling that I have read this setting before somewhere. Logically, the bandits should be the one attacking the caravan. If so, then shouldn't the lizardmen be facing towards the caravan rather than facing the humans that surrounded the caravan?"

Nathan looked at the scene once more before understanding dawned on his face. "Unless the bandits are the humans and the ones protecting the caravan are the lizardmen!"

With that knowledge, Nathan sprang into action and swiped at the quest window to accept the quest.

Since Parallel World was a VRMMORPG, then combat was truly chaotic in the sense that there are no standard attacks. Nathan reached the closest human bandit, grabbed him via his neck from behind, and proceeded to slam him on the ground with a wrestling move called "bulldog". A series of messages popped up from Nathan's logs, but he paid it no mind as he immediately stood up and charged towards the next bandit. The previous attack of Nathan, however, was loud thus the other bandits' attention focused on him.

"What the fuck?!" exclaimed the male bandit who Nathan was charging at.

The bandit immediately swung his sword at Nathan who evaded with a sway of his upper body to the left. With a clenched left fist, Nathan delivered a devastating liver-blow to the male bandit. The bandit doubled over and released the grip on his sword from the pain that Nathan caused with his punch. Nathan saw the opportunity and pressed his attack and not give the bandit a chance to recover. He immediately shifted his weight and sent full-powered right hook directly on the bandit's chin that sent the bandit on the ground out cold. Another series of messages sprang up on Nathan's log but again he paid it no mind.

The lizardmen weren't idle as well. As soon as Nathan drew the bandits' attention, they immediately sprung up and clashed with their attackers once more. This caused a massive loss on the bandits' forces. "Mistress! We won't be able to hold on at this rate! We need to retreat!" one bandit shouted as he tried to fend off an attack from one of the lizardmen.

In the middle of the bandit-formation was a woman with crimson hair and wore leather armor which accentuated the right curves, curves that could make any man salivate. She had arched eyebrows, vicious-red eyes, and ravishing lips that promised sin. She was quite a beauty if not for the blood that marred her visage. It was blood from the slain lizard man beneath her heeled boots. The woman then sneered and turned towards Nathan's direction. "Retreat! I will deal with the nuisance."

The woman was about to advance on Nathan when she was stopped by a pained cry behind her. She turned towards the voice and saw that her second-in-command had been slain by the lizardman he was engaged in combat with. This made the woman livid and turned towards Nathan with an ugly expression on her beautiful face. "You meddlesome fool!"

The woman then charged towards Nathan with a sword held up high. "Die like a pig that you are!"

Nathan, however, was not caught flat-footed since he paid extra attention to the woman. He knew that she was a boss level mob or something comparable for this quest. What he was not prepared for however was the raw emotion he could sense from the woman who approached him with intent to kill.

"Damn… This game is too realistic!" was the thought that ran through Nathan's mind.

Nathan shook off the feeling and immediately dodged the overhead swing of the woman who was intent to end his life. Left, right, a hop backward, a roll, a dive, Nathan dodged to the best of his ability while he waited for the opportunity to counter-attack. This opportunity came when the woman over-extended from her attack that Nathan dodged by ducking low. He seized this opportunity and tackled the woman to the ground with as much grace as a brick. He immediately straddled the woman, gripped her by the wrists, and pushed her down with his body. Nathan's face almost touched the woman by the nose which made Nathan grin with whom the woman answered with a snarl.

"Let go of me you son of a whore! I will gut you and feed your insides to the wild boars of this forest!"

Although Nathan grinned on the outside, his thoughts ran a-mile-minute on the inside. He knew that though he had the current advantage, the woman was still a boss mob for the currently active quest. An idea suddenly hit Nathan, but he was a bit doubtful if it would work. "Let us see how realistic this game is. Worst case, I will die and respawn."

With a sinister grin, Nathan dipped his head down on to the woman's face and captured her sinful lips onto his own. This shocked the woman which enable Nathan to disarm her of her sword. He didn't linger on her lips more in fear of retaliation, but he did nibble a bit on her lower lip. "Wow! The feedback from the kiss is indeed real!" Nathan thought.

The woman pinned by Nathan chose this moment to recover from her shock and looked at Nathan in pure unbridled fury. "Bastard! When I am done with you, you'd rather wish you were dead!"

Nathan for his part found this amusing. He grinned roguishly at the woman still pinned under him. "I will assure you that you will be too busy shouting my name in pleasure before anything else."

"You swine!" the woman roared at Nathan and tried to swipe at him. Nathan's hold on the woman's wrists, however, remained strong thus he was relatively unharmed.

The woman would have struggled more if not for the sudden appearance of a blade in her field of vision which slowly descended on the woman's neck to gently rest there with a promise of ending her life. Nathan then looked at the owner of the blade and found a lizard man who wore what appeared to be an officer's insignia on its left bicep.

"Rest easy human benefactor. We shall take it from here." the lizard man spoke.

Nathan looked back at the woman once more and grinned before he hopped off and stayed in a relatively safe distance from the woman he stole a kiss from. "Let's not court death too much. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned as the saying goes. I think it also applies even in virtual reality."

The lizardmen surrounded the woman and bound her with metal handcuffs much to the amusement of Nathan. "And they bound her by modern hand-cuffs. Fight with primitive weapons like swords and then subdue with modern gadgets."

Nathan would have continued in his musings if not for the sudden voice that called out to him. "Benefactor!"

Nathan turned towards the voice and found a fat man dressed in extravagant clothes with gold jewelry on his wrists. He was followed by four beautiful women dressed in sheer-fabric that gave a peek to the treasures underneath. Nathan's eyes lingered a bit on each woman which they returned with an enticing smile that promised untold pleasures. This was not lost to the man that led the group but weather he was amused or annoyed, he didn't show.

"Thank you very much for your help benefactor! Without your timely intervention, I believe we would not have been able to pass through those bandit's blockades. Come, let's go back to my truck that I may properly reward you." the fat man gestured towards his "truck" as he beckoned Nathan to follow him.

Nathan nodded at the gesture and proceeded to follow the man. Two of the women from the fat man's entourage stopped on each side of Nathan and proceeded to entwine their arms with his. The other two did the same to the fat man who turned and grinned at Nathan.

Nathan for his part could only grin at the turn of events and eyed the two women on his arms with desire. The women giggled at this and slowly stroked his biceps with their fingers which elicited various feelings of want within Nathan. "Damn it! This game is too damn realistic! I may need to wash the VR suit once I log off! No wonder prostitution has gone down in reality!"


Nathan and the fat man were soon inside the latter's truck. Nathan thought that the vehicle mostly resembled that of a bus rather than a truck, but he kept it to himself.

He was seated in front of the fat man while the four women were situated two from each side of the latter. Nathan then focused his attention on the man which prompted him to speak. "Benefactor! Once more, I deeply thank you from the bottom of my wealth for saving us."

Nathan smiled at this and shook his head. "I believe that you have had the advantage since the beginning. A misstep in my part could have proved fatal not only to me but also to you, your men, and your lovely entourage. I was brash and reckless thus I bid your forgiveness."

The fat man laughed uproariously at this and gestured Nathan to stop. "Such humbleness! I knew that the benefactor was a noble man. Alas, that was not the case at that moment for the bandits that we have subdued were notorious in these parts. Your surprise attack gave us the opening to retaliate which led to our victory. If you had not come, then we would be forced in a battle of attrition that I believe we would not win."

"Then I thank you for your praise milord. If you would indulge in my insolence, what would happen to the bandit leader that is now under your custody?" Nathan inquired though he already inclined to what business the man in front of him have.

The fat man looked thoughtful for a moment before he nodded. "She would be turned into the proper authorities in one of the main cities. However, to do that, she would need to stay with my caravan and that would cause problems in terms of logistics and supplies. We could leave her at Holy City Desiderius as well for convenience's sake but since she operates in these parts, it could pose some problems for her."

The man then focused intently on Nathan and continued. "Or I could make her part of my merchandise."

Nathan however only nodded which surprised the man and his entourage. "You are not surprised nor averse to this?" the fat man probed tentatively.

Nathan looked lost for a moment before realization kicked and he chuckled good-naturedly. "Milord's business is his business. I'm sure that with thy lord's wisdom, knows what is just and what is right. This insignificant I have no right nor privilege to judge."

The fat man stared at Nathan more intently at this before he concluded. "Benefactor is indeed most understanding. Then I, Merchant Ammar, is in your debt. For your efforts that resulted in saving my life and that of my own, ask and I shall grant to you as long as it is within my power."

Nathan smiled at this and bowed his head to Ammar. "Lord Ammar is indeed generous. Too generous if I may say so. But that generosity, I will not insult by not accepting."

Nathan then faced Ammar and spoke resolutely. "Then I wish to procure the bandit woman. I am but a novice adventurer and is in need of all the support that I can get. I am not conceited to not know of my own limitations. As such, her skills would be very much useful in my endeavors. This, in turn, would spare milord from the burden of allocating resources for her while also saving you from the headache of managing your security personnel. Lizardmen are known to be vengeful when one of their own has been killed and the bandit woman would be such a source of enmity for them."

Ammar looked thoughtful for a moment but then nodded in consent much to the disappointment of the four women beside him though they did not overly express it. Nathan inwardly smiled at this. "Sorry ladies. As much as I want each and every one of you, I have goals that I need to achieve in this game. Explicit pleasures can be acquired at any time in this game but an opportunity like this is not. Heck! Even the quest type states that this is a Unique One-time quest!"

Ammar then took out a scroll and presented it to Nathan. "I, Merchant Ammar, agree to the terms of reward. Please sign the scroll at the bottom to have ownership of her."

Nathan briefly entertained the notion that this was all wrong as no man should ever have ownership of another. This was greatly frowned upon even within the game by the righteous players as well as some of the Non-Player Characters of the lawful alignment. However, Nathan banished these thoughts. "Whatever I can do to achieve my goals, I shall do. Relying on other players is the best way but who am I to turn down this opportunity. Maybe I could even acquire three more slaves to so I can run dungeons solo?"

Nathan signed the scroll after briefly reading through all the necessary details. Once that was done, a window popped-out in front of Nathan.

[Quest Complete: An Obscure Rescue!]

[Details: You have correctly deduced the situation and helped Merchant Ammar fend off the bandits. It is quite a notion however on the implications should you have chosen a different side?]

[Nevertheless, you have chosen the side of Merchant Ammar and gained his favor!]


[• 100 Experience Points]

[• 1 Gold Coin]

[Grade: S]

[Notes: Due to accomplishing the quest in a manner out of the norm, you have acquired unique rewards.]

[Unique Rewards]

[• Unique Rank Companion – Crimson Blooded Rose]

When Nathan made his research with regards to Parallel World Online, he had come about the information with regards to "slaves". What are its advantages and disadvantages as well as the problems faced by those who owned slaves. Problems, most of which were from prosecution of religious and righteous groups in reality. There was even a rumor that there was a dedicated guild from within the shadows that punishes those that owned slaves by killing them over and over in-game and to the point that slave owners quit Parallel World. There was even a pending lawsuit against AlterSoft with regards to the promotion of slavery but that was still up on the clouds.

Still, even with the disadvantage, Nathan believed that the advantages of having a slave far outweighs that of having none. "If I played my cards right, none would become the wiser. Was that the saying or something else?"

The scroll that Nathan signed soon glowed before it shattered to pixels. This confused Nathan much to the amusement of Ammar. "Do not worry benefactor. The contract has already been established and unbreakable unless you yourself break it or you release your slave. The shattering of the scroll is a preventive measure for slave owners so that not a paper trail will lead to the owner and seller."

Nathan then shook his head and smiled at Ammar. "Please, just call me Nathan. And thank you for your generosity. In the future, should I require the services of milord again, where would I look for you?" he asked as he gave each woman beside Ammar a meaningful glance which they returned with a giggle.

Ammar grinned at this and produced a card from his pockets. "Here is my contact seal. Should you ever be in need of my services, then just channel your energy to it so we can communicate."

Nathan grinned and accepted the card from Ammar. With their business finished, Nathan and Ammar went out of Ammar's vehicle and was greeted with an expected sight. Outside, Nathan saw the bandit woman from before geared with the same equipment she had during their battle minus all the blood and gore. Nathan briefly wondered how they did their dry cleaning but tactfully kept this question to himself.

"Benefactor Nathan, as per our agreement, I offer you your reward." Ammar presented the crimson-haired woman. Nathan then checked her status and was surprised.

[Character Information]

[Name: Crimson Blooded Rose* (Change)]

[Primary Class: Bandit* (Level: 25)]

[Secondary Class: None (Level: 0)]

[Profession: Slave*]

Nathan turned towards his newly acquired "companion" and raised an eyebrow at her stats. "A level 25 Unique Rank Companion… Is this lucky or what?"

Nathan would have continued to muse on his predicament if not for the interruption of Ammar.

"Here she is. If you would like, we could conduct a ritual to erase her memories of old so that she would be like a blank slate that you could mold to your wishes. This, however, has the side effect of her losing experience but generally retain basic functions. You could then leave her with me so that she would undergo 'companion' training. She was given the command not to speak a while ago which is why she is like that, but you could cancel out that command at any point in time from here on out."

The pure hatred on the eyes of the woman bandit now turned slave did not escape Nathan's attention but he paid it no mind. He also noted that underneath that hatred was unbridled fear for her future. Nathan weighed his options but ultimately decided that he would keep her as is. "I would just have to make do with what I got and improve it. Wiping memories might prove detrimental in the future and her growth. Also, I may have to contact that 'guy' concerning this…"

"That won't be necessary milord. I do not wish to bother you any more than you might have already been. As such, I think I will take up the mantle and train her to the best that she can be." Nathan replied with a grin.

Ammar studied Nathan for a bit before he nodded. "As the benefactor wishes."

Nathan and Ammar settled a few more things before they ultimately parted ways.


With the knowledge on where to go, Nathan and his companion walked towards their destination which was the Holy City Desiderius. Nathan for his part seemed to ponder on something as he walked while his beautiful companion glared bloody murder on his back. This went on for a few minutes before Nathan suddenly stopped and turned towards his companion with a grin.

"From here on out you shall be called Selene. You shall, however, retain the title 'Crimson Blooded Rose' since it sounds good." He said with a grin.

Nathan paused for a moment and pondered what he was about to do next. "Should I proceed with this? Once I initiate this, there will be no going back. And it might ruin Selene in the process…"

The woman now dubbed as Selene glared at Nathan hatefully, but he paid it no mind. Nathan then took a deep breath and steeled his resolve. "When we are alone with each other, you shall address me however you see fit. You are also free to act however you want towards me as long it does not harm me either physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, this only applies when we are indeed alone with one hundred percent certainty. If we are in the presence of others, then you shall address me as though we are long-time adventuring partners. Familiarity with each other will be conducted as we journey along with this world." Nathan continued as he looked at the newly named Selene in the eyes.

"When we are in public or at the presence of others, you will always adhere to my cues and decision as casually as though we have been doing it for years. You shall never lie to me however minute the details are and you shall confer with me your every decision unless danger befalls me that you need to make a decision there and then. You shall serve me to the utmost of your capability and will inform me of anything that I might have missed in our day to day lives. You shall never be vague with anything when we converse and strive to explain everything in clear detail. These shall be your initial commands."

The woman looked shocked for a moment before her face morphed into unbridled rage. "You bastard! I will find a way to break this seal and make you eat your innards after I gut you like a pig that you are!"

Nathan looked thoughtful for a moment before he gave the newly dubbed Selene an evil grin that sent shivers down her spine. "Now that you mentioned the seal. I've read a few things about it. I suppose that this is a good time as any to test my theory."

"You… You swine! What are you scheming?!" Selene accused as she took a step back in fear.

Nathan slowly and deliberately stalked towards Selene until her back was up against a tree. He then proceeded to invade her personal space and mashed his chest on her bountiful breasts which elicited a hiss from Selene.

"There is one function on the seal that was said to boost the capability of the bound by almost three-hundred percent. However, its use is limited to once a month. It could, however, be increased to a maximum of three once the slave and master develop a strong bond." Nathan continued with a grin as he moved his face closer to the pinned woman's face.

"Here are your additional commands. Every pain inflicted upon you will be pleasure. Every pleasure inflicted will be magnified by twofold. Any of those two that comes from me will be magnified by threefold." Nathan spoke as he caressed Selene's face with the back of his hand.

Nathan then went towards the back of Selene and without warning, cupped her bountiful mounds from behind. This elicited a groan of pleasure from Selene which made him grin evilly. Nathan then proceeded to whisper in Selene's left ear as he massaged her breasts. "For every task given by me that you accomplish, you shall feel pleasure magnified by fivefold. And any of them that I believe you accomplished to perfection, will give you pleasure magnified by sevenfold."

Selene bit her lip to try and prevent another moan of pleasure that tried to escape from her lips. She then turned towards Nathan with half-lidded eyes. "Bastard…."

However, Nathan was not finished and struck the last nail on her coffin. "Through all of this, you shall never find release until I say so…" he finished as he bit the lobe of her ear and pinched her erect nipples.

Selene can only moan in pleasurable despair at Nathan's assault. "Y-you… V-vile d-deprived… Swine!"

Nathan's thoughts, however, were on a different wavelength from his actions. "Holy flying caboodles! Did that twentieth-century mind-control piece really be that effective?! Will the commands stick? It seems as so with her reactions!"

However, ever so slowly, horror crept into him. "What the fuck have I done?! Shit! I got too carried away! Damn it! I acted like a twelve-year-old who just first saw porn! Argh! Was I that deprived?! If I messed up Selene, I don't think I can forgive myself! Damn it all! Damn that man! If this didn't work out, I'll strangle him!"

Still, Nathan knew that the damage has been done and he needed to breakthrough. He found himself at the most crucial part of the slave binding process and he needed to push through the last barrier of her will. He needed a trigger and he needed it right now!

And as if the devil herd his plea, Nathan and Selene found themselves surrounded by several bandits armed with swords. One of the bandits stepped forward and grinned maniacally at the two. "Well well well! What do we have here? Rabbits in heat?"

Cruel laughter echoed around them as the bandits drew their weapons. "Hey there pig! Release the whore and maybe we shall let you live. That is if you survive a slash from our swords."

Nathan found it stupid that these NPCs started a dialogue rather than attack him and Selene which allowed them to retaliate. Still, with the current predicament that Nathan found himself in, he was not delusional to believe that he has a chance against the current odds. However, this presented a great opportunity for Nathan to trigger and break Selene's will.

Nathan then dipped his head low and kissed Selene on her sinful lips. He then proceeded to bite her lower lip hard enough to draw a bit of blood. Nathan licked her lips and spoke. "Slaughter them all. Strike your swords onto their hearts. To each and every one of them."

The slave seal on the middle of Selene's chest glowed red as Nathan released her. She then gave Nathan a look that both burned with hate and desire before she drew her sword and faced the bandits that surrounded them. Her eyes, while half-lidded, gave off a crimson glow.

[You have activated the Master's Seal.]

[The slave Selene gained the buff, Will of the Master. All attributes have been increased by 500% for 10 minutes.]

Nathan was dumbfounded. "Five hundred percent?! What the heck is happening?!"

He was however broken from his shock when he heard a cry from one of the bandits. Nathan then turned towards the source of the cry and found that one of the bandits have died with a sword impaled through his chest courtesy of Selene. Before the other bandits could react, Selene disappeared on sight and reappeared near another bandit. The bandit didn't have any chance and could only die from a fatal wound on the heart.

"What have I done?" was the only thought in Nathan's mind as he watched the massacre unfold in front of him with wide eyes.


AlterSoft Sub-Headquarters – Quality Control and Service Division – Southeast Asia

"Sir! There seems to be an anomaly on the starting grounds." one of the male technicians voiced out in alarm.

A man wearing a supervisor's badge went towards that technician's side and looked at the screen. A couple of seconds of scrutiny and he turned back towards the technician. "What did you mean? Everything seems to be in order. That unique quest has been there since the start and only triggered now. Surprising but not that uncommon."

The technician looked confused for a moment before he typed a few keys and a log appeared. "Here it is sir! A player obtained a Unique Ranked Companion. The problem, however, is that the companion's A.I. tag does not match in any of our A.I. companion databases."

[System Console]

-gen companion VRP: LEGACY-0100102 key: v8kRLGK1wGsMnVm5J2VOu7XC6aIll/y88SQwvG8YnpA

-gen id 0118 –ult /all key: v8kRLGK1wGsMnVm5J2VOu7XC6aIll/y88SQwvG8YnpA


The male technician continued to key-in some keys and brought up a list of key codes. The supervisor's eyes widened when the technician showed him the list. The technician then continued in alarm. "This tag, however, resembles that of a Class X Calamity Level A.I. Boss from the Legacy Main Scenario that was never triggered! With the upcoming patch, this scenario will never be triggered anymore and the preset A.I. was supposed to be shelved!"

The supervisor then straightened up and looked behind him. He then leveled himself back to the technician, grabbed his shoulder, and spoke in a serious voice. "Those tags are just trash tags. No need to get your balls in a knot."

The supervisor straightened once more and left the technician's side. The technician however sweated bullets as he immediately keyed-in a series of commands from the command window.

[System Console]

-drive log del -shred /all

-terminate unit command code –ult /all


The computer screen in front of the technician turned off and he proceeded to pick up a phone on his desk. "Utility. This is QCSD code Alpha. My unit has died. Kindly send a replacement."

Above the technician, on the second-floor balcony, stood a Caucasian woman of Russian descent. She has a slim build and long-straight blonde hair tied into a ponytail that reached the small of her back. Her eyes were the color of ash grey and she wore a tight-fitted white top that struggled to contain her generous assets. Her eyes followed the technician who stood up to leave his post with a gaze that could burn anything.

The woman then held a tablet computer in front of her and looked at the screen. She gave off a sultry grin and spoke in a whisper. "Such a naughty valchonak…"

On her screen was an open command window.

[S-Admin System Console]

-execute admin VRP: LEGACY-0100102 key: v8kRLGK1wGsMnVm5J2VOu7XC6aIll/y88SQwvG8YnpA

-execute admin id replace 0118 –ult /all key: v8kRLGK1wGsMnVm5J2VOu7XC6aIll/y88SQwvG8YnpA


Nathan stood at his place dumbfounded at what has transpired in front of him.

All around him, bandits laid around dead from what appeared to be wounds on their chests. "Holy crackers! Did that really happen?"

Nathan then looked at Selene who stood in the middle of the massacre with a sword on each of her hands. She was drenched in crimson blood and her face was covered by her hair. Her shoulders rose and fell as she panted from deep breaths which made here voluptuous breast wobble enticingly. Selene's visage resembled that of demoness that promised both death and untold pleasures.

Nathan then swallowed a lump that formed in his throat as he slowly walked towards the femme fatale.

As he reached Selene, Nathan drew her into an embrace from the front. Selene then looked towards Nathan and hissed. "You… bastard…"

"Almost there… Dammit! This better work Roger or I will strangle you if I lose this companion!" Nathan then brought his hand on the side of Selene's face which she surprisingly leaned on.

"Hmm? Something the matter?" was Nathan's casual reply.

Selene then closed her eyes and held Nathan's hand that caressed her face with her own. "Please…" she intoned with unbridled need.

Nathan, for his part, acted differently from what he felt. "Please what my dear slave?" he intoned with confusion.

Selene looked at Nathan's eyes with a desire that could burn a normal man and bit her lips seemingly having reached a decision. She then held Nathan's hand tighter and what followed next would be something that would seal her fate and leave Nathan with a memory that would last a lifetime.

Selene licked Nathan's palm and nibbled on his index finger in a manner that would make even a strong-willed man melt with desire. After this, Selene guided Nathan's hand onto her breast and squeezed. A moan escaped from her sinful lips before she gave Nathan a smoldering gaze. "Please… Let me… Have release…" she uttered in between moans of pleasure.

Nathan mustered all his remaining will and dug even deeper into his core. He then grinned at Selene as his free hand glided to her other breast and pinched her erect nipple. "Hmm? Sorry, what was that?"

The blood-drenched Selene closed her eyes and mewled in pleasure as she tightened her grip on Nathan's hand that gripped her other breast. After a few seconds, she looked at Nathan's eyes and took his other hand and guided it to her drenched nether lips. "Please… Let me have… Release… Master…"

Nathan's grin widened. "You may cum my salve."

And with that as a trigger, the once quiet forest was filled with sounds that would make a seasoned sailor blush.

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