⁆ The tiny red light in the sky grew brighter... ⁅
⁆ --and bigger. ⁅
For a moment, Krysaos wondered if his initial judgment was wrong.
Maybe the gods hadn't forsaken the Realm after all?
Maybe they were sending down a bona fide hero of legend to one-shot the final boss?
Or... maybe it was the creation of some mind-meltingly complex 10th Circle Spell that would put him and everyone else out of their misery.
⁆ But... it turned out to be nothing. ⁅
⁆ It was... just an impossibly large, blood-red hunk of military-grade metal, flying through the sky like some sort of f*cked-up bird. ⁅
It was called the Star-Fury.
He'd seen the Divine Armor plenty of times in the past couple of weeks, but never moving.
...and never in flight.
Its pilot was an Archbishop of the Holy Country-- Natasha or something.
Krysaos had seen her exactly once.
Liked the color red. Looked young for her age.
Another double 1k release.