Natalya Crucis gathered up all her concentration and willpower, trying her best to murder Clayton Smith by sincerely wishing it with her mind, heart, and soul.
Alas, he did not fall down and die, frothing at the mouth and choking on his own vomit.
He turned to address the others, the boisterous tone of his words grating at Natalya's will to live.
"It is my honor to welcome you all to my *humble* abode and to my rrRRrrround table!"
"Like... it's a table," Said the Witch Whore, "and it's... round. What about it?"
"I am *glad* you asked, Lady Sapphira," Smith said as he... licked his lips?
As Natalya tried to purge the memory of Smith's disgusting mannerisms, she honed in on the name he mentioned...
Bella Sapphira was the name of one of the gladiatrices of Sol Invictus.
Bella - “Dude, seriously?"
Chantal - “Somethin’ about maid outfits --don’t kinkshame me.”
Sorina - "Nice."
Hmm. Arguably, nothing happens in this chapter. I think it's rather fun, though.