"Huh? The girl with the chest flatter 'an a washboard?" Krysaos raised his eyebrows, "What way're you talkin' about?"
Mina turned away, "N-nevermind."
"Listen, Mina," Krysaos placed a hand behind his neck, "Now... I know I'm not that strong... but everyone here-- they know me... that's the kind of reputation I have.
"It's why... I can walk around with my head held high... 'cause no matter the sea we're sailing, no matter the port we dock, my name's worth somethin'."
The mermaid girl took his hand and she held it tight...
Mina... she was a good girl, that Mina.
"But... your crew knows your worth, Krysaos... I know it. You're... brave. You're loyal. You try to do the right thing, despite the danger to your very life!"
Her... sincerity gave Krysaos pause.
So that's how she thought of him...
Also, the reminder that he might just die on account of his pride cleared up his mind a little bit.
Imperia - “Eh? Did you make these? They’re not very...”
Tycon - “If you keep complaining, I’ll take them back to give to my fire elemental.”
Imperia - “No, they’re fine! Um-- but since when did you have a fire elemental?”