Nova grit her teeth and tried to speak without raising her voice.
It was difficult.
"(Elder Brother, I thought I was the only woman in your heart,)" She grit her teeth, shaking in anger, "(Well, I, Chases-Butterfly, refuse to surrender! I will fight for your affection. And if you will not accept me, I will grow stronger than you, defeat you, and force you to beg for my forgiveness!)"
Notaku sat up on his heels... and shook his head, "(Not possible.)"
"Eleven heavens, you're soOoo STUBBORN!" Nova pomf'd down in the sand in front of him, "(It IS possible for me. My heart will never be shaken. When I hunt my prey, nothing can stop me-- not even you, you useless Elder Brother.)"
The man-child's face twisted in displeasure, signalling that Nova had won the war of words. Notaku might have been undefeatable in physical combat, but he was notoriously weak in a verbal match.
Yanaba: The common form of the Elven name 'Meets-The-Enemy.'