⟬ Flashback: Several bells earlier. ⟭
It was a notion that humans craved.
To an ideal. To a cause. To another human.
It's so valuable because... well, people are fickle. People change.
...And so, loyalties change.
Or rather... maybe it was never 'loyalty' at all?
Haelvia didn't particularly feel like she was loyal to anyone...
She didn't feel like she had to be, either... not on a personal level.
She conveyed basic human-to-human good will, but she didn't have regular contact with anyone that she particularly cared for... or cared for her.
Dad didn't count, of course. Dad was wonderful and she loved him very much.
She chuckled to herself, imagining what people would say if she spoke her thoughts aloud.
Loyalty was *huge*, back in Tyrion.
That stated, Haelvia was undoubtedly 'loyal' to her nation. She always thought of the Shield Wall of Tyrion as... romantic.
Immunes Haelvia: The tall, blonde, female armorer who pilots Divine Armor Gaheris. Prefers to be called Elle.
Guild Metal Wolf: An Ezyrian adventuring company, formerly attached to the Brazen Guard Collective.