Krysaos felt the rapier thrumming with power and he held it high above his head.
"I have the powerrrrr!!"
It glowed almost blindingly blue, shrouding the whole of the inner sanctum in its light.
...It didn't shoot out a beam of energy like he'd hoped though.
More than a little disappointing.
"Krysaos," Lieutenant Tycon frowned.
"What, may I ask... are you doing?"
"The Master Sword's choosing me as its rightful owner," Krysaos grinned.
"That... does not answer my question, Brother-Captain."
"(The CHOSEN ONE has appeared!!)" A clear voice rang out in Aquan, echoing in the chamber... "(One with a pure heart, capable of saving all the Realm!!)"
It was a woman's voice... and it belonged to a girl that Krysaos and Tycon both knew.
"Sea god's socks..." "Stars and stones..."
They cursed simultaneously.
Tycon - “It is what you wished for, no? A hot mermaid girl?”
Krysaos - “Oh, come f*cking on, LT. YOU TOOK THE HOT ONE!”