Becky turned to her peers, sticking the base of her trident in the sand and placing her opposite webbed fist on her waist.
"(See? I told you studying under the Priestess was super useful!)" She gurgled gleefully, "(I just got a battlefield promotion!)"
"(Leader Becky,)" Another sahuagin clicked in worry, "(Anaru was defeated in an instant. Maybe we should... leave?)"
"Speak... in COMMON!" Becky bared her teeth in what was probably a smile.
"I dare-sssay that these two gentlemen are beyondd our meanss to engaage," The male sahuagin crossed his arms. "Perhapssss we should take our chancess apologizing... to the Black Crowsss... rather than take a rissky confrontationn?"
"That's a pretty smart idea," Krysaos agreed, hoping the lot were as stupid as they looked. "Y'know, live to fight another sun."
"WRONG!" Becky declared, papping the base of her trident once more against the sand.
Tycon - “Have you anything else to admit?”
Krysaos - “I... I didn’t actually XXXX that Earth Shaman... I just got a XXXX and XXXX’ed her XXXX until I XXXX and XXXX on her--”
Tycon - “--hold, please. Say no more.”