"Doesn't matter where Dimitri is," Edge walked to the door, smashing it open with a heavy kick. "We gotta get outta here before the Church enforcers investigate the noise."
"P-please leave, already!" An armored Champion yelped from underneath a downed bar table, "I'll tell them you escaped!"
"Good enough for me!" Edge rushed out of the building, into the streets.
"Tell 'em heretics did it!" Lone kindly suggested.
"Just GO!!!!"
Rushing after his partner, Lone caught up quickly enough... and their sprint slowed to a steady jog.
"What do you think they want with... y'know... the items?" Lone asked.
"Hells if I know, Lord Ranger," Edge growled. "But I ain't betraying my country for a few silver slugs."
"[Then How About... Your Life?!]" A raspy voice cut through the night...
Lone threw himself off the road to the right, Edge backflipping to the left-- and both of them barely dodged a brilliant eruption of green flame.
Lone - “Thanks for asking the real questions, Edge.”
Edge - “It doesn’t actually matter, but... I... I just really need to know.”