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100% Campione's God / Chapter 1: Stats and Abilities:
Campione's God Campione's God original

Campione's God

Author: Zeus742

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Stats and Abilities:


WARNING: Will contain spoilers.


Name: Izashi

Age: 13

Species: human

Anime: Campione


Izashi is a kind, empathetic person, who goes out of his way to help others. He is also an intelligent, sly and carefree individual. When angered, Izashi becomes quite fearsome adversary. Izashi has indomitable willpower, supernaturally strong charisma which has attracted the attention of both admirers and allies, allowing him to even befriend his enemies. He is however generally oblivious to the romantic feelings those others have of him.


Izashi has silver hair and grey eyes. He wears a black Cross as a sign of parents.


- Enhanced Spiritual Senses

- Can sense magic within objects

- Magic Resistance (only vulnerable to magic the strength of Authorities or magic inserted into their bodies.)

- Authorities power taken from a slain god.

- Ability to learn all languages in a short period of time, including non-human language.

- Reserves of Magic energy (aka ki/chi/qi) hundreds of times that of a trained mage.

- Their body can produce magical energy to fill their reserve extremely quick.

- Campione's soul are massively stronger than normal people, their ectoplasm body has very strong presence. If they're proficient enough they can peer into other person's heart or even forcefully take possession of someone with strong aptitude for spiritual medium. However, in this state they can't properly access their authority. If they are desperate enough, activating an authority is possible.

- Enhanced lifespans. (Oldest campione are 400~500 year old.)

- Their body will age proportionately to the amount of magical energy inside their bodies. The more they have the longer they can stay young.

- Nearly unbreakable bones, much Harder than steel.

- Their bodies will be completely healed from prior injuries and optimized to perfect condition.

- Enhanced vitality and recovery speed.

- Immense stamina.

- They have beast-like instincts.

- Enhancing metabolism and body constitution. Alcohol and normal poison can be purged away instantly. Their body can resist a poison that can kill ten to twenty thousand people instantly.

- Their body released adrenaline about hundreds of times compared to normal humans.

- Their body will automatically optimize itself to suit whatever task they are performing.

- Advanced night vision, comparable to a nocturnal predator.

- They don't receive any increase in physical strength and speed.

- Their offspring will not inherit any godslayer characteristic from their parents.


- Verethragna

look them all up, so much work.

- Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi

Look up

- Storm Bringer(Black Blade) / Sword of The Beginning and The End

look up

- Lancelot du Lac

Look up

- Sun stealer

Look up

- Anti-Fate warrior

Look up

- Freya

Discerning Eye: Freya has the innate ability of seeing the color and brilliance of souls. She often used this ability while in heaven to claim those she took a liking to before anyone else. She is also able to use this to vaguely estimate the statuses of adventurers by looking at them.

Charm: As a Goddess of Beauty, Freya is able to charm both Gods and children with her beauty. In addition, she can even overwrite the charms of other Goddesses of Beauty.

- Zeus

As god of the sky, Zeus held absolute control over the winds, thunderstorms, rain, moisture, clouds, lightning and weather. He controlled the movements of stars, day and night, the sun and the moon; decided the lifespan of mortals and controlled the effects of time. He also controlled the powers of all his children and sisters, and could remove or grant their powers as well.

- Vaisravana

Water Dragon (Summons and Controls Water Dragons)

Ice Dragon (Summons and Controls Ice Dragons)

- Circe

shield of Gold - A vortex of light spreads itself out like a canopy to block and absorb solar attacks. The reason for this is because "an existence capable of devouring light must necessarily harbor light within as well," and Circe is the goddess of dawn.

Incantation: 'O light of dawn, offer up to me the shield of gold!'

Hero Confinement - Steal the Authorities of heroes, and heroic gods, allowing Circe to summon Divine Beasts that wield those abilities.

Warrior of the Bow - Authority stole from Odysseus, allowing her to summon a warrior who fires a magic arrow of steel at long distance.

Boar - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Summons a giant boar Divine Beast. Incantation: 'O beast that stands as the Persian Warlord's manifestation. By the bonds of wizardry, heed my call now and come forth!'

White Stallion - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Summons a white horse Divine Beast. Incantation: 'O immortal sun, I beseech you to send forth dawn's horse-drawn carriage!'

Bull - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Summons a powerful giant Minotaur.

Goat - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Summons a black goat Divine Beast. Incantation: 'One who enacts justice, please direct me towards the light and the righteous path!'

Gale - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Summons a small tornado.

Raptor - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Summons a raptor Divine Beast. Incantation: 'Evil ones, tremble before me, the one possessing wings...My wings shall bring cursed retribution to you all!'

Ram - Authority of Verethragna stolen from Godou Kusanagi. Circe never used this incarnation in her fights against Godou, likely having seen little use for it.

Eagle - Summons an eagle Divine Beast, possessed of sacred powers ruling over the wind and when combined with the goddess' power of the sun can become a firebird. Incantation: 'O one who derives enjoyment from flames, please bestow your pleasures upon us.'

Sea Serpent - Summon a Divine Beast in the form of a giant snake capable of releasing electric shocks.

Cyclops - Summon a Divine Beast with the powers of super strength and the ability to summon dark clouds in the sky and releasing lightning.

- Izanami no Mikoto

Yomotsu Shikome: The demonesses were fast like lightning. They had terrifying look. Their lips were greatly torn, with an extremely ferocious expression. Their loose and disheveled hair was long and unkempt. Their fangs and claws were also sharp, furthermore their body was huge. Their height must be reaching three meter. Their body that was covered with ragged cloth was certainly that of a woman. But their skin was white like corpse.

Yomotsu Ikusa: numbered thousands, tens of thousands of times than Yomotsu Shikome. They were the corpse demons that served the goddess of death Izanami.

Izanami can also command lightning through her children: Ō-ikazuch, Hono-ikazuchi, Kuro-ikazuchi, Saku-ikazuchi, Waka-ikazuchi, Tsuchi-ikazuchi, Naru-ikazuchi, Fusu-ikazuchi, the eight lightning gods. However, compared to Marquis Voban's lightnings in terms of might, number, density, and intensity. They're inferior in every aspects.

- Prometheus

Theft (Steal Divine Power and Authority from a Heretic God.)

- Sun Wukong

Transform into a fifty meters cloud capable of flying at high speed and creating a storm

- Perseus

Serpent Killing Words of Power

Sealing Authorities of anyone who was subservient to him in his aspect as Mithras

Summoning and controlling Pegasus

Transforming into light and moving quickly. Actual speed unknown.

Golden bow and arrows of light

- Melqart

twin Clubs

Yagarish the Chaser

Ayamari the Driver


Herculean Strength

Summon army of dead from the underworld


Control over sea

- Zurvan

He possesses an authority over Eternity, infinity, perpetuity, creation, and absolute destiny. He can erase people out of existence by rewinding time before their birth. He would've delete Erica, Liliana, Yuri and Ena if not for Godou's [Youth] granting them a divine protection. His authority is strong enough to return Aisha's body, memory and soul back to the time before she's a godslayer. Sending her into a parallel world 160 years prior to her ascension as godslayer. The extend of his power can create a fake history of an Indian maid Aisha in the world that she shouldn't exist. However, it isn't permanent as Aisha manages to regain her power later on due to Zurvan's miscalculation. His time manipulation can stop Mithra's death until the arrival of Veretharagna. A fragment of his power copied by Ame no murakumo no tsurugi is enough to open a time portal to 19th century. Zurvan himself can perform a time travel, although it's unclear if he can send someone into the future or not.

Since, he's a god of absolute fate; he can see and manipulate string of destiny. He can bestow a fate of devil king exterminator to any god of steel he's chosen. Zurvan gives Veretharagna ability to the great ritual of the Old Covenant during a rematch between him and Godou.

His divine blessing allows Mithras to peer into an apocalyptic future where they kill Aisha, causing her authority to run wild. He's also nigh-omniscience, capable of gaining knowledge from parallel worlds. Since, he manages to recount Aisha's life from her younger days to current days. He even knows her original birthplace, something that no one in the series has any knowledge of. However, he can't foresee everything, since he's unable to predict Veretharagna's betrayal.

His power over space and time allows him to control where Aisha's [Fairy Corridor] will lead too. Zurvan uses his divine power to intercept and change the destination to his temple.

Divine sword of salvation: Zurvan can use it by extending his snake to grab the hilt. While, his usage is brief, he's capable of using [Lightning of salvation].

He and Mithras created a sanctuary exist outside of time and space, called Temple of infinite time.

- Athena Pathenos

Control over owls

Summoning darkness

Death aura and spell words


Aegis Shield

Jet black scythe & bow, arrow

Serpent's Evil Eyes - Petrification

Control over snakes

Control over Earth

- Rama

Man of Steel: Grants incredible resistance to physical attacks more than capable of withstanding attacks with all the power of the goddess Lancelot, explosions (like his own sword), or the blows of Campione Luo Hao.

Arrowhead Album: Authority stored within arrowhead shaped medallions, which allows him to capture the essence of his fallen relatives, ie other "Gods of Steel" and resurrect them later as 'weapons' in battle to replace swords and arrows as the nature of "gods of steel" was originally that of sword gods.

Absorption of the vital energy of the earth: With this authority he can absorb vast amounts of magical power from the earth in order to strengthen himself. However, in return the land he has consumed is left a desert wasteland, the massive rise in temperature in the area causing an acceleration of global warming.

"The great ritual of the Old Covenant". His most powerful authority. The King of the End is able to invoke a pact similar to that used by Sun Wukong during his battle against Kusanagi Godou in order to gain amazing power. The condition for Sun Wukong seemed to be facing multiple godslayers and praying to the star of the sword god of fate that kills Râkshasas, described as an imitation of the King of End. The condition for Rama is said to be the death of a deity whose name is related to the covenant under the influence of a demon king, allowing him to exercise this power as the executor of the old covenant. with this enabled authority, his power is multiplied is to match the combined power of all currently live Campione.

Mind's Eye: With this skill his senses are increased to the maximum level allowing to predict the movements of their opponents, track beings with divine speed, predict their attacks and block them. It also allows him to detect hidden enemies or its approximate location, apparently is this ability that used to locate Campione around the world.

Control of spirits: With this ability the spirits present in nature will serve him, performing such tasks as decreasing the force of a fall or strengthening his powers.

Armed combatant expert: Rama proficient with all the divine weapons he is possesses, able to handle them with a supreme level of skill rendering him nigh unbeatable even when facing large numbers of opponents.


He wields the sword of divine salvation as his main weapon, which has the following powers:

• White Star: Create a white star resembles a mini-sun that can launch deadly projectiles that seem to have a light nature. The destructive power of these missiles resembles the impact of small meteors. The same white star or can be used in a similar manner to Godou's sun based White Stallion authority though with far greater power. Its limits are unknown however it has proven able to easily destroy mountains and level large tracts of land the size of a city. Has the ability to poison Devil Kings that manage survive being hit by its missiles and prevents them from using their immense magical power. Thus blocking their ability to use authorities for some time.

• Divine lightning of salvation: This powerful ray that is generated from the blows of his sword or in the form of rays falling steadily from heaven, these rays also possess the ability to poison Devil Kings, A Campione without a steel body authority will not be able to withstand two consecutive blows of this ray and dodging this Authority requires a divine speed authority. As a side effect of this power, each stroke of his sword radiates massive heat waves that devastate vegetation, wildlife and any structures within five kilometers.

Its true form is the Divine Sword Mandala, which allows him to call every single weapon from his arsenal, which according to his myth are gifts from various gods of the Chinese, Hindu, Persian, and Buddhist mythologies. It is unknown if he has also received weapons from other mythologies.

Among which are the following:

Arrow of Lord Shiva: this divine arrow is capable of generating powerful blasts of energy that destroy everything in its path, Godou estimates that it has the power to destroy a city like Tokyo in one fell swoop. According to myth this arrow is able to kill a Demon King in one strike.

Arrow of Indra: This arrow has the power of lightning and can devastate areas the size of a city or destroy a mountain.

Arrow of Mithra: This arrow has the ability to restrict the authorities of the god Mithra or his subordinates.

Hou Yi bow (false): A copy of the bow used by a legendary Chinese hero who shot down nine suns, the first black arrows bow with enough destructive power to destroy a mountain range and even an entire prefecture of Japan. Its power is so great that the monkey god Sun Wukong prefer to escape being caught in the explosion.

Hou Yi bow (true): The true Chinese hero bow, this bow and arrows have the power to override the authorities based on the sun. In addition Rama used this bow to shoot his other arrows.

Divine sword also represents the immortality of the King of the End and allows him to resurrect countless times on the earth, as long as divine sword remains. He can also disassemble his body to recover from fatigue and damage from battle. During this time his body is assimilated with the ground to absorb its essence for long periods of time while his spirit remains existent in the marking of the earth sword. However, several conditions must be met for the hero to manifest such power such as the existence of multiple godslayers on the ground indicating the end of time and it requires a great deal of the essence of the earth to preform the ritual.


- Spear of destiny

The Spear of destiny is a bladed spear that is capable of killing Gods and Buddhas. It can also extend and retract according to the wielder's will. It has shown to be capable of shielding the wielder against fatal attacks, and split powerful energy blasts with a single slash. It can also release enormous torrents of pure light that are capable of easily vaporizing devils and other beings of darkness and cause massive explosions.

- Divine Sword of Salvation (Excalibur)

Divine Sword of Salvation is a weapon meant to slay Campione. Because of this, it can hurl incredible destructive force in the form of a barrage of lightning bolts. When used at higher power, these lightning bolts become tipped with iron weapons. If a Campione is struck by these weapons, they find their superhuman recovery is useless, as the wounds will heal as if the victim was a normal human. Even healing Magic is useless at speeding up recovery. Only by triggering the Campione's natural reaction to combat with a Heretic God can the curse be broken. The true form of its attack is the Divine Sword Mandala, which creates a mandala above the King of the End filled with images of weapons, any of which can be summoned for use, or used in a barrage against enemies.

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