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96.96% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 224: Dream Godess (1020 Words)

Chapter 224: Dream Godess (1020 Words)

Dreams are weird but this one takes the cake of all that I have every experienced.

One moment I was floating through an incoherent mess of ideas and thoughts and then I suddenly found myself standing in a giant palm of a titan made from earth and stone.

The being then spoke to me, telling me that I was the first child of this world and that it was my mission to drive back the foul abominations that came to this world and enslaved it for their own plans.

As a gift and way to attain the power required for this task the titan who seems to be the world itself gave me a spear made of magma which held the power to kill one of those beings of the cosmos instantly, allowing me to grab the authority it had stolen from the world.

When I grabbed the spear, I was transported away and arrived on a wasteland covered in decay and rot while occasional crystals protrude form the ground like teeth of a giant monster.

I walked up to one of those crystals and was met with my reflection which was that of a beautiful woman with long straight golden hair, fair face and gentle blue eyes like an ocean.

It's a nice appearance but I didn't find it fitting for the task that I was given by the world who I'm just going to dub Gaia from now on.

As I thought that I watched in surprise how the image in the crystal starts to shift and soon the gentle goddess that seemed to gaze at things with endless patience and tenderness disappeared and, in its place now stood a tall woman still with the same long straight golden hair but it now framed a sharp featured face with piercing golden eyes.

This sight caused a ferocious grin to spread across my lips which my reflection mirrored perfectly, revealing two sharp fangs.

Now exuding the aura of a dangerous warrior with a slim and tall body covered in muscles that couldn't be hidden by the simple clothing which I'm currently wearing I rest the spear of burning magma on my shoulder and turn away from the crystal and examine the area a bit more in depth.

The waste land of decay and crystals also had occasional skeletons of different beings strew throughout making it pretty obvious that whatever being held dominion over this place was deeply associated with death and decay.

Thinking for a moment I shrug my shoulders and march in the direction of the biggest crystal in the area which reached the size rivaling a mountain.

If there is a boss around here it is definitely over there.

As I walk with my bare feet over the dead ground I keep an eye on all the bones in the area, death and necromancy are close enough related to not ignore the possibility of some corpses standing back up.

And of course, they did.

Not to far away a small pile of bones starts to shake and move before the bones assemble into three skeletons of what I guess would be wolfs or dogs.

Silent with only the sound of their bones clacking against each other they charge at me intending to rip me to shreds and add my corpse to the ones already lining the grounds.

I by no means am a fighter but this is a dream, I can do anything if I want it enough.

Gripping the spear tightly I spin it once before readying myself.

The skeleton wolfs soon arrive near me and I lung forward piercing the burning spear into the head of one of them and blow it to smitheries right before the remaining bones char away from the spear's heat.

Filled with confidence at the easy kill I swing the spear towards the next one, smashing into its flank and shattering its bones before it crumbles away.

Now really getting into it I didn't bother to use the spear for the last one and simply grabbed its jaw with my other hand and jank it to the ground where I then ram my heel through the ivory skull.

Laughing from exhilaration of this fight I continue forward but this time instead of walking I run.

Each step is like a leap as the ground soars underneath me and the distance between me and the crystal mountain shrinks.

Many piles of bones I pass awaken and tried to stop me, but a single punch, kick or swipe of my spear ended the undead no matter whose bones they are made from.

I'm not sure how long it took for me to arrive at my destination, but it didn't really matter as there seems to be a lack of day and night cycle anyway and I didn't feel the tiniest bit tired.

Placed in the front of the mountain made of bluish crystal is giant metal door that practically screamed boss fight.

Eager for a more challenging fight than some brittle bones I charge at the massive gate and delivered a kick with all my strength which blasted the thing wide open with a loud sound that only got amplified by the empty hallway behind.

With no words uttered and only a big grin on my lips I wander into the hallway until I reach a big hall where a crystal made throne stood.

On that throne sitting… or laying, is a giant eyeball with many tentacles on which more eyes are placed.

Before I could wonder what the fuck a beholder is doing here, the thing shouts something in a language that fail to understand.

So instead I reverse my grip on the spear and jug it at the giant eyeball.

Instantly the spear lights up in a brilliant flame and bursts forward like a meteor.

Another scream escapes the creature, this one sounding distinctively afraid and black water explodes out from the ground forming a dome around it.

Sadly that dome did nothing to stop the meteor like spear as it smashes right through it and hit the oversized eyeball.

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