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96.53% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 223: Akame ga kill symbiont (1594 Words)

Chapter 223: Akame ga kill symbiont (1594 Words)


I think to myself as I start to move around my body and quickly find out that I was trapped in a sealed container of sorts.

'Need to eat! Want to Hunt!'

This annoyed me and combined with the waves of hunger that come from every cell that makes up my slime like body it quickly turned into anger.

My movements become violent and in but a few moments I was trashing away in my small prison.

When even that didn't show any results, I screamed out all my rage while beginning to morph myself into different shapes of more solid nature.

"Oh? Your finally awake. Hahaha just in time too."

The voice says, but I don't care.

'Sound can enter my prison!'

I grin and my body starts to vibrate at high frequencies in an attempt to destroy my prison.

"Hm? What a smart little thing you are, but that won't work."

This time listening to the voice and taking its advice I instead turn to heat.

"Heh, your so energetic, so instead of keeping you locked up here lets just send you to do your job."

Feeling my prison move and connecting it to what the voice just said I feel a new feeling surface inside the current sea of anger and hunger, excitement.

"Have fun my little hunting dog, and kill all the pesky invaders that those worms dare to send into my domain!"

Something deep inside of me resonated with the words spoken and a deep desire to tear those invaders of which the voice spoke to shreds and devour them rose inside of me.

Before I could fully understand what just happened my prison disappeared, and a multitude of senses fired up.

Colors, smells and tastes joined my sense of touch and hearing, creating a nice set and filled my mind with a much better understanding of my surroundings.

Im surrounded by a great many varying bio constructs and a burning celestial body proved ample amounts of photons to allow my newly acquired sense of sight to discern a lot of stuff.

'Need to eat, am hungry.'

Priority number one quickly set in stone I start moving along the ground in my slimy form but quickly found it to be quite ineffective, so I changed it up a bit.

Adapting to my new and much quicker form of movement than to crawl on the ground I sling my body through the air by shooting out tentacles with clawed tips to take hold of my surroundings and pull myself forward to glide on in the air by spreading my mass out into a more aerodynamic shape.

It was then that I found my first prey.

A creature double my size and capable of aerial maneuvering just landed on one of the bio constructs and also happened to be in perfect line of sight.

Without waiting a second longer I shoot out a tentacle and manipulate it so that it comes from underneath.

As the claws latch onto the prey's legs, it got startled and tried to take off into the air but it was already too late.

Transferring my mass long the tentacle holding my prey I quickly morph the clawed end into a sharp toothed maw and extend more tentacles to wrap around the flying specimen to consume him.

Crashing to the ground didn't do any damage to me thanks to the lack of any solid matter making up my body and the body of my prey quickly got devoured.

Taking a second to savor the taste and genetic knowledge of my first meal I sigh in contentment before morphing my body into the shape of the creature I devoured.

Fluttering the two appendages required for ariel maneuvering a bit to get familiar with them I soon take off into the sky to continue my hunt.

With the capability of flight, it was easy to find new prey, it being a lot larger than the first.

Seeing the long-eared creature sneak around the bio constructs trying to hide from what I assume are bigger predators I took my opportunity and dive down.

The four claws on each of my two limbs used for ground movement elongated and become sharper as they soon pierce through the skin of the brown creature that only squeaked once before falling silent.

Collapsing my form back into its gooey state to consume my second meal as the mouth of the flying creature wasn't very efficient at eating larger creatures, I make short work of it before once again taking the flying form as it had to many advantages to ignore.

Taking to the sky again I spent a total of three cycles of the celestial body providing light hunting and consuming creatures inside of the bio construct made landscape.

By eating and assimilating them I was able to get a rather complete map of the area and when I happened to cross one of the cleared paths cutting through the forest, I happen to see a small group of three bipedal creatures making their way along it.

After my hunting spree I had grown drastically in size and now easily towered over the new creatures.

Diving down silently I shred one of them with my claws before they could react and then used my beak to pierce a hole into the torso of another.

Something hit my side and damaged one of my limbs required for flight.

Turning to the last remaining creature who holds a tool made from metal in his two upper limbs I eye the thing for a moment before deciding that it was no real threat and leap forward tearing it together with part of the creatures limbs off before ending it with a my claws.

The damage done to me already knitted itself back together without leaving a trace so I shoot out three tentacles out of my body and pull the corpses into my body to be consumed.

As I did something interesting happened.

My mind jumped up a tier and a lot of information directly pulled from the brains of the three creatures, which I now know are called humans, floods into my own mind.

Taking a moment to rearrange my mind and understand what had happened, I soon once again take to the sky with what these humans call wings.

A lot of things start to make sense now, the forest in which I hunted for the past few days was close to a place called the empire.

And deeper inside the forest things known as demonic beasts reside.

Thinking for a moment as to where I should go, I decide that while eating humans can provide me a great amount of information, the demonic beasts would be a better target to gain strength.

Its not like the empire is going to run away so that is where I'm heading.

Excitement bubbles inside of me at the thought of consuming those creatures as from what I learned they are a lot stronger than the common animals which I had previously hunted.

It took me a few hours until I spied a new kind of prey through the roof of leaves in the forest.

The boar like creature sporting stone plates around its body dwarfed its normal counterpart and looked quite fierce.

Too bad I don't care about something like that.

Diving down I smash through the branches of the trees around and crash on top of the demonic beast, but to my surprise the stone plates stop my claws from piercing right through my prey.

Roaring in pain and surprise it manages to shake me off but instead of turning to flee it faced me with big clouds of steam coming from its nostrils.

Having lost my air advantage, I morph my body to something more adapt at ground combat.

Using the body of a human as base and then adding all sorts of specialties of different prey I had consumed to it I nimbly evade the incoming charge of the demonic beast before jabbing my bladed digits into its flank.

Dragging them along as it passed a fountain of entrails fell out of the gaping wound, I created, and the beast collapsed dead.

Moving next to it I extend a tentacle and consume the body.

The gains of doing that came in the form of more compact muscles and armored plates.

Grinning widely as I add the new features to my new form I also try and grow a pair of wings, which worked wonderfully.

Flapping my wings and taking to the sky I make myself onto hunting for more prey.

POV: 3rd person

The empire is in a tumult.

While corruption and depravities are deeply rooted within the leading figures of the country, there has been an important change in the last years.

A group of rebels wishing to get rid of it has appeared and working together with the so-called Revolutionary Army is a dangerous group of assassins that made waves in the capital.

Night Raid, the group of skilled and powerful fighters equipped with special weapons know as Kaigu terrorize the corrupted upper echelons of the empire and hamper their illegal activities.

This greatly irritates the prime minister Honest, who is the uncle of the new emperor and probably the most corrupt individual of all.

Since the ascension of his nephew to the throne he had cleverly manipulated the naïve boy to line his own pockets and keep the kid in the dark about the horrible state the empire has descended into.

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