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95.67% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 221: Solar Being (1322 Words)

Chapter 221: Solar Being (1322 Words)

My eyes feel heavy and each breath grew shorter than the one before as life drained out of me like the steady flow of a river.

Dying is something I feared of doing since the moment I first understood its meaning, but now that it was happening this fear was dragged along with the blood that is leaving me until only a calm acceptance remained with all my memories of a somewhat short but nice life.

Threads of which I previously knew nothing about start to rip and snap and my consciousness slowly rises from the complex piece of art that was my body.

As more and more of my consciousness exited the embrace of my flesh, I start to remember.

This was not my first life, nor will it be my last.

Three different lives start to rise from my memory and join this new, fourth one.

Like streams leading into the same river all the knowledge and experience peacefully mingled with each other until I was once again complete.

I, Luminious, have completed my resurrection and am ready to once again join the battle for the stars on the side of the stars against the incoming abyss of the beyond.

With that yellow golden flames blaze up and shape themselves around my consciousness like a robe of flames that flicker like mist.

Azure blue eyes, numbering in the dozens open up all over the robe and three pairs of clawed arms unfold from the robe together with a single pair of blazing red wings made up of feathers of lava.

Reaching out with all six hands I grasp the empty air and watch with great satisfaction how six streams of light fell from the sky, each landing in one of my hands.

A spear, a sword, a tower shield, a war hammer, a grimoire, and lastly a lantern.

All of them are made from dazzling starlight, glittering with their light and vibrating with immense power.

Holding each of the six objects with my flickering hands I straighten my back and open up my wings as far as possible.

They went on until the entirety of the city was covered by them, spanning multiple kilometers each.

With a single mighty swing I shot up into the cosmos unhindered by physical constraints and once in the embrace of the stars reality wraps around me and I shoot at speeds impossible even for light across the blazing galaxy towards the frontlines eager to jump back into the fray after my two and a half decade brake.

Familiar stars pass by me, and I feel their welcoming gazes on me to which I send out my own greetings in the form of dancing auroras of golden color.

Soon I saw it.

The tear in reality had grown a lot since my last defeat but that was not surprising, death cant be defeated after all.

But it could be delayed, and that is what I and all my fellow beings are and have been doing since the tear appeared.

We work hard to slow the end down for as long as possible to allow life to flourish and new souls to life their lives, gather their experience and explore their potentials.

All will end, eventually.

So it's our job to keep the end away for long enough that life can enjoy itself for as long as it will last.

Vibrating with motivation I raise my spear and point it at the tear.

"Blaze o Suahalt!" I chant the name of my weapon and my whole body jolts as a beam of fire explodes out of the tip of the spear, shooting into the darkness behind the tear where it blooms into a flower of destruction that burns away millions of creatures with slimy tar like skin and glowing purple eyes.

Heralds of the end we simply call them, eldritch in their appearance and terrifying in their manners, but exciting like nothing else as opponents.

After my opening attack I once again charge forward as three of my other weapons start to glow.

Raising the shield in front of me I chant its name.

"Protect o Mortius!"

Surrounded by a golden sphere of light I fly right into the middle of the tear and soon was able to make out the individual purple eyes of the creatures filling up the tear.




I crash into thousands of bodies, breaking, crushing, pulverizing and burning them all as I dive deep into the mass of monsters.

"Shine o Odia!" I shout and hold up my lantern.

Like a sun going supernova all surrounding me got annihilated in a blazing glory of fire.

"Sever o Radiance!" Swinging my sword as soon as the light subsides a wave like a solar storm cuts a gigantic trench into the far wall of tar like flesh that was revealed after a spherical empty space had formed around me from my previous attack.

I manage to send a few more waves of from my sword before a tentacle matching me in size broke through the endless masses of cannon fodder followed by a titanic creature of eldritch appearance.


An unnatural chilling sound left its twisted maw that was halfway on a tentacle and stomach as its glowing purple eye that outnumber even mine glare at me.

Narrowing my own into crescents, which is my way of smiling, I lift my war hammer.

With another roar the thing lashes out with tentacles at me.

"Reveal o Exodemas!" A page on my grimoire flipped and I appear next to the giant herald of the end with my weapon ready.

"Shatter o Kallastin!" And the head of the hammer smashes onto the tar like skin.


Like lighting, cracks flash across the creatures entire body before it shatters like glass into an uncountable number of black shards that dissipate.

Finished with this opponent I returned to decimating an endless number of weaker ones until another strong foe appeared.

This continued for a long time in which I met a few other soldiers fighting against the abyss.

Some I knew, some I didn't, but we soon split up again to cover as much space as possible as our weapons of choice tore through the endless hordes with unfaltering enthusiasm.

To the likes of us this is not a chore, or even a duty.

It simple a choice that we made because we wanted to.

Its fun, its good, it's what we want.

With reasons like that why would we ever tire?

That is what I thought when a clawed hand ripped off one of my arms holding Kallastin my hammer and then proceeds to rip my body to shreds together with twelve other eldritch creatures.

I barely managed to put up a last stance by juking my spear down one of their throats and watch it explode before my body of flames shaped into a robe got squashed and snuffed out by the tide of tar colored creatures.

This was a new record.

Exhaustion slowly took over my consciousness that has lost its vessel and I reach out to one of the blazing stars in the distance.

Immediately I feel the welcoming embrace of the celestial body as it pulls my consciousness out of the tear and into its domain.

There it guided me to one of its gardens in which life thrived and placed my consciousness inside an empty vessel.

This would be my fifth life.

But as exhausted as I felt in terms of energy, my mind was still eager, spurn on by the breaking of my previous record.

So instead of hibernating and letting my vessel take control while I rested, I instead took control of it with the intention to relax this time around by exploring this world.

A spear (Suahalt), a sword (Radiance), a tower shield (Mortius), a war hammer (Kallastin), a grimoire (Exodemas), and lastly a lantern(Odia).

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