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93.93% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 217: AI Noble

Chapter 217: AI Noble

„Ugh~"With heavy head and tired limbs I lift my head off the table in my study and let my eyes wander over the strangely familiar room.

Rubbing my eyes to get some of the tiredness out of them and brushing the lose pale blond strands of my hair behind my ears, I start to try and figure out what is going on.

'Upload memories before synchronizing processing power with my brain and establish a link for sharing it. Then do a body scan and start regulating body functions for optimal health.' I calmly order my AI tool as I stand up from the wooden office chair and stretch my tired limbs.

[Affirmative: Memory upload, Processing power synchronization, Processing power sharing, Body scan and Body regulation will be completed in {24min 2sek}.] A mechanical voice said in my head as the AI tool went to work.

Finished with stretching I walk over to the nearest window and look out of it onto the green landscape beyond.

As my eyes wander over the scenery, I also start to go through my memories which quickly start to become very clear as they are actively being uploaded into the data storage of my AI tool where I can effortlessly recall and analyze them in great details.

'So, my current name is Abbigail Heaton, 18 years old and the current head of a small territory in the Monsiria province at the eastern edge of the Northam Kingdom. A single small city is under my care with four villages strewn around it. A big river called the Stilled River marks the eastern borders of the province behind which the great Darkwood Forest begins.' Focusing my eyes onto the glass of the window, or better, the reflection inside of it, my electric blue eyes scan over my appearance.

Pale blond hair braided into a bun with two bangs framing the fair but slightly haggard looking face with a rather cute, pointy nose and tired looking eyes.

Tilting my head and narrowing my already half-closed eyes a bit further I think for a moment before a realization hit me.

'I look like a teen version of Artoria Pendragon Lancer from the fate series.' Chuckling a bit at that, I turn away from the window and go to one of the bookshelves on the walls of my office.

There I take out the first book and start quickly flipping from page to page until I went through the entire book and placed it back into its place and take out the next one.

[Memory upload completed.]

Came a notification from the AI tool causing a small smile to grace my lips.

The sound of knocking coming from the heavy wooden door leading into my office draws my attention and following the memories which I now could easily access I speak up and got a bit dazed at the smooth and soft tone of my own voice.

"Come in~"

Following this the door was opened and a brown-haired maid with green eyes and black and white uniform enters with a tray that holds a pot of tea together with some snacks.

"Good afternoon my lady, I brought you some tea and snacks to enjoy while working." The maid says with a cheerful smile not the least impressed by my tired appearance.

"Thank you, Marie, if you could, then please search the mansion for all available books and bring them here, don't hesitate to ask for assistance of John and the other staff if the load is too big, thank you." I answer while watching the maid place everything from her tray on the low table in front of the couch in the middle of the room.

"As you wish my lady, I will do so immediately." With those words she bows and leaves the room while closing the door behind herself.

'It's nice to have capable staff.' I think and return to flipping through every book in the office only that now I sometimes pour a cup of tea or snack on a cookie from time to time.

[Processing power synchronization complete.] Came the mechanical notification and I feel how my thoughts become much smoother and orderly.

With the new feature now available I am able to comfortably follow multiple different trains of thoughts and multitask with no problems.

Putting it to immediate use I start to sort through all the information already stored into the database while continuing adding more.

Time passed quickly and another notification of my AI tool increased the speed of my work drastically.

[Processing power sharing complete.]

Allocating most of the processing power to help increase the speed of the body scan I cut the estimated time a bit future, and four books later was meet with another notification.

[Body scan complete.]

Pulling up all the data about my body from the data storage I carefully go through everything to make sure that there isn't anything that would spell immediate danger for me.

Luckily except for mental fatigue and some stress symptoms my body was healthy.

The fatigue is already being taken care of by the simple fact that I possess the AI tool with which I can share all mental burden meaning that I technically no longer need to sleep.

As for the stress symptoms, they will be solved once the last point on my list of tasks for the AI tool is active.

But there is something that caught my interest as it is something unfamiliar to me.

A complex set of veins that pull through the entirety of my body with three nod points that radiate some form of energy.

Quickly cross reverencing it with all information available to me I come to the answer that those things are something called Mana Veins and are the thing responsible for the ability to cast magic in this world.

Intrigued I add the task of performing a deep scan and analyzation of them to my AI tool while scouring through my mind for all information in regard to magic.

It didn't take long for the last task of my initial order to be finished and I could feel how a wave of hormones and chemicals washed through my body, sending orders to every cell and organ for maximal efficiency and in turn health.

My body started to feel light and warm as every part of it readjust itself following the chemical orders sent through my body by the AI tool just as the mechanical voice notified me.

[Body regulation complete.]

Now finished with the basic installations I could finally use the AI tool for its true purpose of assisting in research.

While it is busy collecting as much data about the Mana Veins as possible, I flip through tens of books as a fast pace in search of anything related to magic.

The knocking on the office door announced Marie and an older gentleman in butler uniform who I recognize as John, both are pushing a tray filled with books into the office.

"These are all the books currently in the mansion my lady. Is there anything else we can do for you?" John asks while looking a bit surprised at my figure sitting on one of the couches flipping rapidly through a book before placing it aside and grabbing another.

"Yes, there is another thing I would like to burden you two with. First off, Marie, please send instruction to the chef to from now on for the next few prepare meals following these specifications." I say and quickly jolt down a list of the most optimal diet for my current health and hand it to the maid.

"As for you John, I want you to look around the city and by books about magic and deliver them to his room." Both servants nod and leave the room not forgetting to close the door behind them.

'Marie seems rather carefree and doesn't seem to notice my changes much, john on the other hand clearly noticed but his education stopped him from doing anything or even questioning it in front of me.'

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