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92.64% Story Ideas and Beginnings / Chapter 214: Xenomorph Kaiju (1'504 Words)

Chapter 214: Xenomorph Kaiju (1'504 Words)

Consciousness pulses through my body which currently is nothing more than a camber of stone in the depths of the earth filled with wriggling and shifting biomass that has yet to take on any specific form or shape.

Reaching out with my mind I find a sturdy connection linking me to something big, something absolutely gigantic.

'Gaia.' The name flashed though my thoughts and with it a load of other information related to myself and the world which birthed me.

I together with eight other children have been created and placed in the protective embrace of the earth to serve as guardians once the shifting biomass making up our bodies has settled into a solid form.

Our job is to guard our mother and planet against invaders from other planes or the far reaches of the cosmos.

After taking a while to process all this information I set my focus onto my body.

The biomass would eventually settle and take a form fitting the personality of the child inhabiting it, but what if I could influence the process?

Eager to test I start to stretch my consciousness throughout my twisting body and try to give it a certain shape.

It took plenty of focus and gave me a headache, but my efforts paid off.

If I had a mouth, it would be stretched into a wide grin right now.

Anyways, letting go of my control over my forming body and returning it to its gooey mass I instead gather up my thoughts and start to plan out what exactly I want to shape my body like.

I took my sweet time until I was satisfied and only then reached out into my body again and start shaping it after my vision.

Time flew by as I was absorbed into my work but when I was about halfway done a tremor traveled through the earth and rock surrounding my forming body.

Following the tremor is a loud screeching roar that sound strangely alien and awoke an unbridled feeling of disgust and hate within me.

I wanted to just burst out of my earthen shell and rise above to slaughter whatever disgusting freak has dared to set foot upon my home.

But I couldn't even if I wanted to, my body is not finished yet.

Another tremor shook the earth, but this felt closer, as if it didn't come from the surface but from the ground instead.

Accompanying the tremor is loud and domineering roar of power that dwarfed that of the invader by miles.

A tension I didn't even noticed before left my forming body and the feelings awoken by the presence of an invader calmed down.

One of my siblings has risen and declared its challenge to the invader and form the sound of the roar accompanying its rise, the invader stood no chances of winning.

With batted breath I focus on the vibrations of the earth and the strange sense that allowed me to sense the presence of the invader.

For the next hours I silently listen to the reverberates of the fight between my oldest sibling and the invader until finally the presence of the invader got vanquished with a earth shaking explosion.

After this event I went back to crafting my body with new vigor and motivation, after all one of my siblings has already finished forming theirs.

Once again time blurred and I only stopped my work when another of my siblings rose from its shell in the earth as the number of invaders has increased and my first sibling could not be everywhere at once.

It had been a fair bit of time after my second sibling awoke and the number of invaders rose even future that I finished the last touches on my body and as if on purpose I felt the earth around me shake followed by the roar of an invader very close by.

Stretching my fanged mouth into a wide grin I flicker my split tongue out of my mouth to taste the air within the now a bit emptier shell I had been since my consciousness awoke.

Without future ado I ram my reptilian head upwards and start digging through the earth at a rather fast pace thanks to my sleek body shape and sharp claws on my arms and legs.

It only took me a few minutes until I burst out of the ground and was met with the azure blue sky and its many white clouds.

Basking in the light of the sun for a moment and letting it fall onto my pale white and dark grey colored body I take a deep breath and fill my large lungs with plenty of oxygen.

Different than my two older siblings I did not shout out my challenge into the world and instead quickly locate my target with the help of a new sense that I acquired after finishing forming my body.

With twitching feelers attached to my forehead I start running towards my prey.

My bipedal form with strong hindlegs surprisingly silently runs across the land as the long and flexible tail counters my forward leaning torso where the two clawed arms are tightly pressed against my dark chest.

The three thick tentacles sprouting out of the back of my head are currently braided together and their shiny grey color glisters in the sun while I enjoy the wind brushing against them as the distance between me and the invader continues to shrink.

Arriving at the top of a hill I look down and finally see the creature.

It has the form of a six-legged dog with cracked black skin from which lave flowed and falls to the ground setting everything nearby on fire.

Letting my tongue taste the air again I unravel my tentacles and point the tips of all three at the dog who has yet to notice me because it has its back turned to me and seems busy fighting against a bunch of brown furred apes that barely manage to reach up to its knees but use rocks and trees to harass the invader.

*Slick Chick*

With a wet sound three smooth metallic needle tips protrude out of the tips of my tentacles and I aim them at the unsuspecting prey.




In fast sequence the needles shot out from my tentacles and streak across the sky leaving blue lightning in their wake until-





All of them smash into the invader with great force that threw it to the ground as it howled in pain and surprise.

Pushing off the ground I start running towards my downed prey intending to finish the job but surprisingly the thing quickly got back on its feet, and I notice that only one of the needles hit anything important.

Two of them lined its back while one had impaled the left flank and disabled one of the tree legs there.

Shrugging mentally, I continue my charge unbothered as I still had plenty of plans and tricks at the ready to finish of this enemy.

One of them I start to prepare as the growling and snarling beast returns my charge with its own not really bothered by the lack of one of its legs.

The six feelers separated in two rows of increasingly length start to vibrate and glow in a faint blue light.

We get closer and closer, the dog left a trail of destruction and flames while I merely left a few deep footsteps in the ground.

When we were but a short distance away from each other I release a pulse from my feelers which traveled unseen towards the invader and passed harmlessly through its body… but not the needles stuck inside of it.

All three needles start to vibrate at extreme frequency and send destructive waves through its body that also happen to be extremely painful.


Roaring in pain it trips and smashes into the ground where it continues to roll from its momentum.

Jumping up I unfold arms from my chest and dig them deep within its flesh as soon as I land on top of it.

Rearing my head and ripping open my mouth far future than it should and revealing rosy pink flesh only interrupted by five neat rows of hocked fangs I bite down onto the black flesh.

The dog howls and trashes but I pinned it to the ground with my weight.

In desperation it tries to bit my tail but it is far to flexible for the restricted dog to catch it, instead I wrap the tail around its neck and snake it up until it bound the snout shut.

Having an idea I get off my prey and twist my body as if I want to throw the dog with my tail but just at the right time I reverse and jerk it back to the ground.

I got rewarded with a loud crack sound and snapping sensation before slamming the body into the ground.

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